Types of cosmetic surgery on the face. Facial plastic surgery: possibilities of modern surgery. Types of plastic surgery on the face

Lyubov Bykova weighed all the pros and cons of plastic surgery

According to the International Society for Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery (ISAPS), over 8.5 million surgeries were performed worldwide in 2009! And the number of those wishing to argue with time and nature continues to increase from year to year. In other words, plastic surgery over the past 10-20 years has ceased to be a service available exclusively to celebrity representatives: now mere mortals who are not alien to the desire to look young and elegant can afford a pretty nose, expressive eyes, lush breasts or a flat tummy. What does that require? Money, time, a good clinic and a qualified surgeon who will take on the creation of your new image. However, it should be recalled that any plastic surgery is not an ordinary procedure and not a tribute to fashion, but a serious surgical intervention, fraught with possible complications.

Past and present

If you look into the depths of centuries, as Angelika Taschen did in her book “Formula of Beauty. Alien Face”, which was published five years ago, you can see that the first plastic surgeries date back to ancient times: in India and Egypt, noses were ruled by doctors, in ancient Rome they practiced facial surgeries, and Chinese doctors even learned how to remove excess fat. from the bellies of the local nobility! True, during the Inquisition, all surgery "went into the shadows" in order to avoid being burned at the stake, which did not prevent the founder of plastic surgery, the Italian Gaspar Tagliacozzi, from publishing a treatise on rhinoplasty. At the end of the 16th century, he said the famous phrase: “We recreate, restore and make whole those parts of the body that were given by nature, but which then were taken away by fate, not so much so that the eye could admire them, but in order to support spirit and help a contrite mind." More than one century passed before this idea received further development. And it was developed better than others in the USA, where today, according to the same ISAPS, one third of all plastic surgeries in the world are performed. As for Russia, plastic surgery began to develop in our country in the middle of the 19th century thanks to the famous surgeon-anatomist Nikolai Pirogov, and the period of active development fell only at the end of the 90s of the last century. Therefore, there are officially just over 500 highly qualified plastic surgeons in Russia, and the number of operations performed annually is hundreds of times less than in the USA, China or Brazil.

Types of plastic surgery

Plastic surgery can be divided into reconstructive and aesthetic. In the first case, the basis for the operation is purely medical indications, in the second case, the patient's independently formulated desire. Special studies on the topic of which operations are performed more - reconstructive or aesthetic - have not been conducted. According to practitioners, their ratio is approximately the same: 50 to 50. However, if financial plastic surgery were more accessible, then the number of patients who want to “throw off” a couple of years would be much larger.

According to the version of the publication "Plastic Surgery: Effective Correction Technologies", the leader in the popularity rating of plastic surgery in Russia for 2009-2011. - rhinoplasty (nose job). It is followed by liposuction (removal of excess body fat), breast augmentation, blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) and otoplasty (ear surgery). The TOP 5 most popular operations in the world compiled by ISAPS look surprisingly similar: liposuction, breast augmentation, blepharoplasty, rhinoplasty and abdominoplasty (tummy tuck).

About the most difficult

Sergey Malakhov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Chief Specialist in Plastic Surgery of the Committee for Health of St. Petersburg, Professor of the Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, North-Western State Medical University. Mechnikova (St. Petersburg), I am sure that “the most difficult in terms of execution technique and the likelihood of various complications are operations on the face. For the simple reason that it is more difficult to “hide” scars on the face, which inevitably remain after any operation. And the more experience the surgeon has, the more inconspicuous the incision sites will be.”

One of the most difficult facial surgeries - rhinoplasty. Its implementation often solves two problems at once: the curvature of the nasal septum is eliminated and the shape of the nose is changed (excess tissue is removed if the nose is “bulb-like”, the shape of its back changes, etc.).

Theoretically, the nose, of course, can be given any shape, but it is most often unrealistic to predict a 100% reliable result of the operation in advance, and the surgeon’s efforts can be finally assessed only after 6-8 months. By the way, residents of the former southern republics of the USSR often apply for rhinoplasty for aesthetic reasons.

No less complex operations are breast surgery- augmentation (enlarging mammoplasty, endoprosthesis of the mammary glands), lift or mastopexy (breast plastic surgery aimed at restoring its height and improving its shape), reduction mammoplasty (reducing the size and improving the shape of the mammary glands). A prerequisite for preoperative examination for all patients is a consultation with a mammologist-oncologist. And one of the most common reasons for a second surgery for a previous breast augmentation is the thickening of the capsule that forms around the implant. In addition, sagging of the mammary glands is possible as a result of post-lactational changes. That is why surgeons recommend plastic surgery after childbirth and the end of the period of breastfeeding.

Liposuction- one of the longest in time and impressive in terms of volume operations. At the same time, when it is performed, skin wounds are almost completely absent, with the exception of some minor incisions or punctures.

Removing fat noticeably corrects the figure, changing the proportions of the body, but (!) Is not a way to lose weight or reduce weight. And if the patient after the operation does not carefully monitor his weight, then very soon the result of liposuction will come to naught. In addition, according to The New York Times, studies conducted in 2011 by American scientists from the University of Colorado on several groups of volunteers proved that the female body eventually compensates for the fat deposits removed during liposuction. True, such disappointing conclusions of scientists did not greatly embarrass the women from the control group - most of them confirmed their desire to receive the previously promised liposuction.

Another very common operation is blepharoplasty(in China, according to ISAPS, for many years it has been ranked first in the popularity ratings of plastic surgery, significantly ahead of other types). This concept includes several types of surgical interventions on the upper and lower eyelids: changing the shape of the eyelids, eliminating excess overhanging eyelids, reducing and eliminating "bags" under the eyes.

"Doctor, thank you! They don't call me lop-eared anymore!" - such entries are not uncommon in the review books of medical centers from grateful patients. Otoplasty, which is one of the five most common operations in Russia, allows not only to eliminate a visible physical defect, but also to get rid of the cause of constant stress, and sometimes serious psychological problems.

Question answer

Perhaps the most frequently asked question to plastic surgeons is: “At what age can you start doing surgery?”. And the answer is always about the same: “It depends on how early the signs of aging began to appear. The aging process in different organs and tissues does not begin simultaneously and proceeds with different intensity, which depends on the innate, genetically determined properties of tissues.

Pavel Kuprin, PhD, plastic surgeon, general director of the clinic of the same name (St. Petersburg), recalls: “Once I had to do a facelift on a 23-year-old girl. And it was not a whim, but evidence: a hanging forehead, a gloomy and unfriendly expression on his face. After the operation, the girl blossomed, her life changed ... And recently a 60-year-old lady came to the clinic, who would like to “make” her face. I examined her, saw an excellent condition and ... dissuaded the patient from the operation by offering her a small laser resurfacing.

ISAPS specialists have collected the following global data on age: about 85-90% of patients are women aged 18-29 years, 38% of patients are between 30 and 49 years old, 36% of women are operated on at the age of 50 years. It should be noted that the ever-growing possibilities of plastic surgery are gradually pushing back the boundaries of contraindications for surgery by age: now in the West, patients are operated on who are over 70-80 years old or more. However, doctors warn, reminding that plastic surgery for elderly patients is a serious test: they are long in time and very traumatic.

Another topical question: “What time of the year can one or another operation be performed?” Interest is far from idle - surgeons really observe seasonal surges in the popularity of plastic surgery. So, at the end of winter - beginning of spring there is a demand for liposuction and abdominoplasty, which is explained by the desire to prepare the body for the summer season. Yes, and rehabilitation with the mandatory wearing of compression underwear after such operations lasts at least one month.

In the spring, the number of those wishing to undergo facelift and blepharoplasty increases - as long as there is no bright sun, the recovery period after the operation will be as comfortable as possible. But rhinoplasty is most actively interested in winter, when there are no external allergens.

At the first meeting of the doctor and the patient, the topic of possible risks and complications, which are not uncommon "companions" of surgery, is necessarily discussed. Indeed, any operation in general and plastic in particular inevitably leaves traces in the form of postoperative scars. “But they can be of very good quality, located in inconspicuous places and barely distinguishable,” notes Pavel Kuprin. - I once had a patient whom I previously operated on. But I did not find a seam during the examination. It's both enjoyable and revealing." In order for the scar to become as invisible as possible, it must go through certain stages of maturation, which take a lot of time: on the face it is about six months, on the body - about a year, these processes take a particularly long time on the limbs. The probability of postoperative complications is always there, but in plastic surgery they are minimal - about 1%. As a rule, these are the appearance of a larger than expected scar or hematoma. Such complications after plastic surgery are eliminated during the rehabilitation period or during corrective surgery. Remember, complications are rare in an experienced surgeon.

In addition, patients are always interested in the question of the duration of the effect of plastic surgery. For different types of operations - different terms, which in turn depend on the age of the patient, his state of health and other conditions. “If you “make” a face after 40 years, carefully follow the doctor’s recommendations, lead the right lifestyle, then the effect can be very long - from 10 years and even until the end of life,” Sergey Malakhov is sure. “And if all this is neglected, then the “new” face will grow old before our eyes.” On average, enlarged breasts can please the owner with impeccable forms for 10 years (but maybe more - modern implants have a lifetime warranty), eyes after blepharoplasty - 5-8 years, and ears and nose will remain so forever.

Interestingly, some people seek help from plastic surgeons solely for the sake of moving up the corporate ladder. Juan Brou, a plastic surgeon from Oklahoma (USA), based on his own experience, even identified the three most popular surgeries among “careerists”: blepharoplasty (equally demanded by both men and women), facelift (women over 50 get the best result) and breast augmentation (helps in both career and personal life).

Future prospects

The main trend of modern surgery is the desire for minimally invasive intervention or small-access surgery, which uses the principles of endovideosurgery. The benefits of such operations are numerous. Firstly, a minimum of pain in the postoperative period. Secondly, rapid recovery and reduction of postoperative complications: patients practically do not need dressings and anesthesia, they easily and quickly return to their usual rhythm of life. According to statistics, over the past 10 years, the number of minimally invasive procedures performed annually has increased from 5.5 to 11.6 million (by 110%). The most popular Botox injections in this segment added as much as 584%!

Combined procedures are spreading, when several operations are performed on the patient at once: liposuction is most often combined with abdominoplasty or breast lift, and facelift with blepharoplasty.

Another pronounced trend in plastic surgery that will dominate in the coming years is the desire for naturalness. Lips pumped up with silicone and spherical breasts of the fifth size will not surprise anyone, today the most natural appearance is in fashion. Lips are changed with the help of hyaluronic fillers, which dissolve over time, which allows, depending on the result obtained, to either adjust the dosage in the future or completely abandon new injections. The optimal breast size is the third. A flat stomach is provided by diet and sports. In the field of rhinoplasty, those specialists who are ready to create an individual nose, taking the patient's appearance as a basis, are most valuable. In other words, perfectly even noses, as if they had come off the assembly line, gradually become bad manners. As well as too artificial beauty. But the final decision on whether to have plastic surgery should be made only after a face-to-face consultation with an experienced plastic surgeon. In the practice of the latter, it is not uncommon for patients, after a conversation, to radically change their plans to change their appearance.

Interesting Facts

New tax, which will affect those who have resorted to the services of plastic surgeons, are going to be introduced in Britain. First of all, according to Raut.ru, women who have enlarged their breasts will have to pay for their beauty.

The largest number of plastic surgeries Made by American actress Cindy Jackson. Her record - 52 operations in 30 years - is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. In order to turn into the most accurate copy of a Barbie doll, woman.ru writes, she had to pay a total of about $ 100,000. The lower lip is the only thing she has left of her own.

Unique development, thanks to which it will be possible to carry out computer simulation of the results of surgical intervention, a team of specialists from the Tel Aviv University of Electrical Engineering is preparing to present. As noted by Raut.ru, in order to see yourself updated, it will be enough to upload several photos to the computer from different angles, including frames taken by webcams.

Unusual beauty contest- "Miss Plastic Surgery" - held in Hungary. The main condition for participation in it is plastic surgery. Metro emphasizes that the contestants must confirm this fact with relevant certificates. The jury especially welcomes the plasticity of the breast, nose and buttocks.

Increasing interest in obscure procedures marked in the USA. According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), people resort to umbilicoplasty (plasty of the navel), plastic toes: reduction of the little finger, elimination of curvature at the base thumb and even shortening one or more toes so that the foot does not protrude beyond sandals and other open shoes.

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Nowadays, you will not surprise anyone with the correction of appearance, plastic surgery has gone to the masses, and we have all heard about rhinoplasty (nose plastic surgery), mammoplasty (breast plastic surgery) and liposuction (fat removal in a certain area of ​​the body).

But plastic surgeons are always ready to offer their patients new types of changes in appearance that are in line with all the latest fashion trends.

website learned what operations are gaining popularity and what else people are ready to go to create perfect image. At the end of the article you will find bonus, which will tell you what can be changed and what seemed impossible to change.

1. Hair transplant

Hair transplantation can be done not only on the face, but also on the whole body. For example, you can increase the hair growth on the chest and lower abdomen to create a more masculine look. And of course, surgeons have come to the rescue of those who cannot grow a fashionable beard.

2. Implantation of muscles

If you do not want to spend time in the gym, but the desire to look spectacular does not leave, then there is a surgical method. Of course, this will not add strength, but the look “as from the cover” is guaranteed.

3. Move your own fat

Surgeons have learned how to move a person's own fat through his body, and now silicone implants have faded into the background. This procedure allows you to move the pumped fat from unnecessary places to the right ones. In slender people, fat is taken on the inside of the knees, where almost everyone has small fat deposits.

4. Creating dimples on the cheeks

Now the dream of cute dimples can become a reality. But you need to understand that there is no way back - it is impossible to remove the dimples after they have formed. Therefore, as before any other intervention, you need to think very carefully.

5. Changing the lines of fate

For those who have everything according to Feng Shui and who meticulously examine the lines on their hands in an attempt to discern significant moments in their own lives, surgeons offer to stop hoping for fate and draw what you want. With the help of the surgical method, you can draw a new line of life, and all other lines that you want.

6. Calf enlargement

The fashion for sports calves has led to a new service in plastic surgery clinics. Silicone tabs will help to make your legs smoother and give the impression that you have never parted with sports.

7. Navel

If a woman has ceased to find visible (for herself) flaws in her own appearance, then just like that, she still will not stop. Surgeons know this and are happy to offer a procedure such as reshaping the navel to be perfect in every detail.

8. Chest for a day

The most insidious surgical intervention imaginable. A saline solution is injected into the chest, which increases it to 2 sizes, in about a day everything will return to normal.

9. Toe shortening

Women make any sacrifices for the sake of beauty and do not even want to hear about protruding bones, varicose veins and other horrors that can become a reality from spectacular heels. The surgeons decided to ease the suffering a little and offer to get comfortable insoles that will always be with you. To do this, injections of one's own fat are injected into the feet, or Botox can be injected into the soles to reduce sensitivity in order to walk for hours in heels and not get tired. And to make shoes with an open toe look perfect, you can shorten your fingers.

10. Eye color change

Lenses are no longer the only way to change eye color. The surgeon implants a silicone prosthesis of the color you choose through a small incision in the cornea into the iris of the eye. The procedure can be repeated by replacing the implant with a new, different color.

Plastic surgery has long become a reality and a common occurrence in our society. Innovations in medicine have made it possible to achieve impressive success in the struggle for the beauty of the human body.

Today, facial plastic surgery can offer a wide range of different procedures, differing in the level of complexity, technologies used, operated areas, and prices. The most popular, according to reviews, are the following plastic surgeries on the face:

Video about the procedure:

It must be clearly understood that facial plastic surgery is a serious surgical intervention that can have a great impact on your future health. Therefore, before such an important matter, it is necessary to conduct a thorough consultation with the operating doctor. The specialist is obliged to assess the condition of your skin, the bones of the head, especially in the lower region, and general health. To do this, it would not hurt to undergo a complete basic medical examination.

In addition, with the help of computer visualization, it is necessary to draw up a contour plan. After all, aesthetics is a subjective matter, and the possibilities that modern cosmetic surgery can give are quite wide. Therefore, before the operation, especially in the lower part of the face, the doctor must clearly outline the scope of future work, in order to make the most acceptable adjustment for the patient, and agree on the price of the work.

According to reviews, heavy smokers, as well as those who use any potent substances, should be especially careful when starting contouring. According to the generally accepted regulations, smoking is forbidden to the patient for a period of up to two weeks before surgery, and for about the same amount at the recovery stage. Be sure to inform your doctor about taking any medication.

Features of such a procedure as facial plastic surgery vary, depending on the individual characteristics of the patient, and on the desired effects that the doctor seeks to realize. The whole operation lasts for 3-4 hours; while the patient is under general anesthesia. Facelift incisions are made in the most inconspicuous parts of the head - in the scalp, and in the lower ear region. Thus, all the scars that remain after the intervention of the surgeon will be quite inconspicuous.

In the presence of powerful fatty deposits in the neck, a deep incision is made in the lateral-posterior direction of the neck, which allows liposuction. Immediately after the operation, the patient is inserted a drainage tube in the ear area, which serves to drain the interstitial fluid, and is removed after a couple of days. All open incisions are covered with a bandage to prevent bleeding. In general, all stages of contour correction can be represented as follows:

As they say in the reviews, a professional surgeon in a good clinic will perform an operation on the plasticity of the lower part of the face quite confidently and reliably, therefore, you should not be afraid of her. The price of the work of a specialist, in this case, is quite justified.

Within two to three days after such an operation as facial plastic surgery, the patient stays strictly in a hospital. This is necessary in order to prevent infectious invasion, or the development of inflammatory processes in injured areas. The doctor looks after the gradual healing of wounds, and if everything is fine, by the end of the second day he removes the drainage tubes.

Video: rehabilitation after plastic surgery

After that, the patient can be transferred to an outpatient state - within two weeks he visits a doctor for an examination. In the final - the removal of stitches on the 12-15th day after the operation on the face. The result of plastic surgery will be noticeable for the first time after three to four weeks. During the entire recovery period, the patient is recommended:

  • do not tilt your head too much;
  • do not engage in heavy physical work;
  • avoid active recreation;
  • do not overheat the facial area;
  • make trips to a beauty salon for myostimulation.

After contour correction, the skin of the face, especially in the lower part, may acquire, for a while, an unpleasant shade, and also lose its former sensitivity. Physiotherapy exercises will allow you to quickly get rid of any side effects, the main thing is to coordinate the procedures with your doctor, as the reviews advise.

Despite all the complexity and cost, modern facial plastic surgery can more or less guarantee a high-quality result that will not be overshadowed by secondary side effects and will persist for a long time.

In the absence of any serious somatic diseases, complications after facial plastic surgery are extremely rare. According to patient reviews, minor problems such as:

  • swelling of the facial area;
  • redness of certain areas of the face;
  • bruising and hematoma;
  • clots of hardened blood mass in the form of nodules.

All of the above complications of facial surgery, according to reviews, are easily solved - if they do not go away on their own, they are removed by medication. The main thing is that they practically do not affect the final effect of the operation.

Plastic surgery is performed with fairly thin instruments, in the presence of many the latest technologies. This allows you to reliably avoid scars, for example, so the cost of new equipment is fully justified. After plastic surgery, there is only an inconspicuous spot behind the ear, often hidden by hair.

The effect of rejuvenation lasts for 7-10 years, depending on the lifestyle of the patient. In any case, plastic, no matter how much it costs, not only provides one-time rejuvenation, but also significantly slows down the natural aging process. And this means that even 10 years after the operation, the patient will look better than if there were no plastics at all.

Today, the cost of a general plastic surgery is quite high, but we must not forget that this is a very serious surgical intervention that requires the use of many expensive materials and the highest professionalism of a doctor. In addition, there is a trend towards a gradual decrease in cost. General average prices are presented in the table:

Prices vary from clinic to clinic, but it should be noted that the indicator of the quality of services is not the cost of work, but rather customer reviews.

Plastic surgery in modern medicine is an integral part of reconstructive and aesthetic surgery. The goals and objectives of most plastic surgeries are to change the appearance of various parts of the body to improve aesthetic perception, both by the patient and others. The reasons can be of a restorative nature, resulting from injuries, the appearance of sutures from previous surgeries and the psychological kind, which are most often caused by the moral state of the patient, who is dissatisfied with his appearance, as a rule, due to subjective conclusions.

Operation types

A plastic procedure on the patient's face, which provides for the creation of a rejuvenation effect by removing wrinkles, nasolabial folds, by lifting. Manipulations are carried out under general anesthesia. The face is marked, after which the necessary incisions are made from the scalp in the temple area, along the ear and up to the hairline behind the ear, the excess skin is excised, after which a suture is applied. The recovery period takes about a month.

Front lift (eyebrow and forehead lift). It is performed by open or endoscopic method.

The essence of these methods is to remove excess fat, redistribute the skin and change the muscle tissue in the supraorbital and frontal region.

This operation can be performed both under local and general anesthesia.

This is a surgical method that allows you to change the geometry of the eyelids and eye incision. Distinguish between blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids, eliminating their overhanging or saccular swelling under the eyes. It is performed by creating an incision in the crease of the eyelid and removing excess skin, fat cells and correcting muscles. Operations on the lower eyelid can be performed using an incision on the inside of the eyelid. It is possible to perform circular blepharoplasty, affecting both eyelids at the same time. Rehabilitation takes 2-3 weeks.

Allows changes in acquired or congenital curvature or geometry replacement. There are many surgical approaches for performing the operation. Closed plasty is more common, in which certain cartilage or bone tissues are removed, and, if necessary, they are increased. The open type of operation is indicated for massive defective phenomena, in this case, in addition to the tissue of the nostrils, the vertical septum separating the nostrils is also cut. In some situations, secondary plastic surgery is indicated. Full recovery depends on the methods of the operation and takes at least 3 weeks. Septoplasty, unlike rhinoplasty, it involves restoring the shape of the nasal septum, on the recommendation of an ENT specialist. The goal is to restore nasal breathing. This type of operation refers to reconstructive plastic surgery.

Otoplasty (plastic surgery of the ears). The most common indication is deafness.

The procedure is performed under general or local anesthesia.

The method involves determining the appropriate shape of the cartilage, after which an incision is made behind the shell and the cartilage is shaped to fit the ear to the head.

It is performed by the method of injections or implants.

For injections, preparations based on collagens or synthetic substances are used.

Implants are used in the form of synthetic plates, implanted in the lips. Sometimes, together with injections, lip contouring is performed.

Hair for transplantation is taken only from the patient who undergoes this operation.

The technique is that a graft (a small area of ​​skin with hair) is cut out and transplanted into place of the same cut area on the bald part.

The number of transferred grafts determines the future frequency of hairline.

Mentoplasty (genioplasty, mandibuloplasty, chin plasty). The procedure is divided into two types: reducing or increasing the chin. It can be performed externally, through an incision in the skin fold under the chin, or through an internal incision in the area of ​​the lower lip. The increase is performed using the installed implant. The reduction is carried out by cutting the bone and cartilage tissue. This type of operation is classified as traumatic with a long rehabilitation period of three months.

Malyarplasty (plastic of the cheekbones). The techniques of the operation are similar to mentoplasty, the shape of the cheekbones is changed by the introduction of special implants (bone, synthetic, silicone). Synthetic materials tend to cause allergic reactions, and bone materials dissolve over time, in connection with this, the use of solid silicone prostheses is currently practiced. If a reduction in the size of the lower jaw is required, excess bone tissue is removed for this. Manipulation is carried out under general anesthesia, the rehabilitation period takes at least three months.

Cervicoplasty (plasty of the neck and subchin area) is a surgical operation, the purpose of which is to remove excess skin on the neck and under the chin. The technique consists in incision of the skin in the area of ​​the chin and ears. Excess covers are removed, if necessary, fatty tissues are cut off. After that, the incision is sutured with skin tension, which leads to the tightening of the integument. Since the human neck contains vital great vessels and the thyroid gland, such an intervention requires the highest qualification of the surgeon. The rehabilitation period is short, usually it is equal to the time for tightening the formed sutures. In some cases, this type of correction is combined with platysmaplasty.

one of the frequently performed procedures in the field of plastic surgery, is performed in order to achieve the aesthetics (shape) of the mammary glands or change their size. Often, patients need to correct the shape and increase (decrease) the size of the breast at the same time. The operation is carried out by implanting special prostheses, which are selected individually according to the wishes of the patient. They differ in the material of their shell, filler, tear resistance. Typically, such prostheses can be in a woman's chest for a long time (about 15 years), after which they need to be replaced. The choice of dislocation of the incision is negotiated with the patient. The implant is placed depending on the situation and can be located between the breast muscle and the gland or under it. To reduce the breast, liposuction is used, which does not leave sutures or the T-shaped incision method, which drastically reduces the tissue volume of the breast.

have a general direction based on the removal of excess skin and fat. So, classic abdominoplasty involves the total removal of excess fat and excess skin by creating an incision near the navel and on the bikini projection. This removes fatty tissue from the abdominal wall and excess skin. This operation involves the installation of a drain to drain the exudate. Postoperative suture postoperative suture in the suprapubic area. Liposuction involves the removal of fatty tissue by suction through a special tube inserted into areas with excess fat cells through small incisions. When it is carried out, it is required to observe the symmetry of the removal of fat, to prevent the formation of dents. The postoperative period takes 3-4 weeks.

Gluteoplasty (buttock correction procedure). It is based on the implantation of prostheses under the gluteal muscle.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia, an incision is made in the sacral region, after which an implant is inserted under the buttock muscle and the incision is sutured.

Recovery takes about a week.

Brachioplasty (hand plastic) is a tightening of the skin on the hands, usually in the upper part.

The method consists in creating an incision from the armpit to the elbow and removing excess skin and fat. Then the suture is applied.

Sometimes this method is combined with liposuction. The postoperative period takes 1-2 months.

Cruroplasty and femoroplasty (plasty of the lower legs and inner thigh). Thus, cruroplasty is based on the implantation of a prosthesis in the subcalf muscle or its fascia. To do this, the popliteal fossa is cut into 3-5 cm. Femoroplasty is designed to remove excess and sagging skin on the inner thighs. It is carried out by creating an incision in the groin area and removing excess skin and fat. The length of the incision depends on the individual characteristics of the patient.

Labiaplasty (plasty of small and large labia). Sometimes the indications are postpartum trauma. There are plastics of small and large labia. Operations on the labia minora are carried out by excising excess tissues, achieving the desired reduction in them. On large lips, plastic surgery is performed in order to increase or decrease the size. To increase, either a special gel or adipose tissue is injected into the body of the lips. They are reduced by removing excess or by liposuction. The rehabilitation period takes about a month.

Hymenoplasty (plasty of the hymen). Distinguish between short-term and long-term results of the operation.

In the first case, sections of the hymen are sutured, which gives a temporary result due to incomplete healing, in the second case, the hymen is restored from the tissues lining the entrance to the vaginal area.

The procedure is performed under general anesthesia.

Vaginoplasty (Vaginoplasty) involves the restoration of muscle tone lost due to labor or structural features of the vagina in individual cases. The reason for going to the surgeon is the desire to increase sexual sensations during intimacy with a partner. In some cases, this operation is indicated purely for medical reasons, for example, when the uterus is prolapsed. There are several technical approaches. Classical techniques are based on excision of the tissue and suturing the edges of the incision, which leads to a narrowing of the vagina. The method of implantation consists in the introduction of a special fastening mesh, which over time is covered with connective tissue and increases muscle tone.

Phalloplasty (penile plastic surgery) one of the technically complex operations is performed to correct or artificially form the penis. Such operations are indicated for many reasons, not only aesthetic, but also medical. The aesthetic factor is due to an increase in the length of the penis, medical reasons include penile injury, the consequences of malignant tumors, developmental anomalies. The complexity of the intervention is exacerbated by the task of restoring the urethra. The technique consists in moving the cavernous bodies, replanting the skin in the form of cut flaps and providing innervation that allows you to get full sensations during sexual activity. At the same time, vascular surgery is performed, for a full blood supply to the tissues of the penis. Skin flaps are taken from the scrotum, back or forearm. The rehabilitation period is 2-3 months.

Platysmaplasty (neck plastic surgery) involves lifting (tightening of skin and muscle tissue) on the neck. Often performed in conjunction with chin plastic surgery. The task of this operation is to get rid of sagging formations and sagging. Unlike cervicoplasty, manipulations are performed on the subcutaneous muscle (platysma). Plastic surgery is carried out by removing fat cells, creating incisions in the behind-the-ear region and tightening the platysma. In case of divergence of its edges, medial plasty is performed. The operation is performed under general anesthesia, complete healing and resorption of the sutures occurs after 1-1.5 months.

Panniculectomy (skin tightening after weight loss). In some cases, it is carried out in parallel with liposuction or abdominoplasty. Panniculectomy does not affect the manipulation of muscles and involves only the removal of excess skin. The skin-fat apron is removed as follows: an incision is made from the sternum to the area of ​​the pubic joint and a transverse horizontal incision along the pubic region itself. Excess skin and fat is removed and the incisions are sutured. For some time, drainage is carried out through the inserted tube. Rehabilitation may take 2 months.

Torsoplasty (combined plastic surgery) This is an operation involving the removal of excess skin on two or three areas at the same time. Refers to complex and lengthy surgical interventions. Performed as a result of significant weight loss. Removal of excess stretched skin is carried out in the back, on the sides, in the abdomen. The peculiarity of this technique is the simultaneous (on the same day of operation) disposal of excess skin-fat structure. Technically, it is performed by excision of excess tissue on the back and sides, and then, according to the principle of abdominoplasty, an excision is performed in the abdomen. The rehabilitation period takes about a month, the final result can be seen no earlier than six months later, since it takes a long time to reduce and lose the color of postoperative scars.

Reconstructive plastic surgery for massive external lesions is a specific type of surgical operations, differs from classical plastic surgery in that the patient in this case is forced to resort to certain manipulations that can restore the natural appearance of body parts to him. So, various injuries, burns, the consequences of certain diseases or classic radical effects can lead to irreversible consequences of a change in appearance. Sometimes a massive impact on a person of adverse factors leads to total disfigurement. Reconstructive plastic surgery of the face is able to restore the natural appearance of a person after burns, serious injuries. It can be combined with rhinoplasty if there is a need to restore the nose. Reconstructive breast surgery makes it possible to restore the organ in case of its removal due to malignant tumors. Reconstruction includes a part of phalloplasty operations. Abdominoplasty and reconstruction on the extremities allow you to remove sutures from previous abdominal operations or restore limbs, including vascular and nerve microsurgery.

Trends in world plastic surgery and the most popular types of interventions performed

Conducted research in this area shows that the number of surgical procedures of this type is steadily increasing. If we consider the trends in the increase in the number of these operations since the beginning of the 21st century, we can see that the annual increase in interventions is about 10%, that is, in each subsequent year, the number of patients undergoing plastic surgery of any body parts increases.

There are certain types of operations that are most popular in the world, and in different countries their rating may change, but at the same time, according to their classification, they remain the most frequently performed.

List of the most popular interventions according to world statistics:

  • mammoplasty (corrective breast surgery);
  • liposuction (removal of fatty deposits);
  • blepharoplasty (eyelid correction);
  • abdominoplasty (correction in the abdomen and waist area);
  • rhinoplasty (surgery to change the shape of the nose).

Frequency of performed plastic procedures in Russia:

  • rhinoplasty;
  • liposuction;
  • blepharoplasty;
  • mammoplasty;
  • abdominoplasty.

That is, there are approximately the same types of polarity operations with different ratings.

Features of psychological moments

By carrying out plastic surgery of various directions, it is possible to achieve two positive moments at once. The first is to recreate the required aesthetic component, the second moment has a direct impact on the psycho-emotional state of the patient. A successful procedure helps a person get rid of a set of certain complexes associated with an unsatisfactory (even in his subjective opinion) state of any parts of the body. On a global level, aesthetic surgery has a beneficial effect on the mental component of the patient.

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The appearance of a person has a significant impact on the moral state of a person, and sometimes even determines his fate. That is why for many it is extremely important how they look. Some people are extremely critical of themselves, so they are ready to do anything in order to have plastic surgery and get closer to the ideal. They are ready to go through dozens of surgical interventions, to take on credit the missing amount for plastic surgery, to go through a long and far from always pleasant rehabilitation period. As a result, many manage to start life from scratch and become a successful and happy person.

What are plastic surgeries

Modern aesthetic medicine solves almost any problem associated with external imperfections. All operations are divided into two main groups: reconstruction and plastic surgery.

Reconstruction is usually performed for medical reasons and its main purpose is to restore the function of a particular part of the body. Such interventions are relevant for patients after serious injuries, unsuccessful operations, and those with congenital malformations. Plastic surgery is purely aesthetic. Its purpose is to make the patient more attractive.

The same intervention can be both aesthetic and reconstructive. An example is rhinoplasty. If the patient has a deviated nasal septum that causes respiratory failure, the intervention will be reconstructive, if the person simply does not like the shape of his nose, this is an aesthetic operation.

Today there are many types of plastic surgery. Here are the most popular destinations:

  • mammoplasty;
  • liposuction and lipofilling;
  • rhinoplasty;
  • lifting;
  • cheiloplasty;
  • abdominoplasty.

Undoubtedly, the most popular area is mammoplasty. Many women want to enlarge their breasts or change their shape, because they believe that the bust is the first thing that attracts the attention of men. There are many ways to do this, from implants to breast modeling using your own adipose tissue. There are also those who want to reduce their breasts. Nothing is impossible for aesthetic surgeons.

No less topical issue is the preservation of youth. Wrinkles and blurry facial contours do not adorn anyone, so most women make every effort to get rid of these manifestations. Russian and foreign stars are especially eager to save their face. They are ready to do dozens of braces, lifts, Botox injections to look attractive.

Liposuction closes the top three most popular procedures. Slenderness is considered a sign of youth and beauty, so overweight women are constantly struggling with extra pounds. The fastest and most reliable way to lose weight is liposuction. The technique not only allows you to eliminate excess weight, but also to model the figure.

Today, sensual, voluminous lips are in trend. And it does not matter if nature has not made such a gift. The possibilities of plastic surgery allow you to adjust the shape and volume of each lip, create a bright, attractive image.

Eyes, cheeks, jaws, neck, chin, ears are also often subject to correction. Thanks to plastic surgeons, you can create almost any image and get closer to your own ideal.

To do or not to do plastic

There can be no single answer to this question, as they say: to each his own. If a person has congenital or acquired anomalies, here the answer is unambiguous: of course, do it. But why do those who are quite naturally pretty come to plastic surgeons?

The fact is that each person sees himself in a specific image, wants to occupy a certain position in society. The appearance given by nature often does not correspond to these ideas, which sometimes causes moral discomfort and serious mental disorders. It is plastic surgery that helps such people restore inner balance, gain self-confidence. In this case, it is worth deciding on plastic surgery, but you need to know the measure and realize what kind of result is needed and whether it is possible. We must not forget that there are many people for whom plastic surgery has become an obsession. This encourages them to perform one operation after another, in the end not improving their appearance, but disfiguring it.

If you are thinking about plastic, evaluate your own health. You need to understand that this is a surgical operation, and only a healthy, strong body can tolerate it well and recover quickly. A sick heart, diabetes mellitus, reduced immunity and many other diseases are also contraindications for plastic surgery. If you have serious problems, then you should not take risks, because health is more expensive than a beautiful appearance.

An obstacle for many is the cost of plastic surgery. It is worth noting that beauty is not cheap. But if there is an irresistible desire, it is possible to find the right amount of money. Many people invest in their appearance, and for good reason. Original appearance helped them become famous and make a solid profit.

Of course, the best option is to perceive ourselves as we are, love our appearance, and consider flaws as a sign of individuality. But not everyone succeeds. If the desire to transform does not leave you, why not take the chance that plastic surgeons give us!