The line of luck on which palm is located. The line of wealth and money in the palm of your hand - what it looks like, where it is: photo. Palmistry - a line of wealth, good luck and success and its meaning: description, photo. How to correct, correct, strengthen the lines in the palm of the hand for

A huge number of all kinds of judgments and superstitions are associated with the line of Apollo on the hand. Usually they are associated with unearthly wealth and material well-being. It is its presence that can provide a person with a really good fate, give the opportunity to build successful career. People who have such a sign on their hand can easily succeed in business, build an excellent career and really occupy a high position. It will be easier for such a person to achieve understanding with other people.

The line of Apollo on the hand is located in the lower part of the human palm. It originates from the line of life.

The Essence of the Apollo Line

Palmists are very attentive to the location of this line, and people who have a clear line prophesy a wonderful fate that will actually come true. A clean line of success indicates that a person is under special protection:

  • Sun - promises all sorts of benefits, the presence of rare talents and their implementation.
  • Jupiter - an incredible love for works of art, the desire to enjoy their beauty and charm.
  • Venus - endowing with artistic talents and the desire to embody them.

Location of the Apollo line and fate

She began herself on the further course of the whole prediction. Suppose, if the line of Apollo took its beginning in the palm of your hand along with the line of life, then this indicates the artistic abilities of a person. Most likely, his future will be connected with cinema or theater. If the line originates from the line of Saturn, such an arrangement indicates a great craving for art. A person loves everything that is connected with painting and other forms of art. The most tempting prediction occurs if the line originates from the hill of Apollo. The hill is located slightly below the ring finger.

Apollo line and life line

When the line of Apollo originates from the line of life, thanks to this feature, a certain kind of prediction can be made. Thus, success will come to a person only if the right choice of profession is made. Therefore, a person must find his calling. For many people, success comes at a later age. But the main thing is to decipher the prediction at the right time, and to search for your true profession.

On the hand of the artists there are special signs that begin on the hill of the moon. Also, the beginning of such a line speaks of a good sign for a public figure and any person of vigorous activity. If the artist is really talented, then on his hand you can find such a line without difficulty, while it will be very clear and pronounced.

If the line originates from the line of the mind, then this indicates that a person is able to achieve success in any activity. To do this, he needs to make his mental efforts, and in this situation, a person will definitely succeed. Therefore, with such a sign on the hand, a person from an early age should make efforts in his studies, diligently study the sciences and try to acquire as much knowledge as possible.

Connection with the heart line

Also, the line of success can start from the line of the heart. The Apollo line in this arrangement also has an explanation. She says that in the future a person will have a successful marriage. But such a union will not come immediately, usually people with such a line commit themselves to marriage at a later age. But the main thing is that such a marriage is really successful, a person will not know material problems, so a number of certain problems will leave life.

What does the presence of several lines of Apollo indicate?

A line divided into three branches will bring special luck. In this case, we can say that a person has several lines of Apollo. This position means that a person will immediately receive honors, fame and even wealth. But in this situation, the main thing is that the lines are also clear. If crosses have formed on it, or there are depressed lines, then the prediction may be somewhat disappointing. Therefore, this option must be considered very carefully. You should look at every stroke.

Also, the line of luck can be quite worn out or sketched with other lines. This state of affairs also finds its explanation. For such a person, the path of life will be given quite easily. This is especially true for career development. A person will be able to achieve his goal, even despite external obstacles that may arise in a difficult life path. In this situation, it is important for a person not to lose his dream and make plans for his future.

It may also consist of small broken lines. This speaks of the all-round development of man. Such people can afford to choose any activity and really achieve success. If desired, life will be built very competently and correctly. Such a person, knowing about his individuality, needs to finally determine the direction for himself and move in this direction. Throwing is useless here, and it’s not worth grabbing several things at once. You need to correctly determine your path.

Cross on the line of Apollo

Also, a pattern in the form of a cross may appear on the line. There is no need to be afraid in this situation. Such a mark means that it will really be difficult for a person. But at the same time, everything is quite possible, it is important for a person to make his efforts, it may be very difficult, but you should not give up. If the line is absent, it is already necessary to worry, because such a person really faces huge difficulties. But even in this case, you need to remember that it all depends on the person, the main thing is not to sit still and try, fate can be changed if desired. Very often there are situations when a person has a very clear line of success, which can really prophesy a lot. But it all depends on the personality itself, and even a clear line will not help if you yourself do not want to.

Forge of your happiness

Based on this, we can conclude that everything depends only on the efforts and efforts made by everyone. It is necessary to be persistent in order for life to be successful in any case. In our time, neither astrology nor palmistry can clearly predict the fate of a person. The line of Apollo is just a kind of indicator of the possibilities that are given at birth. But, if you do not strive for anything and do not develop, then there will be no sense from it.

Very often you can observe a situation where a person, thanks to his work and perseverance, achieves much more than a person who is simply talented and has clearer lines on his hand. If a person connects these lines with his own perseverance, then this will make it possible to achieve the highest results in life. Of course, if there is a line, it is much easier to achieve success, but still the whole fate is in the hands of a person. To correctly determine your path, you need to study the lines completely. Big Picture will give an idea of ​​​​where you need to direct your willpower and so on.

This line has no effect on human health. But poor health can have a negative impact on her. Therefore, a person needs to constantly monitor his condition, his well-being and so on.

Star on the line of Apollo

The line of Apollo "Star", which starts from the wrist, indicates that a person has all kinds of talents that he can realize in his future. Such talents can be developed throughout life.

In addition to the location, it is important to pay attention to the very nature of the line. It is thanks to this that one can recognize leading qualities, determine priorities and find out the right course of one's own movement. You can find out the strength of your success and position in society. If the first phalanxes of the fingers are noticeably longer than the rest, then this person can achieve real success in the field of art. It is in this direction that it is important to build your future path. If the second phalanx of the finger is longer, then this person is an unusually gifted artist. But most often, such people abandon their talent and start developing in terms of business or entrepreneurship. Most of them achieve success, fully provide themselves with material soil. But the talent remains undiscovered, and this is really unfortunate. If the third phalanx of the finger turned out to be the longest, then such a feature can say that a person loves everything bright, prefers an individual style of clothing. Perhaps a person will become a good designer or stylist.

It happens that a situation arises that the line of success may disappear or appear. This suggests that the talent may appear later in a few years. Therefore, do not be upset.

Lines on the hand and disease

Also, the line may disappear during the period of illness. For example, if a person is very ill, and even with the most exceptional talents, he will not be able to perform any actions.

Short lines on the hill of Apollo indicate internal imbalance. A person cannot concentrate on one thing. He has too many desires and tasks and this prevents him from moving forward and achieving success.

During this period, damage may appear on the line of life. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor the change in the lines on the hand. Thus, a person can track his own state of health, understand what the problem is with any failures. Moreover, he can be warned about problems in some way and even find the right way out, think over the next course of action, and even possibly find a new type of activity or income for himself. A specialist will help to accurately parse the lines of the hands, who will accurately indicate the need for certain actions, and, of course, give the right advice.

Apollo Line (or Line of the Sun, or Line of Happiness, or Line of Talent) on the hand, this is a line that rises from the top of the hill of the moon and goes towards the ring finger (Apollo's finger). This line expresses the satisfied state of a happy, talented and successful person, and no matter where the line of success comes from. But when the line of happiness appears and is present on the hand, life is illuminated with light. Its paramount importance in modern palmistry indicates that a person has artistic talents and abilities in other types of arts. But it is absolutely wrong to say that if the line is absent on the hand, then the person is a loser.

Old palmists interpreted it as a line that predicts love for art, fame, wealth, as well as the patronage of the powers that be.

The line of Apollo has nothing to do with health indicators, but only indicates the period of time during which it will have an effect on the owner of the hand, and accordingly, the longer the line, the more powerful it will be in the area in which the person realizes and realizes himself.

Apollo line, the beginning of the line

The line that draws a furrow across the palm and starts from the wrist, heading towards the hill of Apollo, speaks of the great opportunities and great talent of a person who will develop from childhood and improve all his life, and as a rule these are people who achieve great success - this is clearly a happy future .

When the line comes from hill of the moon- this speaks of a person endowed with a powerful power of imagination and paired with a good Head Line, a person can transform and express his talents as a writer, and depending on the shape of the fingers, for example, if they have a square shape and knots on the joints, which expresses the ability for detailed analysis information, a person can prove himself in history, with smooth fingers in poetry.

You can take for the line of Apollo only the line that lies under the corresponding finger, that is, it is located in its place, along the axis of the finger.

Apollo line, line breaks

In order not to overestimate a person’s capabilities, and to make a correct analysis of this line, one should always remember that a good line of luck and talent expresses the intensity and nature of a person’s qualities, and also gives creative power in the field in which he acts.

The line going to the hill with damage, that is, it consists of segments, indicates too large gusts, you do not need to run where you can walk moderately, the distribution of forces is incorrect, as a result of which spraying occurs.

Such a line indicates an attraction to art, but periodic, and depending on the type of palm, there will always be a reason that creates obstacles and obstacles in the implementation of plans.

Various kinds of signs that restore line damage can be found in any combination. One of the most favorable influencing and leveling defects is square.

If such square located at the end of the Apollo Line, it indicates protection from above, and protects from any troubles in the field of art throughout a person's life.

Apollo line, signs on the line

The line of Apollo, receiving the support of relatives, will be expressed as an additional line coming from the line of influence from the hill of Venus, which will speak of the help of the father or mother in the achievements of a person, whether it be material assistance, just advice or with the help of family ties.

If the line intersects random lines, crossbars or segments, which means there will be obstacles and setbacks along the way, and the stronger the random lines are in strength, the more difficult the difficulties will be.

Great success in the field of art, respectively celebrity and fame, will express the line at the end of which there is star.

One of the few places where a star on the line has a good omen is the mound (hill) of Apollo, here it will illuminate for everyone to see the approved talents of a person manifested during life. If such a line has a star at its beginning, then such a person will begin to surprise everyone from childhood, a sign of a child prodigy is an incredible success. In this arrangement of line and sign, there is usually a strongly pronounced line of Mercury.

Apollo line, line crossings

If the Line of Happiness starts from the line of the head, then the talents and inherent qualities of a person will be developed at the moment when the Line of Happiness begins to form.

Any random line that cuts the main one will mean an obstacle and inhibition in the advancement and development of a person's talents, and the cause of which can be found out from the original direction.

If, for example, it starts from the Line of the Heart, then the cause of interference will be human feelings. If the Line of Happiness and talent cross the Lines of Marriage on the hand, then the interference of the spouse will be an obstacle.

When the Line of Success ends with a deep crossbar, says that talent and success stopped by some reason that a person can no longer overcome, and if this crossbar is on the hill of Apollo, then the event will occur after fifty years.

At this age, it can mainly be due to health reasons, which can be easily checked on the Life Line or other main lines for damage that will show the causes, and age appropriate.

Apollo line, end of line

If the line of Apollo ends with a fork, first of all, she speaks of a person with multilateral talents and a person who is sprayed between them, the desire of energy is sprayed into different streams, which weakens the process of activity by itself, even to a complete stop.

Human could do better, if I could concentrate in one of the two chosen directions. So if you find a line of talent on your hand that bifurcates at the end, you need to analyze it in time and make a choice of the occupation or hobby that will bring you the greatest satisfaction and benefit.

If the line has branches to the mounds (hills) of Mercury and Saturn, then a person uses the qualities inherent in the mounds, which will combine wisdom and insight, to achieve success and wealth.Any ascending branches from the Line of Apollo up to the fingers, are considered in palmistry as auxiliary lines or branches.

They have the opposite meaning descending lines, they mean the periodic need for a person's help for his advancement, without which he may not be able to achieve great success.

Apollo line, auspicious signs

If the line at its end comes in the corridor of the two lines accompanying her on the hill of Apollo, as shown in the example of the picture, this means great success with a huge reputation, these are respected serious people who cannot be compared with the "glorified" pop clowns. Such a line can also be called a line of luck or a line of high position. Call it what you want, but such a line on the hand, really good and promising!

Branch from the line of Apollo, and merging with the line of the head, speaks of a person who will succeed in life, thanks to his intellectual abilities. A good yet strong Head Line will contribute to his success.

Triangle, formed by the confluence of the Head line with a branch from the Apollo line, will indicate excellent mental abilities. By the way, it is very similar to the money triangle, but do not confuse them.

If the same line, but already emanating from the line of the Heart, merges with the line of Apollo, this indicates a kind-hearted person who is not indifferent to others, and with such a sign he will receive constant support for heart virtue.

Apollo line, inauspicious signs

It is not common to find a long and good line on the arms, in most cases there are scraps or fragments of the line, and most often it is present and originates from the line of the heart.

Such a beginning expresses a person endowed with the qualities that the god Apollo gives. These are mostly good-natured people who will earn themselves and will enjoy a good reputation in life. Whose talents will always find their application in the field of activity to which they belong and have abilities.

If the Apollo Line originates on Outer Mars, then a person, upon achieving success, will apply inner vitality, courage, thus, as if defending his place under the sun and resisting bad influences, shows his abilities and talents that can attract the attention of people around him .

Would you like to know what fate has in store for you? What abilities did she endow you with, and what kind of dangers can you meet on the path of life? In order to find answers to all these questions, it is not necessary to go to a fortune teller. We give you the opportunity to learn about your destiny on your own. You can do this right now by looking at your palms.

Wealth sign. On the hand, this symbol is represented by short lines between the ring and index fingers. Another banknote is the winding line of the mind.

Protection sign. If there is a square on the palm, this indicates that the person is under protection. The location of the square can tell about what exactly a person received protection from birth. If the square is on the line of the heart, then it protects a person from love upheavals. A square on the line of fate protects against financial losses, on the line of the mind - keeps peace of mind. A square on the line of life protects its owner from serious illnesses, disasters, accidents and death.

Now let's talk about signs in the palm of your hand that indicate dangers.

  • The cross is a bad sign. It indicates troubles in a particular area of ​​​​life, depending on its location.
  • Islands on the lines are also signs of trouble. An island on the line of life is a disease, on the line of fate - trouble at work, on the line of health - a serious illness.
  • A break in the line of the mind is a terrible sign indicating the fatality of fate and a tragic life.

Professional palmists claim that all these signs will help you avoid problems and attract good luck, if you pay attention to the clues of fate in time. Forewarned is forearmed, so don't take anything that can upset you seriously. You can always evade the blows of fate if you know about upcoming events. Palmistry exists for that, to predict the future and correct it. Develop your abilities, change your life for the better and don't forget to press the buttons and

20.01.2014 13:58

The line of the sun in palmistry has many names. It is called the line of happiness, the line of luck and the line of Apollo. It's a sign...

Wealth is not the main thing in our life. However, many of us know how much material difficulties can affect the quality of life - on the emotional state, on relationships, on confidence in the future, and so on. In addition, very often we want prosperity, not just for ourselves, but mainly for those we love.

That is why the question of material prosperity excites the minds of many people. We want to know if we can build a brilliant career and get rich off it, or maybe get an inheritance, or get into creative activity and succeed in this business.

One way or another, few of us would refuse a rich and beautiful life. This, of course, is not a guarantee of happiness, but in many ways it greatly facilitates and improves the quality of our life. That is why in this article we will consider the question of which lines on the hand are responsible for wealth and portend abundance and prosperity.

Where is the wealth line on the hand?

In palmistry, as you know, the main and secondary lines are distinguished. However, there is no line that would be called the Line of Wealth and would be responsible for this aspect of our life. But there are a large number of signs on the hand, combinations of lines that will indicate that a person will not need anything.

Wealth signs

As you know, the ability to get rich depends on various factors. This is how a person thinks, his mental abilities, this is the state of health, this is luck, and also what is destined by fate. Considering the features of the lines responsible for these areas, we can say whether a person has a chance to become rich.


In addition to these signs of wealth in palmistry, there are others. And they are connected with the lines on the thumb of a person. In Vedic palmistry, the line separating the nail phalanx thumb from its middle phalanx, is called Phala. It carries valuable information about how wealthy a person will be.

  1. If a person's Phala has a correctly outlined shape and is a deep continuous line, then this, oddly enough, is not a sign of wealth. This is a sign that the well-being of a person will be average.
  2. If there is an island or a sign resembling an eye on the line, this is evidence that a person will spend the early years of his life in need, but by maturity he has every chance of getting rich.
  3. Wide Phala is an unfavorable sign that warns of poverty and deprivation.
  4. The discontinuity of the line indicates that in financial matters a person will have periods of rapid growth and periods of deep recession.
  5. If Phala bifurcates at the end, it means that a person in old age will be provided. And, most likely, it will be provided by children.

wealth triangle on hand

The triangle of wealth, or the triangle of money, is a special mark on the palm of a person that guarantees that he will live in abundance. This triangle is formed by three lines - the line of the mind, the line of health and the line of fate. The larger the area it occupies and the clearer it is outlined, the better.

The clarity of drawing the corners of a triangle is of great importance in interpretation. If the angle formed by the line of the mind and the line of fate is weakly expressed, then this indicates that a person often misses opportunities, is lazy, which is why he cannot use his full potential.

If the angle that is formed by the line of the mind and the line of health is fuzzy, then this is a sign of a person’s inability to handle money. It is difficult for him to accumulate them, because he does not know how to save them competently. The presence of additional small triangles and dashes inside the triangle is a good sign. He says that a person will have many different sources of income.

good luck signs on hand

There are other marks on the palm that indicate financial success. If there is a small parallel line above the heart line, this is evidence of a person’s financial literacy and his ability to handle money. The marriage line, directed upwards in the direction of the finger of Apollo (nameless) and having a star sign at the end, is a guarantee of a person’s material wealth.


If a person has a line of luck on his hand, this is a very auspicious sign. Luck will accompany such a lucky man in all his deeds and undertakings. Let's talk about how to decipher this line in the palm of your hand correctly.

The line of happiness in the palm of your hand is a solar sign

There are several lines that, from the point of view, promise a person great luck and luck in everything. The most common of them is the line of the Sun, which runs vertically through the palm: from the ring finger to the wrist.

Features of this sign:

  • It is called the line of the Sun, but in different cultures the name may change. Palmists called it a feature of Apollo, a line of talent or success, happiness or good luck.
  • A pronounced and clear one is quite rare, but even if there is a weak line of the Sun in your palm, you are in luck. Even a hint of a “sun sign” suggests that in many ways a person will be lucky
  • The longer the line, the deeper and more pronounced it is, the less effort you will have to make to achieve your goals. If it is not there at all, it is better to rely only on your own actions and efforts.

The rarest case is when the line of the sun, connecting with other dashes, forms a star. This means that a person is not only lucky, but also endowed with many talents, realizing which, he will find happiness.

When the line of Fate indicates success

To understand how lucky a person is, you can also study him or the trait of Saturn. It runs from the middle of the wrist to the gap between the index and middle fingers.

How to decrypt:

  • If the line reaches the index finger, then the person is very lucky in everything related to money. He easily achieves material well-being and easily solves financial problems.
  • If the line forks at the end, the person has every chance of occupying a high position in society. This is a great leader and manager. He is able to lead people behind him and create some kind of useful business.
  • The line of Saturn does not directly indicate great luck. But she says that a person, if he sets the right goals, can achieve them easily and painlessly.

Study this photo with a decoding of all the lines of the palm, and then try to determine for yourself which forecast:

Also, palmists separately consider the feature of Mercury as the main one, which makes it possible to characterize the health and success of a person. If it's double, there's nothing to worry about. A person not only has a strong immune system, but also has every chance of becoming successful in all areas of life. Such a sign is on the palms of real lucky ones.

Watch a video on the topic:

Other signs of success on the palms

Some palmists believe that recognizing the hand of a truly successful person is difficult at first sight. It is necessary to analyze all the lines as a whole in order to understand how successful he is in life.

Signs that may indicate success:

  • If the line of life branches upwards, this is a favorable sign. In a person’s life, some circumstances constantly arise, thanks to which he literally catches luck by the tail.
  • If the trait of the mind goes towards the index finger, then success awaits a person first of all in his personal life. He easily meets his love, is able to build a happy and harmonious relationship. Also, this sign speaks of a high level of vital energy.

It is also worth paying attention to the small dashes that cross the main lines. They can talk about the obstacles that await on the path of life:

  • If there are small dashes on the line of luck that form peculiar islands, then at the corresponding stage of life a person will give up. He can become depressed, lose the desire to live and achieve success.
  • Lattices indicate that at a certain stage of life a person will have a protracted black streak. Problems and troubles will pile up in one continuous stream, and it will be difficult to resist them. You will have to gather all your strength and cope on your own, because there is nowhere to wait for help.
  • The cross is another unfavorable sign. He points out that there are personalities in the environment of a person who interfere with his success and development, do not allow him to move forward. These are real energy vampires that draw vitality. You need to get rid of them by changing the environment to more positive ones.
  • Moles on the palms speak of. Until a person fully lives and works them out, there is no need to talk about success. It is important to understand your purpose and mission of the family

Positive marks might look like this:

  • Squares indicate that a person is very rational, looks at life soberly. He has a well-developed sense of proportion, so he will never commit spontaneous acts that may negatively affect his life.
  • Round or oval lines indicate the presence of talent that needs to be developed. It is in the creative field that success can be achieved. If you do not realize the innate gift, luck will leave
  • The triangle indicates that a person has a very strong Guardian Angel who sends powerful patrons into his life. The help of fate will always come from outside, from other strong people.
  • The star indicates that a person has every chance of getting rich without much effort. He will easily find a job to his liking, which will bring good money and provide opportunities for further development.

If there is no line of luck on your hand, this does not mean that you should not rely on the help of Fate. Just to achieve the goals will have to try a little more than others.