Holiday for elementary school students on the theme: Fairy Tales. Scenario. Scenario for a children's birthday in the form of fairy tales. Birthday script “Visiting a fairy tale” Script for a holiday in the world of good fairy tales

Magical music.
Storyteller: Learned? I'm a storyteller! Hello children!
I've been walking the earth for many centuries
With a magic book in carved binding
You won't find anything like this anywhere else in the world.
I leaf through it page by page,
And so, in front of us they walk in a line
All old fairy tales and new ones, however,
All good fairy tales, and very scary ones.
Funny, sad, different fairy tales...
And for each there is a key on this bunch.
He is the door from a fairy tale
will open before you
And he will lead you into the world of magic.
Today we are going on a journey through the pages of our favorite books. Tell me, how do fairy tales usually begin? (In some kingdom, once upon a time, etc.) Well done, you know. And also, usually in fairy tales the main characters save someone, free someone. Let's start by freeing the butterflies from the web.
(guess riddles written on butterflies)
And now, off to the fairy tale!
(Brownie runs out)
Kuzya: Oh, bad, bad, sad. There is no mink, no crack, no closet. I have nowhere to hide.
Storyteller: Kuzenka, why do you need a closet?
Kuzya: These are the dull ones. The chest needs to be hidden. I have all sorts of things in my chest. The heroes of various fairy tales lost them. And now I take care of them.
Storyteller: Kuzenka, let the guys help you find their owners. You show things, and the guys will say whose they are.
(golden key; glasses; bottle with the inscription “Drink me”;
Little Red Riding Hood; walnut shell; orange tie;
thermometer; clew; silver saucer and pouring apple;
wrench; Malachite Box; "the king's new dress";
chicken feather; pea, scarlet flower)
Storyteller: You see, Kuzenka, there’s no need to hide anything. All the owners were found. These are the wonderful guys we have.
Kuzya: Just think, you guessed right. But I can fly on a broom.
Storyteller: So take it and teach the guys.
(Kuzya recruits teams of three people. Riding on a mop, they must run
between the pins depicting trees in the forest, and don’t knock them down)
Storyteller: And the thick forest was left behind.
Kuzya: Oh, I'm chatting with you. And my hut there was left unattended. Oh, my bad, my bad grief. (runs away)
Storyteller: Guys, we ended up near the village of Prostokvashino. The heroes of Eduard Uspensky's fairy tales live here. Let's talk about them.
1) Tell me how to eat a sandwich correctly to make it taste better?
2) What three purchases did Uncle Fyodor and his friends make when they found the treasure?
3) What was the name of the tractor and what did it work on?
4) How did friends heat their house?
5) What prize did Uncle Fyodor’s parents promise to anyone who found their son?
6) Why did Matroskin dye his mustache and sit in the basement?
7) Where did Cheburashka live in the city?
8) When the girl Galya got sick, who played Little Red Riding Hood instead of her?
9) Where and with whom did the crocodile Gena work?
10) What did the crocodile Gena and his friends build?

Let us also build a House of Friendship.
(two teams compete, each receives a set of cubes, in turn they need to run to a chair and bring one brick - a cube, the team that puts together their house of cubes the fastest wins)
Loud roar.
Storyteller: Who is this crying in our house of friendship.
Princess Nesmeyana appears
Storyteller: What happened, who offended you?
Nesmeyana: The mirror offended me. There, someone else always turns out instead of me. (crying)
Storyteller: Who is the other one?
Nesmeyana: I don’t know... (crying)
Storyteller: Guys, let's help Nesmeyane. Show us your mirror.
1) A woman wrapped in the finest white tulle, which seemed to be woven from millions of snow stars. She was extraordinarily beautiful. But it's all made of ice. Of dazzling sparkling ice.
2) He was wearing canary yellow trousers and an orange shirt with a green tie. On his head is a blue hat.
3) His thick, unkempt beard dragged along the floor, his bulging eyes rolled, his huge mouth clanged its teeth, as if it were not a man, but a crocodile.
4) In the very cup of the flower sat a little man, white and transparent, like crystal. A crown shone on his head, and shiny wings fluttered behind his shoulders.
5) He has blackening on his neck, there is a blot under his nose. His hands are so bad that even his trousers have come off.
6) He scraped the bottom of the tree, swept the barn, and chilled the window.
7) There was a long pole near the fence, with a straw scarecrow sticking out on it to drive away the birds. The head of the stuffed animal was made of a bag filled with straw, with eyes and a mouth painted on it, so that it looked like a funny human face. The scarecrow was dressed in a worn blue caftan; Here and there straw stuck out from the holes in the caftan. On his head was an old shabby hat, from which the bells had been cut off, and on his feet were old blue boots, such as men wore in this country. The scarecrow had a funny and at the same time good-natured appearance.
8) the cutest of all is the youngest, with skin as clear and tender as a rose petal, with eyes blue and deep as the sea. Only she, like the others, didn’t have legs, but instead had a tail, like a fish.

Storyteller: You see, it’s okay, it’s just that the heroes of different fairy tales were reflected in your mirror. Why are you still crying?
Nesmeyana: Because I'm bored... (roars)
Storyteller: Oh, guys, she’ll drown all our fairy tales. Let's try to make her laugh. Nesmeyana, look, we have the Firebird. Now Alyonushki and Ivanushki will pull out one feather from her tail and complete tasks.
1. Dance like a robot.
2. Show how a zoologist catches a butterfly.
3. Try to portray a tank using gestures, movements and sounds.
4. Draw a picture of a trumpeter whose trousers are falling down.
5. Picture a guitarist whose back is itchy.
6. Read the poem ___ as if:
a) you really want to sleep;
b) you are very cold;
c) you are three years old.
Storyteller: Finally, our Nesmeyana cheered up.
Nesmeyana: Thank you guys. I’m going into my fairy tale, and I want to give you a ball. He will take you home.
Storyteller: Indeed, guys, it’s time for us to go home.
(two teams line up like a train behind each other, the first player receives a “ball” ball,
they pass it over their heads through their hands, the last player, having received the ball, runs forward. The game continues until all players have changed places)
Storyteller: Our journey through fairy tales ends. Before we leave, let's play some more. I will name the hero of some fairy tale and throw you a ball, the one who catches it will have to name his friends.
Ivan Tsarevich; Aladdin; Carlson; Cheburashka; Ellie; Cheshire Cat; Artemon; cog; Kai; Matroskin; Hottabych; Nif-nif; Dr. Aibolit.

Well done boys. Our journey has come to an end. See you again!

Organizing time.

The hall where the celebration is held is divided into two parts. One - the performers of the performance - is used as a stage, and the second has chairs where spectators participating in the quiz will be seated.

Christmas trees are placed on the stage and a tower is installed. The melody “Visiting a Fairy Tale” plays.

The Mushroom and the Jester froze under the fir trees. The Storyteller comes out.

Storyteller: My path is not far, not close,

I walked and walked, low bow to you.

Fairy tales are asked here.

Should I invite them, children?

Children: Yes!

The storyteller touches the Jester and the Mushroom with her magic wand. Heroes come to life.

Mushroom: We kindly ask you to come in

To our spacious book house!

We beg you: take a look,

How joyfully we live.

Jester: Good school today

The hall is on fire.

We are on our merry holiday

We invite all our friends!

Teacher: The fairy tale has a pure soul,

Like a forest stream.

She comes slowly

In the cool hour of the night.

The native people are its creator,

A cunning people, a wise people,

He put his dream into it,

Like gold in a casket.

The fairy tale was born a long time ago, before people learned to read and write. Fairy tales were composed by folk dreamers and told to family and friends. So the tale spread from mouth to mouth.

Storyteller: Let's open the curtain-veil

And before us for a moment

The wonderful forest spread its branches

And, holding back the excitement slightly,

Let's enter the world of fairy tales and miracles.

Today we will take you on a fascinating journey to the land of fairy tales.

Have a nice trip!

Mushroom: Miracles await us in this hall today.

Do you hear? Here the voices of good fairy tales come to life.

Main part.

Storyteller: To invite a fairy tale,

We must repeat it loudly:

Fairy tale, fairy tale, tell me!

Children: Fairy tale, fairy tale, tell me!

Baba Yaga flies in on a broom and screams loudly.

Baba Yaga: Beware! Disperse!

All over the place, stop!

What kind of gathering are you having?

At an inopportune winter hour?

Where have you seen me

Is there any fun here?

That's enough, it's over, friends.

Hey, unclean one, come here!

An evil spirit runs into the hall and runs around the hall.

Storyteller: Baba Yaga, why do you want to stop the holiday? Our kids want to have fun!

Baba Yaga: What do I care? I do what I want!

Storyteller: The guys and I called for a fairy tale. Where are you taking her?

Baba Yaga: I saw your fairy tale

At Koshchei's palace.

I can replace it for you

I'll change my face now.

He takes out the powder and powders himself.

I am a fairytale element,

I have a document

I fly on my broom

And I scare the kids.

Storyteller: What are you, Babushka Yaga,

Scary things are not allowed for children

We need to rescue a fairy tale.

Should we send you?

Baba Yaga: I won't even think about it.

Give me my broom.

Seeing the boys' pitiful eyes, Baba Yaga agrees.

Well! Let the heroes of fairy tales give us warmth. May good triumph over evil forever.

Sounds "Song about a fairy tale" performed by two girls.

Baba Yaga: I'm glad to help you in trouble,

But I expect a reward from you.

Mushroom: Grandma, don't waste time

And fly for a fairy tale.

Baba Yaga: What a shameless man, what an impudent man!

Where did you see grandma?

I'm younger than all of you together.

I'll be two hundred by lunchtime.

Gore you, deprive you,

Move away and don't disturb.

He sits on a broom and flies away.

Storyteller: You can't kill evil, but you have to fight it,

Evil is laziness of the soul.

Let everyone in the morning

As soon as he wakes up

He will hurry to do good.

Teacher: While Baba Yaga is doing a good deed and looking for a fairy tale, I suggest you remember the fairy tales you have read.

Teacher: The old woman picked a flower from the garden bed,

I gave it to the girl Zhenya.

And those petals contain magical power.

Their girl Zhenya asked for something.

What should I say when tearing off the petals?

What is the name of this fairy tale?

Children: Seven-flowered flower.

Light, calm music sounds. The girl Zhenyas comes out from behind the screen with seven flowers in her hands and picks off the petals.

Zhenya: Fly, fly, petal,

Through west to east,

Through the north, through the south,

Returning, having made a circle,

As soon as you touch the ground,

To be, in my opinion, led!

Teacher: I didn’t tremble before the wolf,

I ran away from the bear.

And the fox's teeth

Still got caught...

Children: Kolobok!

Kolobok appears and sings a song.

Kolobok: I am Kolobok, Kolobok,

Kolobok is a ruddy side!

I left my grandmother

I left my grandfather...

Teacher: Someone is walking through the forest

Carries a box on his back.

Pies smell delicious

What kind of fairy tale is this before you?

Children: Masha and the Bear.

A bear appears with a box. Calm music sounds.

Bear: I'll sit, I'll sit on a tree stump,

I'll eat, eat a pie.

The bear leaves.

Teacher: A good girl is walking through the forest,

But the girl doesn’t know that danger awaits.

A pair of feisty eyes glows behind the bushes,

Someone strange will meet

The girl now.

Who will ask the girl about her path?

Who will deceive grandma?

To enter the house?

Children: Little Red Riding Hood.

Little Red Riding Hood sings a karaoke song.

Teacher: Unfortunately, not all fairy-tale heroes were able to come to

for our holiday. But they sent telegrams, although they forgot to sign them. Let's guess together who sent us the telegrams.

The teacher reads telegrams.

“I ran to your holiday and broke an egg...”

Teacher: Who was in such a hurry to come to us?

Children: Mouse. Fairy tale "Ryaba Hen"

“I can’t come to your holiday, my trousers have run away...”

Children: Dirty from "Moidodyr"

“Save! We were eaten by a gray wolf!”

Children: The wolf and the seven Young goats.

“When you hear thunder and knocking, do not be alarmed. It’s me in my little box rushing to you!”

Children: "Princess Frog"

Teacher: Trouble has happened in the land of fairy tales. All the fairy tales are mixed up. Let's help fairy tales take their place.

There is a poster hanging on the board. The poster depicts the heroes of fairy tales: “Turnip”, “Bubble, Straw and Bast Shot”, “At the Command of the Pike”, “Tsokotukha the Fly”, “Pinocchio”, “Zayushkina’s Hut”. The missing heroes of fairy tales are glued to the poster: grandfather, bast shoe, pike, money, golden key, rooster.

Baba Yaga arrives.

Baba Yaga: For the heat, for the snowstorm,

Everyone scolds me, the hag,

And there is no more harm in me,

Than daisies in a meadow.

What, are you tired of waiting, kids?

Take it. Here she is.

Baba Yaga opens a bundle containing glitter and confetti. Throws them up.

The Storyteller comes out.

Storyteller: Everyone just take a minute,

I want to start a fairy tale.

The name of this fairy tale is

Hurry up and guess!

Is everyone ready to listen to your ears?

There will be a fairy tale, give it time,

The old man says to the old woman:

Bake for me...

Children: Kolobok!

A melody sounds and a grandfather and woman come out of the house.

Dramatization of the fairy tale "Kolobok"

Grandfather: Oh, I wanted a kolobok

We have butter and flour,

You should knead the dough

And she treated everyone to a kolobok!

Grandma: I will gladly get down to business,

Although the task is not easy

To make the dough fluffy white,

It's not just us who need flour!

You need attention and skill,

Don't forget about salt and sugar,

To make a better treat

Let me start kneading the dough!

The grandmother kneads the dough to the music, and when the music ends, she covers the tub with a towel.

Grandma: I kneaded the dough, added butter,

I'm exhausted, oh, how tired I am!

Grandma sits down on a tree stump and begins to doze. The dough-child picks up the towel and throws it away.

Dough: I'll run away from the tub,

I don't want to be a kolobok.

I feel bad here

It's stuffy here.

Over the edge

Let's run!

I am a very rich dough,

I can't sit here.

I don't have enough space in the tub...

It's cramped, cramped, I'll run away!

Grandfather: Baba, the dough has run away!

Woman: Ay, ah, ah, where, where?

How did I oversleep?

What a misfortune, what a disaster!

Baba and grandfather catch the dough and carry it into the house.

Grandfather and woman come out and bring out round bread.

Grandfather: The bread was removed and it became quieter,

The bins are breathing hotly

The field is sleeping, it is tired,

Winter is coming.

Smoke floats over the village,

Pies are baked in houses.

Come in, don't be shy

Help yourself to good bread!

They offer bread to the spectators and leave.

Teacher: Let's play a game with you. Your task is to portray a hero, so that other guys can guess what kind of hero he is and from which fairy tale.

The guys are playing a game.

Teacher: Thank you guys, you are good artists.

What kind of fairy tale do you think is depicted on the poster?

Children: Lukomorye has a green oak tree.

Teacher: Let's close our eyes together and we will find ourselves in a fairy tale.

Children listen to the fairy tale “Near Lukomorye there is a green oak tree”

Teacher: Which fairy tale characters are not on the poster?

Children: 30 knights and their sea uncle, the prince and the king, the sorcerer and the hero, the princess and the wolf, Tsar Koschey.

The teacher sticks on the missing characters.


Girl Zhenya: We will grow up and become different,

And maybe among the worries

We will stop believing fairy tales,

But the fairy tale will come to us again!

And we will greet her with a smile:

Let him live with us again!

And this fairy tale to our children,

We will tell you again in good time.

Storyteller: My young friend!

Take it with you on the road

Your favorite fairy tale friends.

They will help you at the right time.

Find your dream and make your life brighter.

Now the moment has come to say goodbye,

We say to you: “Goodbye”

Teacher: Our holiday is coming to an end. Let's all sing the song "Small Country" together

Children sing a song, and fairy-tale characters dance to this melody.

Teacher: Our holiday has come to an end. See you!


There are behind the mountains, behind the forests

Little country.

There are animals with kind eyes,

Life there is full of love.

There's a miracle lake sparkling,

There is no evil or grief there.

There in the palace lives the Firebird

And gives people light.

Little country,

Little country.

Who will tell me

Who can tell?

Where is she, where is she.

Where the soul is light and clear,

Where it's always spring.

I only dream about this country

But a bright moment will come.

And on a winged chariot,

I'll take the flight.

I'm destined for a meeting hour,

In my starry country.

A handsome boy is waiting for me there,

On a golden horse.

The spring rain is pouring outside the window,

I'm sitting in the house alone.

I believe in you is my salvation,

Little country.


There are many fairy tales in the world,

There are many fairy tales in the world.

Sad and funny

Sad and funny.

And live in the world

And live in the world.

We can't live without them

We can't live without them.

Aladdin's lamp,

Take us into a fairy tale.

Crystal slipper,

Help along the way.

Boy Cippolino,

Boy Cippolino

Winnie the Pooh bear,

Winnie the Pooh bear.

Everyone is on our way,

A true friend,

A true friend.

Let the heroes of fairy tales

They give us warmth.

May it be good forever

Evil wins.


1 verse.

Children, holding hands, walk calmly in a circle. The fairy tale, performing free improvisational movements, walks along the outside of the circle in one direction.


Children stop and turn to face the circle. While performing light half-squats, children raise both arms up and swing them above their heads. The fairy tale moves like a snake between them, performing free movements with its hands.

Children lower their hands down, turn to the right and hold hands in a chain. The tale enters the center of the circle.

Verse 2

The fairy tale rises on its toes and spins to the right side, performing improvisational movements with its hands. Children turn their faces into a circle and narrow it in a calm step.

The fairy tale spins in the opposite direction, performing improvisational movements with its hands. Children expand the circle at a calm pace.

Verse 3

Children turn to the right. The children place their right hand on their left shoulder, and they raise their left hand up in front of them and place it on the left shoulder of the child in front. The fairy tale takes the lead in front of any child and leads all the children like a “snake” around the entire hall.

The fairy tale brings all the children in line in front of the audience and... at the end of the song. They bow deeply.


If it's long, long, long, long,

If it's long along the path

If it's a long time along the path

Stomp, ride and run.

Then, perhaps, then of course,

It's possible, it's possible, it's possible

You can come to Africa

Ah, there are rivers in Africa

this is the width.

Ah, there are mountains in Africa

That's how tall it is.

Ah, crocodiles, hippos

Ahh, monkeys, sperm whales

Oh, and a green parrot.

And as soon as, only, only

And once on the track

And as soon as on the path

I'll meet someone.

To whomever I meet

I even believe in the beast, I believe it

I won't forget, I will, I will

I'll say hello.

But of course, but of course,

If you're so lazy

If you're so shy

Stay at home, don't go out.

You don't need anything dear

Slopes, mountains, mountains,

Gullies, rivers, crayfish,

Take care of your hands and feet


    O. V. Kalashnikova “Holidays in kindergartens and primary schools”

    O. V. Perekateva “Theatrical Holidays”

    Magazine “Veselaya Notta” No. 7 2006

    L. N. Yarovaya “Extracurricular activities” 3rd grade.

Music from the cartoon “Winnie the Pooh and that’s it, that’s it, that’s it” (Composer M. Weinberg)

Winnie the Pooh and Piglet appear.

Winnie the Pooh: Where are Piglet and I going? Into the world of fairy tales and miracles.

Where adventures and many different meetings await us.

Piglet: Vinnie, how many people are there, and why are they gathered?

Winnie the Pooh: I don’t know?

Presenter: Don't you know? Today, the Center for Additional Education for Children is holding the “Journey to a Fairy Tale” holiday. Winnie the Pooh and Piglet, let's say hello to the guys. First with your hands (shake each other's hands). And now with the shoulders (the shoulders touch each other). And now with their knees (they touch each other with one knee). And now with their noses (they touch with their noses).

Piglet: Let's check who came more - boys or girls? And which of them is more cheerful and friendly?

Winnie the Pooh: Well, of course, boys, mischievous playful creatures.

Piglet: And the girls are good! Everyone laughs heartily.

Glad we came here - Yes!
We clap our hands until our fingers get tired.
Who will shout louder? Girls, boys.

Presenter: There is probably no person in the world who does not love fairy tales. Guys, do you like fairy tales? What fairy tales do you know? (guys answer)

Why do you think fairy tales are needed? What do they teach?

(Good, truth and justice, how to defeat evil, deceit, lies, etc.). Today we will walk with you in the footsteps of fairy tale heroes, remember some of them... But first, in this picture, name those fairy-tale heroes, that you know and the tales from which they came. (The children are offered a picture with various fairy-tale characters) “At the behest of the pike”, “The Frog Princess”, “Kolobok”, “The Three Little Pigs”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “The Adventures of Pinocchio”, “Geese-Swans”, “Morozko”, “ Ryaba Hen”, “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”, “Turnip”.

The music is “Visiting a Fairy Tale”

Presenter: Queen Book came to visit us. Let's ask her to let us into the fairy-tale kingdom to meet our favorite characters.

Queen Book: Hello guys! I am very glad to meet you. But I didn’t come to you alone, but together with the Fairy Tale.

Fairy tale: Guys, I came to you from a distant, beautiful country, where the sun never sets in evergreen gardens, where Queen Fantasy reigns, I need to return home, but I can’t do this because I lost my magic wand.

Queen Book: How can we help you?

Fairy tale: Guys who like to read fairy tales and know fairy-tale characters can help me. I have a map of the route, but the road home is difficult and difficult. I can't cope with difficulties alone.

Presenter: Guys, we won’t leave the fairy tale in trouble and help it? Yes - the guys answer.

And for this we will organize the first competition.

(All participants are divided into two teams, the teams are given emblems (kolobok and teremok).

Represent the teams (a drawing of the emblem is attached)

1. Team - “Teremok” 2. Team - “Kolobok”

Fairy tale: And whoever is the best, who loves to read and knows fairy tales, surprises await them when we get to the Kingdom of Fantasy. (The winning team in the competition receives a token; based on the results of our journey, the team that receives the most tokens is the winner; tokens can be chips.)

Presenter: We have a long road ahead of us. Let's pack a travel bag. You need to take with you the most necessary things, but not simple ones, but magical ones. What can you take into a fairy tale?

(A ball, walking boots, a self-assembled tablecloth, an invisible hat, an airplane carpet) /possible answer options/.

Queen Book: Guys, it's time to go. Let's look at the map together.

(The players gather around the leader, who holds the card.)

Presenter: Guys, close your eyes and with the help of your imagination and imagination we are heading on a journey into a dense forest. Open your eyes, look, there is a hut on chicken legs. It's not hard to guess who lives in this hut.

Fairy tale: Everyone knows who Baba Yaga lives there. She is evil, insidious, and it’s better not to get in her way.

(Baba Yaga appears). Music by G. Gladkov sounds

I'll light the stove.
I'm girls and boys
I really, really, love you.
You are so rosy, so sweet.

It's a disgrace, well a disgrace! How did you get here without my consent? We thought we could sneak through unnoticed, right? Ha! That’s why I sensed Baba Yaga! (wiggles his nose). I don't have a nose, but a pump. Yes! (sneezes). A-pchhi! Are you laughing? Above me. And aren't you afraid? And we will check this now. (runs up to one then to the other, scares). Look, they're laughing! How cunning, you know, he who is having fun is not afraid! Be happy, I'm just in a good mood today. I even want to dance! Who wants to dance with the beauty? (chooses a dance partner). Young man, invite me to dance!

Music is playing. (Music by A. Ivanov)

Baba Yaga dances, singing.

Invite, invite, invite
And you will invite me to my dance
About two hundred years off your shoulders
Into the maelstrom of dancing with your head
Young man
Dance with Yaga!

Fairy tale: Baba Yaga, how old are you?

Baba Yaga: (embarrassed), yes, I’m still young, a bride anywhere, just a flower - a seven-flowered one. In general, who asks such questions to a young lady? I’ll take you all and eat you now.

Queen Book: Baba Yaga, don't be angry. The fairy tale did not want to offend you. She wanted to ask if we could go through your forest?

Baba Yaga: Well, you’ll pass! First I'll play a game with you. Do you like fairy tales? (Coquettishly). About the beauty - Miss Centenarian, about Baba Yaga, your mothers, fathers, grandparents liked to hear. Still would! Yes, without me, your fairy tales would become... ugh! Insipid, uninteresting, wonderful fairy tales. Do you know these? I'll check it now. (remembers).

I don’t remember something... Now, now.

So it was a hundred years ago, so I forgot. I will read from the cheat sheet.

  1. In what fairy tale did Ivan, the widow’s son, put me in the oven on a shovel? (FROST)
  2. In what fairy tale and who helped the girl spin while I was heating the stove? (MOUSE, “GEES - SWANS”).
  3. How many teeth does Baba Yaga have? (ONE answer from children).

Baba Yaga: Wow, how smart you are! All questions were answered. I don't want to let you go. I'll play with you again.

The game is called “Baba Yaga”(to the melody of “Polechka”).

How to play: The player stands with one foot in a mortar (basket), the other on the ground. He holds a broom in his hand. In this position, you need to walk the entire distance to the chair, go around it, return to the starting point and pass the broom to the next player. This task is performed by all team members.

Baba Yaga: You charmed me. I'll have to let you go. But next time you won’t get away from me (he shakes his finger and leaves).

Fairy tale: Guys, let's look at the map of what awaits us ahead. We are approaching the kingdom of the Serpent Gorynych, a bloodthirsty cannibal.

Music by Tchaikovsky “Dance of the Little Swans” is playing. The Serpent Gorynych appears performing a dance.

Serpent Gorynych: How dare you come into my domain. I am a bloodthirsty 3-headed Serpent. Yes, I won’t let you go. Look how nimble they are. Yes, maybe I’ve been sitting here for a hundred years waiting for people like you.

Serpent Gorynych (three heads in chorus): We, Serpent Gorynych, will burn you with smoke, fire, heat. We, three heads, will incinerate you.

Fairy tale: Dear Serpent Gorynych! Help us get to the Kingdom of Fantasy.

Serpent Gorynych: I won’t let you go just like that. I will let you go on the condition that you guess the heroes of fairy tales. So listen, I will sing to you.

Sings a song to the tune of Yu. Nikulin “But we don’t care.” (Music by A. Zatsepin)

In the dark blue forest,
Where the aspen trees tremble,
In a wooden hut, where there are 4 corners,
His grandmother and grandfather
Kneaded from flour
And at the same time they sang
Strange words:

The melody changes, he sings to the tune of the song “Sunny Circle” (Music by A. Ostrovsky)

Yellow circle, dough around,
And it turned out to be a boy
He often played pranks, loved fairy tales,
I told everyone, everywhere.
May there always be sunshine!
May there always be dough!
May there always be a fairy tale
May it always be me!

(Children answer with a bun)

Guess the other hero: (sings a melody to the tune of the song “Crocodile Gena”)

(Music by V. Shainsky)

He plays the harmonica
Came to see you on holiday
Very kind and cheerful
This is Gena_________(Crocodile)

The melody changes (sings to the tune of the song from the cartoon “Three from Prostokvashino” music by E. Krylatov.)

And I notice more and more often (ding)
It's like someone replaced him
Doesn't miss nature
TV replaced nature for him
(Cat Matroskin)

Guys, dance with me, I really like you, my kingdom is gloomy and dark and very boring. Amuse me.

Presenter: Yes, now we’ll cheer you up,

Guys, let's dance and cheer up the Serpent Gorynych. We will dance, “Dance of the Little Ducklings” to modern Brack Dance music.

Words from Zmey Gorynych: And Break doesn’t work out for you either? Then we dance the twist.

Now I’ll sit and relax after the dance!

Well done guys, you completed the task. The old man was amused. I'm letting you go. Farewell.

Fairy tale: We continue our journey. On our map is the Snow Queen's Castle.

(The Snow Queen appears)

And here she is.

Snow Queen: How dare you disturb my peace? Do you know what I will do to you?

Queen Book: Dear Snow Queen! We help the fairy tale get home and it is not our fault that the road passes through your Kingdom. Excuse us already, please, we didn't want to bother you.

Snow Queen: And you think that you will just leave my domain? First I'll give you a test. Show some intelligence and ingenuity, I’ll let you go.

Fairy tale: We are listening to you, Snow Queen.

Snow Queen: Here are my questions

  1. Who wrote a fairy tale about me and what is the name of the country in which I live? (H.K. Andersen. The country of Lopland at the North Pole).
  2. What kind of character is this from Russian fairy tales, about whom they say: “There is honey on the tongue, but ice on the mind.” (Fox).
  3. In which fairy tale does an ax keep you warmer than a fur coat? (“Two Frosts”)
  4. What were the names of the boy and girl from H. C. Andersen’s fairy tale “The Snow Queen” (Kai and Gerda).

Snow Queen: And now, guys, I’ll see how smart you are, for this I’ll play a game of “Association” with you. I will show things from fairy tales and you will need to name which fairy tale they are from.

A feather, a needle, an arrow, a pea, a handful of flour on a plate are laid out on a tray. (Feather - “The Little Humpbacked Horse”, an egg, an arrow, a needle - “The Frog Princess”, a pea - “The Princess and the Pea”, a handful of flour - “Kolobok” ).

Snow Queen: You have passed the test, and all I can do is let you go.

Fairy tale: Well done guys! They were not afraid of the Snow Queen. And we continue our journey. From the icy and cold country of Lopland we found ourselves in hot Africa.

Robbers, friends of Barmaley, appear. They sing to the melody (G. Firtich)

Small children,
No way.
Don't go to Africa for a walk, to Africa for a walk,
In Africa there are robbers, in Africa there are villains.
In Africa there is a terrible Barmaley.

Barmaley sings:

I am merciless, I am the evil robber Barmaley.
And I don't need marmalade or chocolate,
But only small, small children.

Fairy tale: Barmaley, why are you scaring us?

Barmaley: Why is that? Who am I? I'm an evil robber. So I'm a highway robber. You see I have a bruise under my eye.

Queen Book: Barmaleychik, be kind, don’t touch us, we are helping the fairy tale find its way to its country. Please let us go.

Barmaley: HA! Where have you seen the highwayman who lets his victim go? Who will be afraid of me then? I must torture you.

Fairy tale: Our guys are not cowardly, they can fight with you.

Barmaley: then listen.

  1. Name the writer who wrote a book about me. (K. Chukovsky).
  2. What other works do you know? (Cockroach, Fly-Tsokotukha, Aibolit, Fedorino Mountain, Moidodyr).

Barmaley: Well done, you know the fairy tales. But it's too early to let go. I and my robber friends will play with you. If my friends' team wins, I won't let you go.

Presenter: The guys will try to beat you. Come on, Barmaley, run the game.

Barmaley: The game is called “Chamomile”. I scatter chamomile petals with the names of fairy tales on the floor. You get the middle of a flower, a fairy tale is written in the middle. On my command, you must fold your daisy. The one who does it faster and more correctly wins.

Barmaley: You guys play skillfully. There's nothing to do, I'll have to let you go. But next time you won’t come across me on the road (he leaves).

Fairy tale: From hot Africa you and I will get to the Field of Miracles. Guys, do you know in which country there is a field of miracles, and which fairy tale talks about it? (In the land of fools “Golden Key”).

Queen Book: Look! (Pinocchio appears). Guys, Pinocchio is coming to meet us, but he seems sad.

Fairy tale: Why are we, Pinocchio, not cheerful, why are we hanging our noses?

Pinocchio: (sad) why should I have fun if I have such grief.

Fairy tale: What happened?

Pinocchio: My golden key broke. And what kind of Pinocchio am I without the golden key? I won’t be able to open the secret door.

Fairy tale: Don’t be sad, we will help you. Just tell me what to do?

Pinocchio: The key is magical, only then will it become whole when you answer the questions.

Fairy tale: I’m sure the guys will definitely answer.

(Pinocchio takes cards and reads questions and riddles to the guys)

Pinocchio: Guys, listen:

  1. Which door can be opened with a golden key? (The door in Papa Carlo’s closet behind the painted fireplace).
  2. In what other fairy tale was the key considered a symbol of power? (Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors).
  3. Name the heroes of the fairy tale “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio” (Pinocchio, Pierrot, Harlequin, Karabas-Barabas, Malvina, Tortoise Tordila).

Pinocchio: Guys, I’ll tell you riddle fairy tales, and you have to guess who and what these riddle fairy tales are about:

  1. I knew it would end like this. I’m too shabby and old, I’ve been standing in the field for so many years. I dreamed, of course, that someone would settle in me - but there were so many of them that I simply could not stand it and collapsed. (Fairy tale “Terem-Terem-Teremok”).
  2. What a tail this mouse has! It cannot be compared with either Grandfather's fist or Grandmother's fist. And this mouse had to run out at the most inopportune moment “now everyone would admire me, I would be lying in the most visible place...” (“Ryaba Hen” - egg).
  3. To be honest, it’s unpleasant when the Cat puts you on your feet. He does have claws. He scratched and tore all my insoles. Of course, I understand that all this is running around for the sake of the owner, but it hurts... (“Puss in Boots” - Boots).
  4. I enjoy being on this girl's head. She's looking after me. I'm always clean. I like traveling through the forest with her, visiting my grandmother. But here's the problem: my mistress is very, very trusting. Because of this, all sorts of troubles happen to her. (“Little Red Riding Hood” - cap).
  5. She is a good girl, kind, caring, but you have to know yourself. What you can and cannot do. I’m hot by nature: I warm, I burn, I melt... Why did you have to jump over me? (“The Snow Maiden” is fire).
  6. Of course, I was ready to fulfill any of her wishes. After all, her husband saved my life. But in the end I realized that the more you give to a person, the more he wants. So such people have to stay with nothing. (“About the fisherman and the fish” - fish).

Pinocchio: Thank you guys, you guessed everything. Have a nice trip.

Queen Book: You guys are just great! We have one more, final test left on the way. This is a thin swamp, a dense forest. A lot of trouble awaits us there.

A kikimora appears.

Kikimora: who told you that I'm a nuisance. I look pretty decent. (Takes out a mirror and preens himself.) Oh, what a beauty I am, just a super moped - oh, a supermodel. Yes, and she is far from me. And you say trouble. I’ll lure you all into the swamp, you’ll stay here forever, then you’ll know who you’re dealing with.

Queen Book: Please forgive us, but we really don’t know who you are or what your name is?

Kikimora: Who is this? I am the most beautiful, the kindest... of the inhabitants of this forest. And I have the most beautiful name - Kikimora!

Fairy tale: Dear Kikimora! Let us through please. We definitely need to go through the forest and swamp. I'm in a hurry to go to the Kingdom of Fantasy.

Kikimora: No matter how! Before I let you out of the forest, you must draw a portrait, even two portraits, and give it to me as a souvenir. And who will draw, we will now determine with the help of this toy mouse. Guys, stand in a circle, listen to music, pass the mouse around. The music will stop periodically. Whoever has a mouse at this moment goes into the circle. Thus, teams of 5 people are recruited. So, your task is to draw my portrait. Here's some paper and markers.

(Each team member draws one detail - this is how the portrait turns out).

Kikimora. Thanks guys for the portraits. Well, I'm flying out! They are very beautiful. I will definitely keep them as a souvenir.

Now let's have a dance party. We invite all children to have fun and dance, guys, let's try to depict to the music how some insects would dance like: Cockroaches, butterflies, grasshoppers, dragonflies, chafers.

(The dance melody “Kamarinskaya” sounds)

Kikimora. Well done guys, dance from your heart. What a pity to part with you, but I have to let you go.

Queen Book: So we got out of the forest, I’m very happy for you guys, you withstood all the difficulties of the journey with dignity, which means you love reading fairy tales.

Fairytale: Thank you guys. Finally, I reached my home, the Kingdom of Fantasy.

(To the music of I. Nikolaev “Little Country” she is greeted by fairies, gnomes, elves and dancing).

Presenter: And now, guys, it’s time to sum up our holiday. Count all your tokens. Whichever team has more tokens is the winner.

Cheerful music sounds. The winners are being awarded. Surprises (books, sweets) are given.

Presenter: Our meeting with you has ended. It's time to say GOODBYE to you. Each of you has been in a wonderful fairy tale.

Nadezhda Permyakova

Goal: to bring joy to children, to evoke an emotionally positive response in their souls...

Tasks. Encourage children to want to take part in the fun. Strengthen children's knowledge about fairy tales. Encourage children to express themselves verbally

Equipment: tablecloth - self-assembled with fairy-tale things, chest with objects, fairy-tale costumes, cards with syllables, TSO, illustrations for fairy tales.

Participants: fairy-tale characters, kindergarten preparatory group, children of grades 1-4 of the first stage with disabilities

Children enter the hall to the music of “The Lark” by M. Glinka.

Presenter. Everyone loves fairy tales

Adults and children love

They love to listen and watch

Fairy tales can warm the soul.

First child. Miracles happen in them

Fortunately, people find a way.

And, of course, good!

Second child There are many fairy tales in the world

Sad and funny

And live in the world

We can't live without them.

Presenter. Anything can happen in a fairy tale

Our fairy tale is ahead.

A fairy tale is knocking on our door,

Let's say to the fairy tale: “come in”!

Guys, raise your hands, those who have read fairy tales. Do you like reading them?

Children. Yes!

Presenter. I’m glad that you all love fairy tales, I also really love fairy tales, despite the fact that I’m already so big. There are all kinds of fairy tales in the world, they are different - folk and author's, everyday and magical, fairy tales about animals and even fairy tales-mysteries. I like fairy tales because anything can happen in them. Let’s say a good fellow is in a hurry to do a just cause, and then, as luck would have it, the road ends. Don't pass, don't pass. And he will throw a magic handkerchief forward, and again the road will appear before him. Jump wherever you want! Another good thing about a fairy tale is that in it good always triumphs over evil. (The Sorceress enters) And who came to visit us? What a beautiful girl! Has the gift of turning simple objects into fairy-tale characters! Magic wand in hand!

Children. This is a sorceress.

Enchantress. Hello children! Today I invite you to go on a journey: see the world, look at people and show yourself. The path ahead of you is long. Far, far away lies the kingdom, the vast state of Fairy Tales. To get into it, you need to pack the most necessary things for the trip. A self-assembled tablecloth is spread out in front of you. It contains items that will help you on your journey. Find out and name them, and also remember in which fairy tale you met them and who they belong to?

Children (look at the objects on the tablecloth and name them and who they belong to). The golden egg laid by the Ryaba Hen. The walnut shell belongs to Thumbelina. Pinocchio's golden key. Ring from the fairy tale “The Twelve Months”. Straw, branches and bricks from the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs.” The box belongs to the bear from the fairy tale “Masha and the Bear”. The egg belongs to Koshchei the immortal.

Presenter. Well done! Here we are in the Kingdom of Fairy Tales! What awaits us here? Oh, guys, look at the forest we've found ourselves in (music with birdsong sounds behind the screen). All the plants in this forest are enchanted fairy-tale characters. They were bewitched by Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga. You probably want to cast a spell on your pets?

Children. Yes!

Baba Yaga. To help them, you need to correctly name the appropriate middle name, last name or nickname of the heroes of fairy tales.

Lisa Patrikeevna

Ivan Tsarevich

Tom Thumb

Koschei the Deathless

Vasilisa the Wise

Kikimora Bolotnaya

Mouse Norushka



Karabas Barabas

(The words in the right column appear on the slide after the correct answer)

Baba Yaga. Wow! You helped all the fairy-tale characters, which means you know fairy tales well. But my friend, so thin that all his ribs are visible, is very cunning, because he has lived in the world for many, many years. (Koshey the Immortal appears). Do you recognize him?

Children. Koschei the Deathless

Koschei the Deathless. Hello guys! Read the inscription on my chest!

Children. Guess what I have hidden here.

Koschei the Deathless. The chest is mine with a secret. It contains various fairy-tale items. Based on the description of the item, guess what is in the chest.

1. With the help of this item, you can make a variety of things, and you can even kill me. (Needle)

2. This thing can hide you if you put it on your head. (Invisible hat).

3. This object spoke the truth to the queen. He said that there is a more beautiful girl in the world. (Mirror)

4. Did grandpa and grandma cry because of this object after the little animal’s trick? They only calmed down when they received the same item in return. (Golden egg)

5. With the help of this item, the main character of the fairy tale found his happiness - a wise wife who was bewitched. And this object flew straight into the swamp and fell near the frog. (Arrow)

5. I also have something that was eaten by a crocodile. Tell me what this thing is, what the fairy tale is called. (Washcloth. “Moidodyr”)

(Music from the film about Koshchei the Immortal sounds)

Presenter. Now your Koschey chest is empty, so let us pass further.

Koschei the Deathless. I'll definitely miss it if you teach me to dance to my music.

(It sounds cheerful, the children dance to its melody along with Koshchei until he runs away)

Presenter. Well done, you danced beautifully, you taught Koshchei too, so he let us through. Go ahead. Who else lives in our fairy-tale kingdom! Look what a girl! (Little Red Riding Hood comes out). Do you recognize who this is?

Children. Little Red Riding Hood

Little Red Riding Hood. Hello guys, I just met the Sorceress, she told me that you are nearby. Answer my questions, and I will show you the way to my friend.

The best crocodile in the world (Gena)

How many kids does a goat with many children have? (seven)

The most famous chicken (Ryaba)

Who pulled the turnip in front of the Bug? (Granddaughter)

Boy - onion (Cipollino)

Fairytale tablecloth (Samobranka)

Snow Woman in childhood (Snegurochka)

The Girl Who Melted in the Spring (Snow Maiden)

Malvina's admirer (Pierrot)

Who thawed Kai's heart? (Gerda)

Crocodile river in Africa? (Limpopo)

Little Red Riding Hood. Well done, you answered all my questions, repeat the movements after me to reach my friend who really likes this dance. (Dance of little ducks)

Little Red Riding Hood. Great, here comes my friend. Do you recognize him, who is he? (slide “Emelya”)

Children. Emelya.

Presenter. He rides on the stove, and sends you and me to walk through the swamp over the bumps. On each bump there are syllables, from which you need to make up the names of fairy tales you know. (Game “Make a word.”)





Snow Maiden

Presenter. We passed the swamp, who is flying towards us? (Snake Gorynych runs in)

Children. Dragon.

Presenter. Arrived. Let's ask what he wants.

Dragon. I want a new fairy tale.

Presenter. Let's show him a new fairy tale. And you guys, look. (Kindergarten children show the fairy tale Turnip in a new way)

There is one house in the village,

Grandfather and grandmother live in it:

Grandfather Ivan, old woman Manya

And, of course, granddaughter Tanya.

A bug lives in the yard,

The cat sings songs.

And behind the stove there is a hole,

The mouse has been squeaking there since the morning.

So we lived and lived,

The vegetable garden was planted in the spring...

Give me a shovel, grandma,

I'll go dig up the garden bed!

I'll plant the seeds there,

Yes, I’ll take a look at the garden bed.

Grandma thought about it

Grandfather has gone to the garden again!

What kind of seed did the old man take?

He didn't say anything.

Autumn has already come,

It's time to harvest.

Grandfather is back in the garden.

That's a turnip, yes!

Miracle! Simply beautiful!

It pulls, it can’t pull out,

He is waiting for someone to help him.

Baba Manya came running,

She called Tanya for help.

Tanya called Zhuchka,

That's how things are, brother.

They pull, they can’t pull,

The cat is called for help.

Murka, get off the stove,

Help us quickly!

I won't go without a mouse,

Without her, I'm a disaster -

Neither here nor there.

Tears flowed in a stream:

Where can we get a mouse?

Children, help!

Call the mouse!

Can't cope without her

With a beautiful turnip!

(Everyone calls the mouse in unison)

Mouse, mouse, get out

And help us quickly!

The mouse came running to help,

The baby was out of breath.

Six of us pull a turnip,

Everything around was crackling.

The miracle turnip succumbed,

At least she was sitting firmly in the ground.

Well done mouse!

This is where the fairy tale ends!

Dragon. Oh, what a good fairy tale you showed me. Okay, so be it, I’ll let you pass further if you guess my riddles.

Mixed with sour cream, chilled on the window,

Round side, ruddy side, rolled... (Kolobok)

The grandmother loved the girl very much.

I gave her a red riding hood.

The girl forgot her name.

Well, tell me her name! (Little Red Riding Hood)

The nose is round, with a snout, it is convenient for them to rummage in the ground,

The tail is small and crocheted, and instead of shoes there are hooves.

There are three of them - and how similar the friendly brothers are.

Guess without a hint who the heroes of this fairy tale are? (Three piglets

The fat man lives on the roof

He flies higher than everyone else. (Carlson)

She's beautiful and sweet

Ash gave her her name. (Cinderella)

Dragon. Well done boys! I really liked you, I also want to play the game “Magic Transformations” with you. (While the music is playing, the 4th grade kids should dress the kids in costumes of fairy-tale characters: dog, wolf, tiger cub, frog).

Dragon. Well done! Move on, otherwise Kikimora Bolotnaya has been waiting for you, she has prepared her questions for you.

Kikimora Bolotnaya. Hello kids, girls and boys, guess my questions, and then go home! Tell me the name of the fairy tales.

1. In which fairy tale do grandparents, a hare, a wolf, a bear, a fox and a little round traveler live? (Kolobok)

2. From what fairy tale did we learn about dad, his wooden son with a long nose? (Golden Key)

3. In what fairy tale did large white birds bring a little boy into the forest to Baba Yaga? (Swan geese)

4. But the road is long, and the basket is not easy, I should sit on a stump and eat a pie. (Masha and the Bear)

6. Walking briskly along the path, they themselves carry the water in buckets. (According to the pike's desire)

7. Open the door, little goats, your mother has come,

Brought some milk (The wolf and the seven Young goats)

Kikimora Bolotnaya. Well done, you guessed all the riddles, named the names of the fairy tales, it’s time to say goodbye to you.

Presenter. So our journey through the land of Fairy Tales, Miracles and Magic has ended. Did you guys like it? (Children answer)

Presenter. A fairy tale is, of course, a fiction, an invention. But even though it is fiction, it remains instructive. Read fairy tales and they will teach you to be kind, honest, smart, strong. And I invite you all to the dining room for a fabulous tea party.

Kosykh Irina Vladimirovna
Educational institution: MBUDO "Mordovian Children's Art School"
Brief job description:

Publication date: 2017-03-02 Scenario for the holiday “Visiting a Fairy Tale” Kosykh Irina Vladimirovna Scenario for the celebration of the early aesthetic development department of the art school for parents. The script is based on Russian folk tales, as well as original Russian and foreign fairy tales.

View certificate of publication

Scenario for the holiday “Visiting a Fairy Tale”

Presenter. Good afternoon, dear guys! Today we will take a journey into the world of fairy tales. You will remember your favorite fairy-tale characters and take part in fun competitions.

Storyteller. Have a great day, dear friends!I'm a good storyteller. I came to you from fairy tales, herself I found the way to you! A about what happens next, I I don't even know myself. I only know every forest full of fabulous wonders.

Presenter.Isn't it scary in the forest? There are also wolves and foxes.

Storyteller.And only fairy-tale and kind animals live in our forest. The guys will now prove this to us in their fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs.”

Fairy tale "The Three Little Pigs" senior group

Presenter.Well, if the animals are really kind, and we drove away the wolf, then let’s go.What do you have in your hands, Storyteller?

Storyteller.This is a magic casket, but I forgot the magic words.

Presenter.Maybe the guys can help?

Storyteller.To open the casket, you need to remember the magic words from the fairy tale that open any door. Help guys.

The children answer. Sim, Sim, open up .

Storyteller.Oh, it's true. The casket is open. Let's see what I have here. I will show you objects, and you will tell me who is the owner of this thing..
Quiz "Who's the Boss"

Golden Key - Pinocchio.

Shoe - Cinderella

Little Red Riding Hood - Little Red Riding Hood

Needle - Koschey the Immortal

Thermometer - Aibolit

Presenter.Oh, who is this Aibolit?

Storyteller.He is a good doctor, and the guys with the “Limpopo” number will help us find out who he is treating.

dance game "Limpopo" junior group

Presenter. Great! What other fairy tales do you guys know?

Children list

Presenter.Can you tell us a story about Humpty Dumpty?

rhythmic exercise “Humpty Dumpty” senior group

Storyteller.And our children can not only tell fairy tales, but also sing them! And we invite the older group to the stage with the song “Curious Bun”.

song "Curious Bun" senior group

Presenter. They ask for fairy tales, and now, you, friends, get to know us! Guess what fairy tales my riddles are about!

Quiz “Remember the fairy tale”

1. In what fairy tale did the future king want to marry that girl who didn’t sleep all night, and it was the pea’s fault? (Princess on the Pea)
2. Who is the great laver,head of washbasins? Who is the commander of the washcloths? This is kind... (Moidodyr)

3. Sweet apple flavor lured that bird into the garden. The feathers glow with fire, the surroundings are as bright as day. (Firebird)

4 . We were waiting for mother with milk,but they let the wolf into the house. Guys, who are these little children? (Seven kids)

5 . It didn’t lie on the window - it rolled along the path. (Kolobok.)

6 . And the road is far,and the basket is not easy, I would like to sit on a tree stump and eat a pie. (Masha and the Bear)

7 . The mouse found a home for itself,the mouse was kind: In the end, there were many residents in that house. (Teremok)

8 . Walking briskly along the path,Buckets carry the water themselves. I said a word and the stove started rolling. Straight from the village to the king and princess. And why, I don’t know, the lazy guy got lucky. (At the command of the pike)

It turns out, Little Red Riding Hood .

Little Red Riding Hood. Hello, I came here I’m coming to you for the holiday, friends!
But tell me first, Am I too late yet?

Red Cap me Calls kids.

My mother sewed a red hat for me,

And she put some pies in the basket for the trip.

Presenter.It’s very good that you’re wearing a hat, it’s winter outside without hats, it’s cold now. Guys, do you wear hats?

Children answer

Presenter.Let's tell everyone what hats children wear in winter.

rhythmic exercise “Hats” junior group

Little Red Riding Hood. And I'm leaving the royal ball, in honor of the New Year! There were a lot of songs, music and dances...

Presenter.I wish we could attend the New Year's ball.

Storyteller.We can organize our own ball, our guys can sing, play and dance. And they know songs about the New Year.

noise orchestra "Jolly Fellows" senior group

song "New Year's Eve" junior group

noise orchestra "New Year's polka"

Presenter.Thank you guys. I really felt like I was at a ball.

Little Red Riding Hood. I didn’t come to you alone. My friends were walking with me, but after the ball they had not yet woken up. Try to find out who they are.

Quiz “Fairytale Beauties”

1. The moon shines under the scythe, A the star is burning in the forehead.

And she herself is majestic, V stands out like a peahen;

And how does the speech speak?, With It’s like a river is babbling. (Swan Princess)

2. I did laundry for my stepmother, sorted out peas and rice

and at night, with a thin candle, A slept by the warm stove. (Cinderella)

3. I can work beautifully and deftly, I I show skill in any matter.

I can bake bread and weave, w make shirts, embroider carpets

Sailing like a white swan on the lake. TO then me? (Vasilisa the Wise)

4. I was a toad in the swamp With I caught the trela and that hour

Ivan the Fool saved me. (Princess Frog)

5. She was a theater performer, X I lived in a box,

but from the evil Karabas at ran away forever (Malvina)

Malvina comes out .

Malvina.Hello, my name is Malvina! I'm Pinocchio's girlfriend.

Artemon is obedient to me, and Pierrot is in love with me.

I have a wonderful house on the edge of the forest.

I invite you all to visit, my friends!

And to the tune of a wonderful song, we will dance together with you.

dance "On a thread"

Malvina.I hear you're having fun here. Participate in various quizzes. Let's walk through the pages of my fairy tale.

Quiz “Through the pages of the Golden Key”

1. What fairy tale did I come from? ("Golden Key")

2. Who made the wooden boy? (Papa Carlo)

3. Who gave dad the log? (Joseppe)

4. How many years did Tortila the turtle live? (300 years)

5. Name the person who caught the leeches. (Duremar)

6. What was the name of the director of the puppet theater? (Karabas-Barabas)

7. Name my friends. (Pierrot, Artemon)

Snow White comes out .

Snow White. (Addresses Little Red Riding Hood) Oh, hello, my friend, How is your old lady doing?

Little Red Riding Hood. Hello, Snow White. My grandmother is on the mend.Would you rather tell me where your dwarf friends are?

Snow White.And they are already here! In the younger group, they also took gifts with them!

dance "Dwarves" junior group

Presenter. Your gnomes are funny. Let's hold a competition now. Let's check if there are real princesses among the beauties present..

Competition "Princess and the Pea"

Any number of girls can participate in the competition. There are three chairs on the stage. There are small cushions on all the chairs. And only under one pillow is a pea. The girls take turns sitting on the chairs. And they stop near those chairs on which, in their opinion, the pea lies. The real princesses are those who correctly identified the location of the pea..
Little Red Riding Hood. And I will also hold my own competition. I have just a few pies left in my basket..

“Eat the Pie” competition. The number of players depends on the number of pies. Whoever eats the pie first wins.

Baba Yaga flies in on a broom

Baba Yaga.Beware! Disperse! Hey broom, stop! What kind of gathering are you having? Are you having fun again? Enough is enough, you're done, friends., hey, unclean one, come here!

Brownie.Why are you crazy grandma? Did you eat a lot of sugar?Why do you want to stop the holiday?
Baba Yaga.What do I care? I do what I want! I wasn't invited.
We didn't invite you because you don't know how to do good deeds.

Baba Yaga.But that's not true. It’s in fairy tales that I’m bad, but in life I’m kindness itself. And my friend Kuzka will confirm!

Brownie.Of course of course! Yagusa is kindness itself, so she allows me to invite my friends to visit.

Baba Yaga.Come on, brownie guys. Dance wildly!

dance “Little Brownie Kuzya” senior group

Baba Yaga.I also love to play and I know fairy tales. Here try to answer my questions.

Quiz “According to Pushkin’s fairy tales”

1. How long did no one bother Dadon’s kingdom?

Answer: “A year or two passes peacefully; The cockerel sits quietly..."

2. How many sons did King Dadon have?

Answer: “What a strange picture! Before him are his two sons..."

3. How long did King Dadon feast in the queen’s tent?

Answer: “And then exactly a week, Submitting to her, unconditionally,

Bewitched, delighted, Dadon feasted with her..."

4. For what pay did Balda agree to work for the priest?

Answer: “You get three clicks on your forehead a year...”

5. How many years did it take to collect the Ballad of the Quit with the Devils?

Answer: “You wouldn’t need a better income.”, Yes, there is arrears on them for three years..."

6. How many years did the old man fish?

Answer: “He fished for thirty years and three years...”

7. How many times did the old man throw the net before he caught the goldfish?

Answer: “For the third time he cast the net,” A seine came with one fish..." (2 times)
8.How long was the old woman queen?

Answer: “One week, another goes by...”

9. What size was the queen’s child born?

Answer: “God gave them a son the size of a yard...”

10. What dowry did the king prepare for his daughter?

Answer: “Seven trading cities, Yes, one hundred and forty towers..."

Storyteller.All fairy tales have a happy ending. Ours is coming to an end.

Presenter.We want to give small gifts to the most active children so that they love fairy tales and never forget about them.

Storyteller.There are many fairy tales in the world G rustic and funny,

And we cannot live in the world without them.

Baba Yaga. Aladdin's lamp, take us to a fairy tale

Snow White. Crystal slipper, help along the way!

Malvina.Boy Cippolino,Winnie the Pooh bear -

Everyone is a true friend to us on the road.

Brownie.Let the heroes of fairy tales give us warmth

Little Red Riding Hood. May goodness forever evil conquers.

Together.Now the moment has come to say goodbye, b our speech will be short;

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