Interesting competitions for Driver's Day. Cool short competitions for Motorist Day, toasts, corporate party scenario. Game "Pedestrian path"

Motorist Day is a professional holiday not only for drivers, but also for repair workers, engineering and technical workers, managers of motor transport enterprises and everyone who works conscientiously, fulfilling their professional duty.




1. Presenter

Good afternoon Our meeting is by no means accidental. We warmly and heartily congratulate motorists, all those whose lives are connected with the road, on their professional holiday. Health and good luck to you and, of course, no nails, no rods!

2 Presenter

"Motorist Day"» - professional holiday workers road transport , which is noted inRussian Federation every year recentlySunday October .

1 Presenter

Slide captions:

Automobile. History of creation What is a car? A car is a vehicle on wheels, driven by its own engine (internal combustion, electric or steam). Now we know about it. And where did it all begin? And it all started from ancient times. The invention of the wheel gave a powerful impetus to the development of technology.

In those distant times, this wheel was set in motion by various animals and, unfortunately, people. The first known drawings of the car belong to Leonardo da Vinci, presumably in 1478. However, neither a working copy nor information about its existence has survived to this day.

The first steam car was created in 1769 by the French engineer Cugnot. The car moved forward at a speed of 8 kilometers per hour. ac The car was moving forward at a speed The car was moving forward at a speed of 8 kilometers per hour. 8 kilometers per hour.

Steam car

A car with a gasoline engine. This car was created by the Germans Daimler and Benz. The first car had no roof, and the wheels resembled bicycle wheels. But he rushed along the roads with unheard-of speed, leaving carriages and riders far behind.

Sketches of the “self-running carriage” of the famous Italian scientist, inventor, and Renaissance painter Leonardo da Vinci have been preserved. There were other projects that were not widely adopted.

The first gasoline-powered car was built in 1886.

The first Russian car

AMO-F-15 The first AMO was produced until 1931. The AMO-F15 chassis served as the basis for the creation of fire trucks

GAZ - A is a middle class passenger car with an open 4-seater, 4-door phaeton-type body. GAZ-A

GAZ-M-20 "Pobeda" GAZ M-20 "Pobeda" is a Soviet passenger car, mass-produced at the Gorky Automobile Plant in 1946-1958.

Moskvich-400 It appeared on the streets of the capital shortly after the war, in 1947.

"Volga GAZ-21" The Gorky Automobile Plant began designing the Volga GAZ-21 car in November 1953.

p lorry

VAZ 2101 "Zhiguli". On April 19, 1970, the first car of the VAZ 2101 Zhiguli brand rolled off the assembly line of a new automobile plant in Tolyatti (VAZ).

Modern domestic cars Lada Granta, also known as VAZ-2190, is a budget sedan based on the Kalina. The car has been in production since late 2011 and is currently being delivered to pre-order customers.

UAZ Patriot

Before 1917 The first Russian car with an internal combustion engine was built and publicly demonstrated in 1896 by Frese and Yakovlev. Soviet period (1924-1991) AMO-F-15 GAZ Zhiguli and Niva ZAvto ZIL, UralAZ, KAZ, LAZ, LiAZ. VAZ-2108 “Sputnik”, Moskvich-2141 “Aleko”, VAZ-1111 “Oka” and ZAZ-1102 “Tavria” GAZ-4301 and ZIL-4331 and LiAZ-5256 and LAZ-4202 buses.

Current state(1992 - present) AvtoVAZ is the largest manufacturer of passenger cars in Eastern Europe KAMAZ is in 11th place in the world among heavy truck manufacturers GAZ Group: Pavlovsky Bus Plant LLC (PAZ), Golitsyn Bus Plant OJSC (GolAZ ), OJSC Saransk Dump Truck Plant, OJSC Avtodizel (Yaroslavl Motor Plant), LLC Likinsky Bus Plant (LiAZ), LLC KAVZ, OJSC Ural Automobile Plant, OJSC Chelyabinsk Road Construction Machines, OJSC Zavolzhsky Plant of Crawler Tractors, OJSC Arzamas Machine-Building Plant, LLC Kanashsky Automobile Unit Plant. Sollers: Sollers-Elabuga LLC, Sollers-Naberezhnye Chelny LLC, Sollers-Far East LLC, Ulyanovsk Motor Plant OJSC, Zavolzhsky Motor Plant ZIL OJSC - Likhachev Plant: AMO ZIL, Saransk Automotive Unit Plant (SAAZ) ) Bryansk Automobile Plant (BAZ) is one of the leading manufacturers of heavy-duty wheeled chassis for the Russian oil and gas complex.

On Road Transport Workers' Day, which is celebrated on the last Sunday of October (in 2019 - October 27), enterprises in this industry host evenings for employees.

The holiday is celebrated by drivers of regular routes, maintenance and repair personnel of carrier enterprises, employees of automobile factories and companies engaged in the production of spare parts and components.

We offer the program corporate holiday on Motorist Day, which includes poems and songs, interesting games and competitions for employees.

Scenario for a corporate event for Motorist Day with competitions

Decorate the room by placing images of cars and road signs. Hang posters on the walls: “Hold on tight to the steering wheel, driver!”, “Happy journey and green light!” and etc.

The celebration of Driver's Day will begin with congratulations from the presenters:
- Dear friends! Our life can no longer be imagined without cars. The economic potential of the country depends on the operation of road transport. Without cars it is unthinkable everyday life millions of Russians.

– On this wonderful day, we congratulate motorists and road workers - all those whose lives are connected with the road.

– May there be only white streaks in the life of each of you, may your friends and loved ones make you happy. We wish you professional growth, financial well-being, good health, personal happiness and success in all your endeavors!

– Congratulations, driver!
May your guardian angel
Directs you to the true path,
Fulfills your hopes!
Gas stations are located immediately,
The car never fails
Dreams will not get bogged down in worries,
And the road will be wonderful!

– Congratulations on Motorist Day
And we wish you, friends, the best!
So that the road is smooth and clean,
And the car did not let you down.
No nail, no rod, no traffic lights
Only greenery for you on the way!
No traffic jams or congestion for you,
In your personal life - happiness and love!

The song “Cars” will be heard in the recording (“The roar of an engine sounds like music to us...”).

What automotive-themed competitions should you hold on Driver’s Day?

Then, at the corporate party held on the occasion of Driver's Day, competitions on automobile topics will begin.

Prepare small gifts for the winners of driver competitions for corporate parties - various accessories for cars: car fragrances and shampoos, hanging toys for rear-view mirrors, napkins for the interior, key rings, etc.

Give your guests a quiz:

  • According to The Driver's Song, what is a real driver not afraid of? (No rain, no slush).
  • What word does the word headlight come from? (From the words “lantern”, “fanfare”, the name of the island of Pharos; the last option is correct).
  • What kind of car did Uncle Fyodor's father drive from the cartoons about Prostokvashino? (“Zaporozhets”).
  • What model car plays the role of the main character in the film "Beware of the Car"? (GAZ-21 "Volga").
  • What brand of car did James Bond drive in the films “Casino Royale” and “Quantum of Solace”? (Aston Martin).
  • In which country did Formula 1 originate? (In Great Britain).
  • Name the most dangerous maneuver of a car. (Overtaking).
  • Name a device for measuring speed at a distance. (Radar).
  • A highway without intersections is... (motorway).
  • What was the name of the grandfather of the bus? (Stagecoach).
  • How many and what colors did the first traffic lights have? (Two: green - “you can go”, “red” - “stop”.)
  • What is the name of the hotel for autotourists? (Camping).

Then, at Driver’s Day, you can hold a “Guess the Tune” competition. Its participants will have to name songs about cars and motorists based on the first notes played:

  • “And I’ll get into a convertible” by L. Uspenskaya,
  • “Truck Driver” performed by T. Ovsienko,
  • "Black Boomer" Seryoga,
  • “Green-Eyed Taxi” performed by M. Boyarsky,
  • “Your Cherry Nine” by the group “Combinations”,
  • “Hey, a girl in a little Peugeot” by singer Yolka and others.

After this, at the corporate event for Motorist Day, according to the script, the presenters will again take the floor:
– We wish motorists
Goodness, love and all the best!
Let the path be free, clean,
Less traffic jams, hassles!
Don't let the traffic lights fail you,
On the way, let them slow down less often.
Well, in complex road disputes
Friends will always support you!

– Motor transport in our life
Everyone knows: it is very important.
Congratulations to everyone who is with him
Inextricably linked
We want to wish you
The tracks are always happy,
And health and warmth,
Tenderness of loved ones,
So that fate does not let you down,
All adversity is over.

– And how many signs are associated with cars:

  • If you wash your car, it means it will rain the next day.
  • You can't whistle in the car, otherwise the traffic cop will stop you.
  • You should not count money in the salon: an experienced traffic cop will hear the rustle of banknotes at a distance of up to 10 km.

– Dear friends, we wish you...
the road is smooth - without bends,
The weather is clear - no rain.
So that the traffic police do not slow down.
And faithful, devoted friends!

So that they wait impatiently at home,
So that there are no traffic jams around,
To be in a great mood
You were driving, my friend!

Other competitions for drivers at corporate events

The scenario of Driver's Day will be continued by cheerful others fun competitions. For the first competition, called “Parking,” you will need toy cars. Place them as you would normally park cars. Tie a string to one machine. Participants will have to park this car using a rope without hitting other cars.

Then, at a corporate event for Driver’s Day, you can hold an automotive-themed competition called “Traffic Controller.” One of the participants will reproduce the movements of the traffic controller, each of which corresponds to a specific phrase.

For example, if the arms are extended to the sides - “Move without stopping”, the right hand is extended forward - “Give way”, the hand is raised up - “Stop, car!”
The movements are performed in different sequences, but participants must not get lost and pronounce the desired phrase. The one who makes a mistake is eliminated from the game.

Guests of the corporate party will also enjoy the “Catch the Inspector” competition for drivers. It is attended by four people from among the guests and the “inspector”. They stand one after another and each takes hold of the waist of the previous participant. The inspector stands last, with a striped tail tied to his back.

Dynamic music sounds, and the participant standing in front begins to chase the inspector, trying to grab him by the tail, the same one tries to dodge. At the same time, three more people move between them in a bunch. As a result, everyone is guaranteed positive emotions!

And at the end of the corporate holiday on Driver’s Day, the presenters will read the following poems:
-Everyone who knows a lot about cars,
Who is just an ace behind the wheel,
Who is used to long roads,
Happy holiday to you!
Don't let your car let you down.
No nail, no rod for you!
Sunshine - in any weather
And in spite of any winds!
Happiness to families, strength, good luck,
Friendship, joys, victories.
Let dreams loom close,
Let the green light burn!

Intellectual quiz on automotive topics

1.What does Volkswagen mean in German?

A) a comfortable car
B) a car for people is the correct answer
B) car of the future

Information for the presenter: the birth of mass cars was blessed by the main Nazi, Adolf Hitler. It was he who, having familiarized himself with the developments of Ferdinand Porsche’s design bureau, ordered its release to the people in 1934. Let everyone go! They even say that he also came up with the name Volkswagen (VW).

2 . What type of racing is Formula 1?
A) Rally
B) Circuit racing is the correct answer
D) Autocross

3 . What name was given to the racing team founded by Ferrari in 1929?
A) Ferrari stable - correct answer
B) Ferrari Mustangs
D) Ferrari Trotters

4 . In which country did Formula 1 originate?
A) France
B) Germany
B) Great Britain is the correct answer

Note for the presenter: Formula 1 teams are also called stables by analogy with horse racing, so popular in Great Britain, where Formula 1 originated.

5 . What does Volvo mean in Latin?
A) I'm driving
B) I'm rocking - correct answer
B) I'm flying

6 . Under what name was “Zaporozhets” sold in Finland?
A) Massandra
B) Yalta is the correct answer
B) Livadia

Help for the presenter - “Zaporozhets” in Finland sounds almost like the words “pig tail”, so in Finland “Zaporozhets” are sold under the name “Yalta”.

7 . What does the BMW logo mean?
A) an airplane propeller against a blue sky is the correct answer
B) chessboard
B) butterfly wings

Presenter's note: This is actually a stylized rotating airplane propeller against the sky. This specific sign was due to the “winged” past of the company. To say that at the beginning of the twentieth century the Bavarians built aircraft engines is an understatement... they were the best! Excellent reliability and incredible performance have earned BMW aviators the title of the best engineers in the world!

8 . What brand of car did James Bond drive in the movie Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace?
A) Aston Martin is the correct answer
B) Volvo

9 . How is the word car translated from Latin?
A) self-propelled – correct answer
B) controlled
B) moving

10 . What does drag racing mean?
A) racing on a dirt ring track
B) competitions to overcome almost impassable, short, specially prepared trails
C) competition for acceleration in a straight line - the correct answer

11 . In what year did the first Formula 1 championship take place?
D) 1950 is the correct answer

12 . What word does the word headlight come from?
A) from the name of the island of Faros - the correct answer
B) from the word lantern
B) from the word fanfare

Help for the presenter : It turns out that in the time of Ptolemy, at the entrance to the harbor of the city of Alexandria on the island of Pharos, there was a famous lighthouse - one of the seven wonders of the world.

13 At the top of the tower, which reached a height of 170 meters, a fire was lit at night, which was visible far out to sea.

Answer: “Zhiguli” was named after the mountainous area near Tolyatti.

“Geographical” names were often given to products of the Soviet automobile industry, but soon the overlay “surfaced” with the “Zhiguli”. When they began to prepare export deliveries of the VAZ-2101, it turned out that in some European languages ​​there is a very similar-sounding word “gigolo”, which was used to describe a young man leading an antisocial lifestyle. Then the foreign economic relations department of VAZ came up with a foreign name for the Zhiguli - Lada. It's primordial Russian word means “beloved”, is easy to spell and sounds good in all languages. This name became a foreign nickname for “Zhiguli”, and with the updating of the model range it began to be used in the domestic market.

14 . The Ferrari F40 model was created to commemorate what event in Ferrari history?
A) 40th anniversary of Enzo Ferrari
B) 40th anniversary of Ferrari - correct answer
C) the release of this model was not tied to any event

15 . How is the Audi trademark translated from Latin?
A) look
B) listen is the correct answer
B) rate

Information for the presenter: His former partners, sensing a strong competitor in the young company, filed a lawsuit against Horch demanding to change the name of the company. According to the court decision, the new car production enterprise could not bear the name Horch, and August Horch turned to the Latinized version of the previous name: the word horch, meaning “listen” in German, became audi. Thus, in 1909, the famous trademark and the no less famous Audi company were born.

Short questions

  • Pedestrian crossing (zebra crossing)
  • On which side can you overtake a car? (left)
  • What wheels don't exist? Bald, spiked, hairy?
  • lines drawn on the road (markings)
  • As drivers call the steering wheel. (steering wheel)
  • What do you call a person who thinks for a long time? (brake)
  • What is the “heart” of the machine. (Motor)
  • Machine legs. (Wheels)
  • What do you call a person who drives a car poorly? (Kettle)
  • A device that regulates traffic. (Traffic light)
  • Crossing roads. (Crossroads)
  • A man who travels on a bus. (Passenger)
  • An element of the road along which people walk. (Sidewalk)
  • A person walking. (Pedestrian)
  • Man directing traffic. (Adjuster)
  • Pattern on a car tire. (Tread)
  • Signaling device on the railway. (Semaphore)
  • Grandfather of the Bus (Stagecoach)
  • Grandma bus (coach)
  • Small bus (minibus)
  • It comes in sandwich and motor oil (Oil).
  • Street without through passage (Dead End)
  • Body type "Zaporozhets" (Coupe)
  • Road for cars translated from German (Autobahn)
  • A vehicle used to transport timber (Timber carrier)
  • Hired car driver (Taxi driver)
  • Common name for driver's license (License)
  • Humpbacked or eared (Zaporozhets)
  • Unpaved road (country road)
  • Crossbar covering a railway crossing (Barrier)
  • Device for filling tires with air (Pump)
  • They fly off the highway there (Ditch)
  • Truck plant in Belarus (MAZ)
  • The most dangerous maneuver of a car (Overtaking)
  • Flashing light, otherwise known as flasher
  • It is halogen and in the headlight (Lamp)
  • 4 by 4 – (SUV)
  • The car is entrusted to be assembled by Uzbeks (Daewoo)
  • VAZ-1118 – (viburnum)
  • cigarettes from the movie “Beware of the Car” - (Friend)
  • What you need to put pressure on so that everything is jazz. (Gas)
  • "filling" of gasoline, which determines its price (Octane)
  • It is smaller than the Volga and like a river and like a car (Oka)
  • The "Brick" sign means (no entry)
  • Vibration from driving over bumps - (shaking)
  • Device for measuring speed at a distance - (radar)
  • Canteen for car – gas station (barrel)
  • Measure of oil – (barrel)
  • Uuuu girl in a small... – (Peugeot)
  • Who invented the wheel? - (Human)
  • Where is the oil fill hole located - (under the hood)
  • Is it possible to swallow bearings? - (No)
  • A sign that looks like a sight. (Mercedes)
  • Sign like a rhombus (renault)
  • Badge consisting of 3 red diamonds (Mitsubishi)
  • Sign - Latin L in an oval (Lexus)
  • Sign - Horse rushing forward (Mustang)
  • Sign - Horse standing on its hind hooves (Ferrari)
  • Sign - Almost like the Russian letter N (Honda, Hyundai)
  • Sign of Zorro (Opel)
  • Badge - 4 rings (Audi)
  • Sign - 4 diagonals (Fiat)
  • Sign - w (Volkswagen)
  • Sign - Lion scratching something (Peugeot)
  • Emblem with Deer (Gas)
  • Sign - English letter B with wings (Bentley)
  • Sound warning – (Beep)
  • Spacer between steering wheel and seat – (Driver)
  • Almost everything fits into it. – (glove compartment)
  • Everything else is put in it - (trunk)
  • It charges the battery with energy - (generator)
  • Device for monitoring speed - (tachometer)
  • Sto – (station Maintenance)
  • Holder of a zebra-colored stick (traffic cop)
    • Best regards, agency team acuteI have a lot of ideas Red perez.
  • The last Sunday in October is Motorist Day. How to mark it? A traditional feast will be boring without an interesting entertainment program, which will be attended by not only those for whom this is a professional holiday, but also those who want to join in the fun and spend this day actively and in a good mood.

    Preparation for the holiday

    Creating a suitable atmosphere is the main condition for a successful holiday. In the room where guests of the celebration gather, decorations related to the theme “car enthusiasts” are hung. These are images of cars and road signs. If you have the opportunity to fork out some money, they place a couple of tires in the hall. An alternative option is to decorate the space in a Formula 1 style. All you have to do is take out the checkered flags, the main attribute of the world famous races.
    The festive atmosphere is an important factor that influences how successfully the implementation of ideas, scenarios, competitions and games will go.
    They don’t forget about souvenirs, which are given out as prizes to everyone who wins quizzes and fun competitions. For example, car key chains, interior wipes, fragrances, toys for the mirror, dashboard, stickers.
    The holiday begins with a musical intro (a car-themed song plays). The opening speech is given to a professional presenter. After several toasts, the competition begins.

    Improvisation competition

    1. Create improvised front seats of the car by placing two chairs next to each other (three pairs in total).
    2. A man and a woman are called.
    3. Participants are given time to prepare the skit.
    Their main task is to 100% reveal the acting talent. Men are driving their girlfriends with the wind, who sing, apply makeup, talk on the phone, distract the driver from the road, do everything possible to make the scene look more realistic and funnier. At the end of the “driving” scene, each couple performs a “car song”, for example, “Black Boomer”, “Your Cherry Nine”, “And I’ll Get in the Convertible”.
    The winner is chosen by the guests of the holiday, supporting each couple with applause. Those who clap and shout loudest win.
    Road signs
    After a short break, when the guests chat over festive table, the host announces the start of a quiz in which he will test his knowledge of road signs. The rules are not explained to the participants, so confident and experienced drivers agree to take the quiz; a small surprise awaits them. The presenter makes a wish for non-existent funny signs that the participants need to draw, using their imagination and ingenuity.

    Sign options:

    “Be careful, the traffic police inspector is in the bushes”;
    “After the 10th drink, entry is prohibited”;
    "Watch out for the blonde around the corner."
    The organizer of the holiday shows a sense of humor by making various and funny signs. The winner is the one whose picture best illustrates this or that warning.
    Competition for knowledge of car brands
    Beforehand, the presenter makes a survey about who in the audience drives worse, who doesn’t have a driver’s license, is far from the automotive topic and came to the event to congratulate a loved one. From such people they recruit participants for the next competition. The main task of the competitors is to find out and name more car brands, focusing on the emblems. The participant who named the most brands wins.

    Try to catch the inspector

    1. One of the five participants is appointed “Rublevsky Inspector”; an improvised striped tail is tied to his back, like a traffic controller’s baton.
    2. The remaining four participants line up like a train, each player placing his hands on the waist of the next one standing in front.
    3. “Inspector from Rublyovka” becomes the last in the chain.
    4. To the accompaniment of fiery fast music, the first participant in the chain begins to run, trying to catch up with the traffic police inspector standing at the end of the “train” in order to catch him by the tail.
    5. The task of the “Rublevsky Inspector” is to dodge, wagging his tail, so as not to be caught.
    6. The task of the participants in the center is not to let go of the participant in front, so as not to disrupt the integrity of the chain.
    You'll be surprised how hard it is to win this game by following the rules. The advantage of the competition is that even those who do not participate in the competition will have fun, since from the outside the pursuit of the “traffic police inspector” looks funny.
    "Valuable Cargo"

    This is a team type game.

    1. Recruit two teams of several participants.
    2. The most responsible “driver” is selected for each team.
    3. Each driver is given a children's dump truck (first tie it to a rope, and there should be a pencil on the other end of the rope).
    4. Prepare an equal number of children's medium-sized cubes for the team.
    The task of the teams.
    Drivers are located on the “finish” line, holding pencils in their hands, while the cars are located on the “start” line.
    At the command of the leader, the remaining team members take turns (in the form of a relay race) load the dump truck with valuable cargo, cubes (only one can be placed at a time).
    Once all the cubes have been loaded, the drivers begin wrapping the rope around the pencil, causing the dump truck to move toward the finish line. It is important to get the car to its destination faster, without losing valuable cargo along the way.
    The winner is the team that delivers the valuable cargo faster and whose losses are minimal.

    "Brave Dashing Driver"

    An exciting impromptu game that will invigorate and unite holiday guests and lift their spirits.
    The leader selects two teams, each with more participants (an equal number in the two teams).
    1. Several chairs are placed in the center of the hall for each group of participants.
    2. The task of the teams is to imagine themselves as a passenger of the Sochi minibus. At the same time, someone gets a seat, and someone stands, tightly pressed against another team member.
    3. All members in the group hold on tightly to each other.
    4. A reckless driver rushes through the city, playing the song “Black Eyes” loudly.
    5. When the driver (leader) shouts “to the right,” everyone leans sharply to the right and shouts “Oooh.” When the driver shouts “left” - everyone leans to the left and shouts “Ahhh”, the driver shouts “bumps” - everyone jumps up and shouts “Ugh”.
    6. You cannot let go of neighboring passengers, trying not to fall yourself and not to allow your “friend in misfortune” to fall.
    There are no winners, because the main goal of the game is to stir everyone up and give them a good mood.

    Musical competition "Auto market"

    Many owners treat cars with reverence, but sometimes the time comes to part with their “swallow” by selling it. Selling a car in a competition will have to be unusual, artistic, playful and fun. Rules of the game.
    1. The presenter selects several participants.
    2. Everyone chooses a piece of paper at random, turns it over, and names the car brand shown.
    3. The DJ introduces the participants to musical selections (famous songs, a song for each player).
    4. They are given a few minutes to prepare, after which the participant tries to “beat” the song, putting text about the car on its motive, trying to praise it in order to sell it faster on the “Auto Market”.
    The winner is the one who plays the song and story about his vehicle better and funnier.

    Exam “Reverse”

    This is an exam competition.
    1. Form two teams, inviting 4 players to each.
    2. Two tracks are pre-prepared, and pins are placed on each of them.
    3. Teams line up like a train, appoint a driver who looks at the road and tries to go around the pins, carefully moving along the track like a snake.
    4. They complicate the task by blindfolding other participants.
    5. To the music, at the command of the leader, the drivers begin to move their “chain-car” so as to get to the finish line and knock down fewer pins along the way. The driver can shout out clues to his team, indicating the approximate position of obstacles while the team reverses.
    Win - a group of motorists who successfully passed the exam, the speed of the route and the number of pins knocked down are taken into account.

    Fun fortune-telling “Who will leave the banquet with what?”

    A funny variation of the well-known game “Musical Hat”. The presenter preliminarily makes an eyeliner, warns that fortune telling is unusual, and will allow guests to find out what they will go home with after the end of the event.
    The presenter walks next to the guests, holding a “magic microphone” in his hands. At this time, a musical screensaver sounds, suddenly the music stops and an excerpt from popular songs starts. The excerpt will tell the guest, next to whom the host is staying, what he will have to do to get home from the banquet. The passages chosen are funny, for example, “we will race on reindeer”, “I will go out into the field with a horse at night”, etc.
    Fun games, improvisation competitions, music competitions, quizzes - all this will make an ordinary feast, dedicated to the Day motorist bright and memorable.

    We offer a collection of games that will be especially appropriate for professional holidays, anniversaries for car enthusiasts, corporate parties, and if you change the eyeliner a little, they can be held at any celebration and any company.

    “Fun and musical games and competitions for motorists”- these are new thematic, very exciting entertainment with full musical accompaniment, which, if desired, can be downloaded directly in the text. (Thanks to the authors of the ideas)

    1. Competition for motorists "Love Machine"

    A song is played to create the appropriate atmosphere.

    Sounds 1.Project. Car - love

    Presenter: I offer a comic guessing game about men. They say that the car a man drives says a lot about himself. Let's try to guess?

    Confidently holds his hand on the steering wheel

    The CHEVROLET driver doesn't like show-offs.

    A very brutal and brave type,

    The one who drives a JEEP.

    He is independent and proud by nature,

    The one who chooses a FORD car.

    He knows that he tried not in vain,

    Reliable man driving a SUBARU

    The President drove this car

    We call everyone who is on KALINA a Patriot.

    Will drive through mud, rain and snowstorms.

    The breadwinner is a man, he has a GAZelle.

    I bought a car with saved rubles,

    Old-fashioned, modest owner of ZHIGULI.

    Women haven't really appreciated it yet.

    Nimble and incomprehensible OKA driver

    (during the game, the presenter chooses two ladies in the hall who answered faster and more willingly than others)

    Presenter: The winners of the quiz come to me, What is your name? Nowadays, a woman driving is no longer a rarity, but a normal occurrence. And no matter how skeptical men may be about this phenomenon, statistics show that women, as drivers, are more careful and disciplined. Let's check how strong you are in driving practice. Do you have a car? Which brand? Colors? Is this the car of your dreams? Each one - find a man in our hall who matches the idea of ​​this car, and bring him here. Get your men in - this is now the car of your dreams, take care of it, wipe the headlights, hood, look into the engine - everything is in order, open the doors, wipe the rear bumper, put things in order in the glove compartment, cars need to be filled with anti-freeze liquid (one shot at a time) they bring it to the cars), then they need to be refueled (snack). It would be a sin not to take a ride in such a clean and beautiful car, now we’ll find out which of our women is the fastest driver - the ladies open the door, lay a napkin on the seat (the man’s knee) and “drive” to the accompaniment of fiery music. The one with the most wrinkled napkin wins.

    Sounds 2. I'll get in the car.

    (We evaluate which napkin is more wrinkled.)

    Presenter : ( I ask the winners s) Now let’s find out what the winner thinks about her car?

    Sounds 3. The car is a beast

    Presenter: ( I ask the losing lady) And now let’s ask the opinion of the lady who took second place?

    Sounds 4. Let the carburetor dry up.

    (These ready-made phrases can be included, or you can actually ask the participants for their opinion)

    Presenter: I hope your partner will not be offended, because this did not apply to him, but to the chosen car brand, or maybe you should change your dream?

    Sounds 5. Let's drink for gasoline.

    (For a closer group, you can arrange a game “For Safety”, which can be found in this selection for adults)

    2. Fun team game "Valuable cargo"

    For this game, two equal teams are recruited, each of which chooses the most careful driver in their ranks, in their opinion, who can be entrusted with valuable cargo. For the game you need to prepare two large children's dump trucks with a long rope, plastic, preferably small, cubes (according to the number of participants) and two pencils.

    Game conditions: Selected drivers stand opposite the dump trucks at a distance of 2-3 meters, next to them there is a pile of cubes. The task of the members of each team in turn (one at a time) is to take a cube and run to their dump truck, load the cube and run back when they return to the team - the next player runs. When all the cubes are “loaded”, the driver begins to wind the rope from his dump truck onto the pencil, trying to do it quickly, but so as not to lose the cubes.

    The winner is the team whose dump truck arrives first and with minimal losses.

    3. Game with the audience for Motorist Day “Dashing Driver”

    4. Musical game "Car Market"

    For this game you need to download and print pictures of different cars and prepare songs about them or take ready-made clips here.

    Leading: Of course, we all love our cars, but sooner or later there comes a time when we need to sell them. And here, no matter how many troubles and adversities our “swallow” has endured, it must be presented from the best side.

    (The players choose pictures of different brands of cars at random, then name the car in their picture and the DJ, in turn, plays the corresponding excerpt from the song for each. The song must be played or a presentation made to the music. You can give an example, as in the “Good Jokes” program , cheerfully carried out signs for the next round)

    Options for musical excerpts for the game "Car Market":