Atkins diet allowed and prohibited foods. The first stage of the Atkins diet. Dr. Atkins' revolutionary new diet

Natalia Bogdanova

Reading time: 10 minutes


The low-carbohydrate Atkins diet is not just a short-term dietary restriction, but an effective weight loss system that allows you to maintain results throughout your life.

Uncontrolled consumption of sugars provokes the release of insulin in excess amounts, which over time leads to the body's immunity to the effects of insulin. In turn, a decrease in insulin sensitivity contributes to the emergence of diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, heart and vascular problems, and stroke.

Depriving the body of the most accessible and easily digestible of nutrients - carbohydrates - starts the process of using fat deposits as an energy supply. This is how getting rid of extra centimeters and kilograms begins.

Basic rules of the Atkins diet

The low-carb Atkins diet consists of 4 stages that minimize health harm through a slow and smooth weight loss process. This duration of the diet promotes weight loss due to (mainly) fat, rather than muscle catabolism (destruction) and dehydration.

We will look at each of the 4 stages in detail, but for now we will list the basic rules for healthy weight loss according to Atkins.

Atkins diet rules:

  • Eat small meals.
  • Have time to have a snack before you feel hungry.
  • You can lose up to 2.5 kg in a week, but it will be difficult to maintain muscle mass. Optimal figures are minus 0.5-1 kg.
  • The basis of the diet should be proteins and natural fats.
  • Consumption of protein in large quantities should be accompanied by plenty of clean water - at least 2 liters per day.
  • At each stage, a certain amount of carbohydrates is allowed, the exact calculation of which determines the final result.
  • The exclusion of most fruits and vegetables from the diet is compensated by taking vitamin-mineral complexes.

Compliance with these simple rules is a prerequisite for effective and safe weight loss.

4 stages of weight loss according to Atkins

Stage 1. Induction phase

Introductory phase. Duration – from 2 weeks.

The consumption of carbohydrates is allowed in the amount of 20 g (per day), obtained from vegetables (non-starchy) and herbs.

Stage 2. Fat burning phase

This stage is characterized by stable and moderate fat burning. Instead of a maximum of 2.5 kg on strict diets, you lose a gentle 1 kg per week.

Gradually (every week) add carbohydrates in the amount of 5 g. They can be obtained from berries, seeds and nuts.

After another 14 days, when you start consuming 35 g of carbohydrates, the weight will go away by 500-800 g per week. Stick with this regimen until you only have a couple of extra pounds left.

Stage 3. Transition phase

The minimum duration of the phase is 2 months. This stage does not involve losing more than 0.5 kg per week.

The task is to find a starting point that allows you to fix your weight, that is, determine the exact amount of carbohydrates. Now add 10 g of carbohydrates until fat burning stops completely. Add new foods to your diet very carefully (one at a time).

As soon as you notice changes on the scales towards the plus side, return to the 2nd stage.

Stage 4. Consolidation and support of achieved results

Characterized by complete weight stabilization over 2 weeks or more.

There are no strict restrictions, and this stage is more difficult than the previous ones - endurance and self-control will be required. Every day you should choose only healthy foods.

Tips for losing weight:

  • Spread your daily carbohydrate intake over several meals to avoid sudden spikes in blood sugar.
  • If problems with stool (constipation) occur, it is recommended to take additional coarse fiber in the form of wheat bran or flax seeds. The Atkins diet does not include bran carbohydrates because they are not absorbed by the body.

What foods and drinks are allowed on the Atkins diet?

Allowed foods and drinks according to Atkins:

  • All types of cheese, meat, fish, seafood and poultry.
  • Eggs in any form.
  • Water – artesian, drinking, mineral, carbonated and flavored (no calories).
  • Broth, herbal teas, lemon or lime juice, decaffeinated coffee, diet lemonades.
  • Artificial sweeteners – sodium saccharinate, acesulfame potassium, sucralose, cyclamate.
  • Berries in small quantities (low glycemic index).
  • Oils – sesame, soybean, butter, sunflower, grape seed, rapeseed, olive, coconut.
  • Vegetables and herbs that are allowed to be consumed daily are sweet peppers, cucumbers, daikon (Japanese radish), mushrooms, lettuce, celery, chicory, sorrel, parsley.
  • Other vegetables (non-starchy, contain more carbohydrates) - asparagus, artichoke hearts, cabbage (Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, pickled, cauliflower), beet tops, turnips, leeks and onions, pumpkin, green peas, rhubarb, carrots, green onions, celery root, zucchini, green beans, eggplant, spinach, tomatoes.
  • Additives for salads - grated cheese, sour cream, chopped bacon, chopped eggs, boiled mushrooms.
  • Salad dressing – vinegar, olive oil, homemade mayonnaise, lemon juice.
  • Herbs and spices - sage, basil, dill, black pepper, tarragon, coriander, ginger, oregano, rosemary, cilantro, garlic, thyme.


  • The daily intake of hard cheeses is calculated based on the condition: 30 g of any cheese is equal to 1 g of carbohydrates. The recommended daily intake is no more than 150 g.
  • At the first stage, cottage cheese and cheeses are excluded.
  • The recommended daily intake of oysters and mussels is up to 110 g per day.

What foods and drinks are prohibited on the Atkins diet?

Prohibited foods and drinks according to Atkins:

  • Empty carbohydrates - white rice, sugar, milk, white flour, fruit juices, breadcrumbs.
  • Cereals, potatoes and fruits - until the desired weight loss results are achieved.
  • Cutlets and sausages.
  • Caffeine – cola, tea, coffee.
  • Sweetener aspartame.
  • Alcohol.
  • Store-bought sauces and mayonnaise.
  • Chewing gum.
  • Cough syrups.

Menu for 7 days

Important! Servings of dishes depend on their carbohydrate content. Adapt to the norms of each stage.


Breakfast. Cheese and tomato omelette, 1/2 avocado, decaf coffee with cream.
Snack. Chicken, sweet peppers and celery.
Dinner. Beefsteak, Greek salad with sesame seeds.
Dinner. Salmon steak with lemon.


Breakfast. Tuna salad, coffee.
Snack. Salad of grated carrots and cheese with garlic and nuts.
Dinner. Fried chicken, green salad with tomatoes and dressing.
Dinner. Rib chop, fried summer squash, sparkling mineral water.


Breakfast. Scrambled eggs with bacon and herbs.
Snack. Olives with lemon, a slice of smoked salmon.
Dinner. Salad with chicken and hard-boiled egg in cream sauce.
Dinner. Pork with mushrooms in sour cream sauce.


Breakfast. Hard-boiled eggs, cheese or red caviar, cucumber.
Snack. Caesar salad without croutons.
Dinner. Fried sea cocktail mixture, celery.
Dinner. Beef, grilled vegetables.


Breakfast. Scrambled eggs with ham and cheese.
Snack. Nuts, berries, roasted flax seeds.
Dinner. Shrimp and green vegetable salad.
Dinner. Chicken thighs with homemade mustard-garlic sauce.


Breakfast. Fried egg, tomato.
Snack. Tuna in oil, celery.
Dinner. Salad of green beans, olives, garlic and eggs.
Dinner. Turkey fillet in sour cream sauce.


Breakfast. Omelet with ham.
Snack. Fried shrimps.
Dinner. Vegetable stew.
Dinner. Roasted chicken with lemon juice and aromatic herbs.

Pros of the Atkins diet:

  • Feeling full;
  • Preservation of muscle mass;
  • There is no need to count daily calories, but only carbohydrates;
  • Recording the result;
  • Normalization of cholesterol levels;
  • Reducing the risk of developing vascular and heart diseases;
  • Getting rid of puffiness;
  • Reduced cravings for junk food;
  • Normalization of metabolism and blood pressure;
  • Mitigation of allergic reactions;
  • Strengthening immunity;
  • Cheerfulness and energy.

The target group of the Atkins diet is people suffering from:

  • Metabolic disorders;
  • Prediabetes or decreased glucose tolerance;
  • Hypoglycemia;
  • Food addiction;
  • Atherosclerosis.

Disadvantages of the diet and contraindications

Possible side effects in the first weeks of the diet:

  • Dizziness and weakness;
  • Night cramps in the leg muscles;
  • Frequent urination.

The dietary method is contraindicated for:

  • Severe kidney disease;
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • Taking diuretics, insulin or oral antidiabetic drugs.

How to start a diet correctly and how to get out of it?

Preparing for weight loss includes:

  • Passing a full medical examination and passing the necessary tests.
  • Stop taking medications (if possible) – cough suppressants, sleeping pills, antacids, laxatives, antiallergic drugs, antihistamines.
  • Measuring hips, upper arms, chest, waist. Measurements are taken again after a few weeks.

You need to exit the diet gradually, adding one product every week. In fact, you do not leave the diet, because the last stage is designed to last a lifetime.

Having determined how many carbohydrates per day you can consume without gaining weight, in the future do not allow yourself to gain more than 2 kg - it will be easier to get rid of them.

Opinions of nutritionists and doctors

Opinion of nutritionist Yulia Chekhonina, Nutrition Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences:

One of the positive aspects of the dietary method is the absence of hunger, which means there will be no overeating. However, while the Atkins diet does help you lose weight, eating too much protein can lead to hypertension, gout, and kidney disease.

Opinion of Olga Zaikina, leading researcher at the Institute of Immunology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation:

The Robert Atkins diet, which completely excludes carbohydrate foods, is not physiological, it dramatically changes the entire metabolism and is suitable only for very healthy people without hormonal, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and urinary problems.

Even Hollywood stars have appreciated the effectiveness of the Atkins diet. This nutrition system helps you quickly get rid of even a large amount of extra pounds. You will also receive a menu and delicious recipes for weight loss!

Many Hollywood stars have achieved excellent weight loss and excellent physical fitness thanks to the Dr. Robert Atkins diet. This technique is often called Hollywood; it is also believed that it is the basis for the Kremlin diet, widespread in Russia.

The system was developed by a doctor in the USA back in the 60s of the last century, when his weight was over 100 kilograms. A significant reduction in carbohydrate consumption ensured that body weight was brought back to normal - the doctor was able to lose 28 kilograms. He outlined the principles of his system in 1972 in the manual “Dr. Atkins' Revolutionary Diet.” Later in 1992, Dr. Atkins' Revolutionary New Diet went on sale.

Advantages and disadvantages

The power supply system has become quite popular in the world and has many fans. However, it is worth noting the positive and negative aspects of the weight loss program, because the main goal when adjusting body weight is not to harm the body.

The advantages of the scheme are the following:

  • gradual smooth decrease in body weight to the required level;
  • accessibility, simplicity of the method;
  • improving overall well-being by removing toxins from fat deposits;
  • getting rid of food addiction;
  • stimulation of metabolism, the body’s production of growth hormone and adrenaline - natural antidepressants that will help you cope with restrictions more easily;
  • the ability to preserve the muscle mass of a losing weight person through a protein menu;
  • lack of hunger due to the abundant presence of protein foods and variety of foods on the menu;
  • regulation of insulin levels in the blood - a weight loss regimen refers to ketogenic diets, which allows you to successfully control this indicator;
  • prevention of diabetes, heart disease;
  • normalization of blood sugar values ​​- slow digestion of protein eliminates fluctuations in glucose levels.

Experts point out the following as significant disadvantages of the technique:

  • possible dehydration of the body due to a sharp restriction of carbohydrates - they are responsible for water retention in the body; if their consumption is reduced, weight loss will occur precisely due to the removal of excess fluid from the body;
  • decreased brain activity, concentration, and lethargy are a consequence of a strict reduction in sugar-containing foods;
  • possible vitamin deficiency;
  • risk of kidney stones;
  • ketoacidosis;
  • increased blood cholesterol levels;
  • uncontrollable cravings for sweets;
  • the duration of the diet, which makes it not acceptable if you need to quickly lose weight;
  • deterioration of health – the appearance of irritability, weakness, dry hair, skin, insomnia, brittle nail plates. Nausea and pain in the gastrointestinal tract may occur, since protein foods are considered difficult to digest;
  • unbalanced diet, limited intake of fiber and fiber provoke constipation;
  • an impressive list of contraindications;
  • the need for constant calculation of nutrients, which is not entirely convenient for some people;
  • calcium deficiency in the body, which can lead to osteoporosis and dental problems.

Basic principles and steps

The main idea of ​​the Atkins diet is a low-carbohydrate diet. Limiting carbohydrates as the main energy source for the human body forces it to process fat deposits. The doctor’s technique aims to change metabolism so as to obtain energy for the body by burning fats rather than carbohydrates, and to keep the level of glucose in a person’s blood within normal limits.

The weight loss program includes 4 phases, all stages of the diet differ in their individual characteristics:

  1. Introductory - induction.
  2. The main one is active weight loss and balancing.
  3. Transitional (fine tuning) – consolidation of the results obtained.
  4. Supportive – supporting and maintaining a stable weight.

Introductory phase - induction

It is characterized by the beginning of the transition of metabolic processes in the body to a state of ketosis - the breakdown of fats to obtain the energy that is needed for the functioning of the body. It is considered the most important period, which is responsible for achieving the ultimate goal of the diet - losing extra pounds. The duration of the induction phase is 14 days, which is necessary for the body to get used to the new diet; it psychologically adjusts to the process of losing weight. Depending on the structure and type of figure, the potential results are minus 2-5 kilograms. This is achieved through a strict ban on saccharides, removal of excess fluid from the body, and restructuring of everyday life. Description of the stage:

  • The daily intake of net carbohydrates is 20 grams;
  • careful control of their consumption in “pure” form;
  • It is recommended to exclude sugar-containing foods, caffeine, and alcohol;
  • it is allowed to consume non-starchy vegetables, any types of proteins, fats;
  • when consuming ready-made or semi-finished food, be sure to read the composition indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging to calculate the daily carbohydrate intake;
  • The diet, namely time, number of meals, snacks, remains the same. It is advisable to organize meals in portions: 3-5 meals with a gap of 2-4 hours;
  • The serving size is normal, overeating is not allowed;
  • mandatory drinking balance - at least 2-2.5 liters of clean water per day;
  • taking any medications is prohibited;
  • it is recommended to start taking a complex of multivitamins to smooth out the stressful state of the body;
  • if constipation occurs, it is necessary to increase the amount of food containing plant fibers and fiber in the diet;
  • moderate exercise will help you achieve better results when adjusting your figure;
  • It is allowed to dress salads with vegetable oils (no more than 1 tablespoon);
  • when cooking meat, preference is given to cooking in the oven, foil or steamed;
  • it is necessary to diversify the diet to facilitate the passage of the phase.

Allowed foods for consumption in the first stage of the diet

Meat, meat products - when purchasing, you need to study the composition:

  • veal;
  • mutton;
  • bacon;
  • beef;
  • sausage;
  • ham;
  • pork.

Fish - cook without using breading:

  • flounder;
  • sardines;
  • salmon;
  • herring;
  • tuna;
  • trout.

Poultry meat – breading, flour sauces are prohibited:

  • duck;
  • goose;
  • turkey;
  • chicken;
  • quail.

Hard cheese (daily value no more than 120-150 g) - carefully study the information indicated on the product label, exclude dietary and processed types.

Seafood – canned or fresh:

  • shrimps;
  • squid.
  • included in food recipes;
  • boiled;
  • fried.

Fats, oils - mayonnaise and sour cream are also allowed, provided that carbohydrate standards are met:

  • sunflower;
  • fish fat;
  • sesame;
  • soy;
  • butter;
  • grape;
  • coconut

Seasonings, dressings:

  • pepper;
  • dried herbs;
  • vinegar;
  • lemon juice.

Drinks, liquids:

  • herbal infusions;
  • lemon juice;
  • mineral and ordinary water;
  • tea without sugar, caffeine;
  • broths;
  • decaffeinated coffee.

Vegetables, green salads:

  • sheet;
  • cabbage;
  • chicory;
  • alfalfa shoots;
  • olives;
  • cucumber;
  • sorrel;
  • chilli;
  • radish;
  • fennel;
  • radish;
  • mushrooms;
  • dill;
  • celery (greens);
  • paprika;
  • parsley;
  • thyme;
  • basil;
  • rosemary.

Various vegetables:

  • bamboo shoots;
  • rhubarb;
  • asparagus;
  • avocado;
  • artichokes;
  • daikon;
  • beet greens;
  • dandelion greens;
  • eggplant;
  • pumpkin;
  • squash;
  • zucchini;
  • mustard greens;
  • zucchini;
  • spinach;
  • Chinese cabbage;
  • turnip;
  • tomatoes.

There are also prohibited products, the list of which is described in more detail in the doctor’s tables:

  • sweets, sugar, aspartame, sweeteners: maltose, fructose and others;
  • pasta, bread, all products, dishes in the preparation of which flour is used;
  • beets, potatoes, carrots - contain starch;
  • fruits, juices from them;
  • seeds, nuts;
  • cooking fats, margarine;
  • alcohol;
  • caffeinated drinks.

The main phase is active weight loss, balancing

The doctor’s observations indicate that sufficient changes have occurred in the body of a person losing weight by this period. The main goal of the second phase of the Atkins diet is to use the selection method to find the required individual daily intake of carbohydrates, at which there will be no obstacles to reducing body weight. If the desired result is achieved, this norm must be followed to maintain a stable weight. That is, it is gradually necessary to introduce food with a low content of saccharides, which were prohibited at the first stage. An increase in the norm is allowed by no more than 5 grams per week.

The main points of this stage are the following requirements:

  • weighing yourself daily in the morning at a certain time on an empty stomach after visiting the toilet;
  • menu expansion with the need for strict carbohydrate counting;
  • if consumption exceeds the daily norm and when weight is gained, return to the first phase;
  • increasing strength training to accelerate weight loss;
  • when a slight decrease in body weight is achieved, it is necessary to increase the sugar rate more slowly - add 5 grams no more than once every 3-4 weeks;
  • the main requirement is to find the optimal balance between the concepts of “continue to lose weight” and “increase the value of carbohydrates by expanding the menu”;
  • constant control of appetite;
  • exclusion of foods that provoke overeating and weight gain;
  • after 1.5-2 months from the start of the diet, it is recommended to take tests again and consult a specialist to decide whether it is advisable to continue following the program;
  • in phase 2-3 of the diet, a critical level of consumption of the main nutrient of the system is reached, at which weight loss stops. This indicator depends on several factors - age, physical activity, heredity, others;
  • The duration of the period is set individually (from 4 weeks to 1 year). The transition to the third stage is allowed when 3-5 kilograms remain to the desired weight;
  • The optimal rate of weight loss is up to 0.5 kilograms per week.

Expansion of the diet and increase in consumption rates occurs due to the following list of products (to the previously permitted types):

  • sweet red pepper;
  • broccoli;
  • celery root;
  • beet;
  • green beans;
  • cauliflower;
  • avocado;
  • olives;
  • onion.

Dairy range:

  • cream;
  • cheese – processed, homemade, fibrous.

Seeds and nuts:

  • pumpkin seeds;
  • hazelnuts;
  • peanut;
  • Walnut.

Berries and fruits:

  • mandarin;
  • lemon;
  • watermelon;
  • raspberries;
  • strawberry;
  • melon.
  • citric;
  • tomato

Transitional phase (fine tuning) – consolidation of the results obtained

This implies a further increase in carbohydrate intake by 10 grams per week. When weight loss stops, reduce saccharides for a while, return to the second period (5 g per week). The main idea is to formulate a diet in which the weight will be constantly maintained in the desired range.

At this stage of the diet, the rule works: the more sugar consumed without increasing body weight, the higher the maximum consumption level will be. Achieving this indicator entails the cessation of weight loss, and exceeding it means weight gain. It is important to experimentally determine the ideal individual consumption rate for all subsequent years of life.

Exercise can increase your maximum nutrient intake. The greater the level of physical activity a person has, the greater the amount of saccharides that can be consumed without the risk of weight gain.

The basis of nutrition at the third stage of the diet is also fats and proteins. One product containing saccharides should be added to each meal. Do not forget to increase the daily intake by 10 g per week. When passing through this phase, the desired result is achieved.

Maintenance phase – maintaining and maintaining a stable weight

The fourth stage of the Dr. Atkins diet is marked by the achievement of the set goal - losing weight to the desired level and gaining excellent physical shape. During this period, you need to concentrate on maintaining and maintaining a stable weight. A low-carbohydrate diet should forever become a style of eating behavior, taking into account individual consumption standards.

When gaining within 2-3 kilograms, the question may arise of returning to the previous stages. To avoid such a situation, you need to carefully choose food products for your diet - give preference to natural, healthy, rich in vitamins. The main components in the diet are fats and proteins, as well as fresh fruits and vegetables, which contain carbohydrates and provide maximum benefits.

Robert Atkins argued that exercise and physical activity can help with weight loss. It is believed that a low-carb diet has the ability to increase energy levels, making training easier and more effective.

Menu options

The Atkins diet menu, scheduled day by day, will help to significantly simplify the weight loss program.

Daily menu of the first phase

Below are the basic menus for each day for the first phase. It is recommended to drink at least 3 cups of tea without sugar per day.

Option #1:

  • breakfast – omelet (eggs – 3 pcs.), salmon and green tea with mint without sugar;
  • snack – low-fat yogurt;
  • lunch - boiled meat (beef or veal of your choice) or chicken breast cooked in the oven;
  • afternoon snack - seafood or fish dish;
  • dinner - steamed salmon, low-fat kefir, dessert - low-fat yogurt.

Option #2:

  • morning – low-fat yogurt (cottage cheese) or scrambled eggs and bacon;
  • day - a slice of hard cheese and a pork cutlet. You can also choose one of these options: a portion of veal baked in the oven (100 g), cucumber salad with olive oil; fish soup with lean fish, tomato; boiled fish (150 g) with vegetable side dish;
  • evening - broth, a small portion of beef liver, fresh chopped vegetables. There is a different list of dishes to choose from: boiled veal (200 g), a portion of stewed cauliflower; baked fish fillet (150 g), salad with egg and vegetables; oven-cooked chicken breast (250 g), seafood mix.

Option #3:

  • morning - omelet (3 chicken eggs), mozzarella and tomato, decaffeinated coffee and added sugar;
  • day – steak (240 g), salad with spinach, mushrooms and cheese;
  • evening – grilled salmon (270 g), cabbage salad with lemon juice and spices.

For 7 days of the first phase


  • breakfast - fried or boiled eggs (2 pcs.), a slice of ham, a slice of cheese, green tea;
  • snack – feta and tomato (1 pc.);
  • lunch – chicken fillet, cooked in the oven, with herbs. Salad with cucumber and half a tomato (you can add spices and olive oil);
  • snack - vegetables;
  • dinner – boiled chicken breast (200 g) and fresh Chinese cabbage (100 g).
  • breakfast – cottage cheese (100-150 g), green tea;
  • snack – cucumbers, feta;
  • lunch – soup with lean fish (boil 200 g of fish with spices, parsley);
  • snack – fresh leaf mixture with cucumber;
  • dinner – vegetable soup with chicken breast (boil chicken fillet, add 100 g cabbage, greens). Season with spices to taste.
  • breakfast – 2-egg omelet with herbs and ham, decaffeinated coffee and sugar;
  • snack – low-fat yogurt;
  • lunch – puree soup with pumpkin (150 g) – boil the pumpkin, puree in a blender, season with spices and herbs to taste. Boiled beef (100 g);
  • snack - a slice of hard cheese;
  • dinner – green leaves and shrimp (200 g), kefir – 1 tbsp.
  • breakfast – cottage cheese pancakes with minimal fat content (100-150 g);
  • snack – kefir (1 tbsp.) or unsweetened yogurt without filler;
  • lunch – steamed lean fish fillet (150 g), vegetable mixture – lettuce, tomato and cucumber;
  • snack – green tea, tomato;
  • dinner - chicken cooked in the oven. Arugula and tomato salad.
  • breakfast - omelet with proteins, ham and cheese, herbal infusion;
  • snack – green tea and a slice of hard cheese;
  • lunch – chicken fillet baked with cheese and tomato. Green leaves and cucumber;
  • snack - yogurt without fillers and sugar or kefir (1 tbsp.);
  • dinner - Caesar salad: chicken fillet, cherry tomatoes, Iceberg lettuce, boiled egg. Grind, pour over unsweetened yogurt, sprinkle with spices to taste, stir.
  • breakfast – fresh vegetable mixture – pepper, cucumber, cherry tomatoes and feta (200 g);
  • snack – green tea with a slice of hard cheese;
  • lunch – fish fillet baked in the oven with cheese (150 g), boiled asparagus (100 g);
  • snack – 1 tbsp. kefir;
  • dinner – stuffed peppers with eggplant and minced meat (150 g), kefir (0.5 tbsp.).


  • breakfast – yogurt without fillers and sugar;
  • snack – cucumber with feta;
  • lunch - cabbage and chop (pork, chicken - choice), sliced ​​vegetables with herbs (150 g);
  • snack – kefir (100 ml);
  • dinner - vegetable stew - cabbage, eggplant and spices (150 g).

For 14 days of the first stage

The weekly menu proposed by the author of the program can be used for 14 days of the first stage. Using data from Atkins tables, you can independently develop a list of dishes taking into account the minimum required daily intake of saccharides.

Menu option for 14 days:

  • breakfast – scrambled eggs with bacon, green tea;
  • lunch – chicken fillet baked in the oven with spices;
  • afternoon snack – salad with cucumbers, tomatoes and sour cream;
  • dinner – stewed meat with eggplant.
  • breakfast - hard cheese and ham, herbal infusion;
  • lunch – puree soup with pumpkin (do not use salt);
  • afternoon snack – low fat kefir – 1 tbsp.;
  • dinner – grilled salmon with fresh vegetables.
  • breakfast – cottage cheese, green tea;
  • lunch – steamed chicken with vegetables;
  • afternoon snack – yogurt without additives;
  • dinner – fried fish and fresh vegetables.
  • breakfast – homemade ham and omelet, rosehip infusion;
  • lunch - pork cutlets and fresh vegetables;
  • afternoon snack – hard cheese and green tea;
  • dinner – stewed zucchini with vegetables.
  • breakfast – cheesecakes with sour cream;
  • lunch – vegetable side dish and grilled chicken;
  • afternoon snack – hard-boiled eggs (2 pcs.);
  • dinner - meat with pepper, baked in the oven.
  • breakfast – scrambled eggs with herbs (leeks, rhubarb, parsley);
  • lunch - stewed vegetables and meat;
  • afternoon snack – natural yogurt without additives;
  • dinner – steamed fish fillet with vegetables.
  • breakfast – yogurt without additives;
  • lunch - fish soup with red fish;
  • afternoon snack – tea and hard cheese;
  • dinner – chicken chops, cottage cheese.
  • breakfast – cottage cheese casserole and sour cream;
  • lunch - vegetable soup with meat;
  • afternoon snack – kefir (300 ml);
  • dinner – steamed fish, fresh sliced ​​vegetables.
  • breakfast – protein omelet with cheese;
  • lunch - cabbage stewed with meat;
  • afternoon snack – unsweetened yogurt;
  • dinner – fish cutlets (meatballs).
  • breakfast – vegetable mix with cucumber and tomatoes, seasoned with low-fat sour cream;
  • lunch - meat baked with mushrooms and cheese in the oven, vegetables;
  • afternoon snack – cheese, green tea;
  • dinner - vegetable casserole.
  • breakfast – cucumbers, tomatoes, boiled eggs (2 pcs.);
  • lunch – chicken broth, mixed vegetables;
  • afternoon snack - yogurt;
  • dinner - boiled meat with fresh cabbage.
  • breakfast – ham, kefir;
  • lunch – stewed vegetable stew with meat;
  • afternoon snack – cottage cheese with sour cream, tea;
  • dinner – mackerel stuffed with vegetables, baked in the oven.
  • breakfast – omelet with egg whites, soft cheese;
  • lunch – pork chops, vegetables (in season);
  • afternoon snack – low-fat kefir – 1 tbsp.;
  • dinner – fish with goat cheese and tomatoes.
  • breakfast - cottage cheese casserole in a slow cooker;
  • lunch - soup with vegetables, meat (chicken, beef);
  • afternoon snack – natural yogurt;
  • dinner - stewed fish in sour cream sauce, fresh vegetables - onions, tomatoes, cucumbers.

The menu of the second and third stages of the diet is based on the dishes of the first, but with the obligatory consideration of the expansion of permitted products and an increase in the daily intake of carbohydrates by 5 g and 10 g, respectively. There are some universal tips regarding catering.

In the morning on an empty stomach, immediately after getting up, you need to drink 1 glass of clean water without gas at room temperature, and after half an hour start breakfast. It is recommended to drink tea without added sugar; fermented milk products, such as yogurt, cottage cheese, should have 0% fat content.

After 2 hours, after finishing breakfast, drink 1 glass of clean drinking water and start lunch. You can choose 1 of the options:

  • steamed fish, cucumbers (2 pcs.);
  • fish soup, tomato, tangerine (1 pc.);
  • veal in the oven or grilled without salt and oil (100 g), cucumbers (2 pcs.), green lettuce (2 pcs.), lemon juice, olive oil.

May consist of low-fat kefir (1 tbsp.) or a cup of green tea without sugar.

Drink 1 glass of water and start dinner. Several meal options are available:

  • boiled shrimp (add 2 bay leaves and a few black peppercorns to the water for boiling shrimp, do not use salt). Salad with corn, boiled egg (1 piece) and boiled squid (several pieces). Dressing: olive oil (2 tablespoons), lemon juice to taste;
  • chicken fillet, cooked in the oven (250 g);
  • cauliflower and broccoli with egg (simmer cabbage with olive oil, pour beaten egg) and a portion of veal baked in the oven;
  • fish cooked without oil and salt, vegetable salad (tomato, bell pepper, cucumber, lettuce, boiled egg and 1 teaspoon of chopped walnuts, sunflower oil).

The doctor's company produces special snacks for light snacks that contain a minimum of sugar (2 g), but are a good option for refueling energy between main meals. These bars have a low glycemic index, their calorie content is 120-180 calories.

Diet table

To create an individual optimal diet menu, you should use the doctor’s carbohydrate table data. By selecting the necessary products from the list of permitted ones, you can experiment with recipes for delicious dishes. Data for the tables was taken from several sources on the Internet.

Complete table of the main permitted diet products at the first stage

Mutton 0-0,1
Pork 0-0,1
Pork lard 0-0,1
Beef lean 0-0,1
Veal 0-0,1
Turkey 0-0,1
Rabbit 0-0,1
Chicken liver 0,8
Jamon 0,2
Beef tongue 0-0,1
Turkey 0,0
Rabbit 0,0
Turkey liver 2,3
Turkey heart 0,4
White amur 0-0,1
Pink salmon 0-0,1
Dorado 0-0,1
Mullet 0-0,1
Sprat 0-0,1
Pollock 0-0,1
Perch 0-0,1
Pangasius 0-0,1
Saira 0-0,1
Atlantic herring 0-0,1
Salmon 0-0,1
Mackerel 0-0,1
Zander 0-0,1
Carp 0-0,1
Cod 0-0,1
Red caviar 3,1
Pollock caviar 0-0,1
Argentina 0
red mullet 0
Seabass 0
Iwasi herring 0
Shrimps 0-0,1
Squid 0-0,1
Butter 1,3-1,4
Hard cheese 2,9-3,0
Processed cheese “Druzhba” 55% 0-0,1
Camembert 0,5-0,6
Mozzarella 2,2-2,3
Raclette 0,5-0,6
Feta 20% 0,7-0,8
Cottage cheese 9% 2-2,1
Cottage cheese 0%-5% 1,8-1,9
Adyghe 0,8
Bree 0,6
Zucchini 2,2
Chinese cabbage 1,1
Cucumber 2,0
Chilli 2,9
Tomato (tomato) 2,6
Radish 1,8
Arugula 2,1
Leaf lettuce 1,2
Celery (greens) 1,4
Asparagus 1,8
Spinach 1,4
Sorrel 0,2
Eggplant 2,3
Zucchini 2,4
Green olives 0,6
Olive oil 0,0-0,1
Sunflower oil 0,0-0,1
Basturma 0,0-0,1
Chicken eggs 0,7-0,8
Champignon mushrooms 2,1

Table of products that can be introduced with caution in the second stage

Name Amount of net carbohydrates per 100 g of product, g
Mussels 3,7-3,8
Milk 1% 4,9-5,0
Milk 3.2% 4,7-4,8
Cream 10% 4,0-4,1
Sour cream 20% 3,0-3,1
Kefir 1% 4,1-4,2
Ricotta 3,0-3,1
Parmesan 3,2-3,3
Bulb onions 6,0-6,1
Green onion (feather) 3,9-4,0
Carrot 6,7-6,8
Broccoli 4,0-4,1
White cabbage 3,2-3,3
Cauliflower 3,0-3,1
Bulgarian pepper 5,6-5,7
Celery root 7,4-7,5
Beet 6,5-6,6
Green beans 4,2-4,3
Black olives 3,1-3,2
Watermelon 7,1-7,2
Melon 7,3-7,4
Raspberries 5,0-5,1
Strawberry 5,7-5,8
Mandarin 7,4-7,5
Lemon 3,1-3,2
Mayonnaise 72% 4,9-5,0
Mayonnaise 30% 7,2-7,3
Dry wine 0,4-0,5
Tomato juice 3,7-3,8
Semi-dry champagne 4,5-4,6
Light beer 3,5-3,6
Dark beer 5,5-5,6
Semi-dry wine 1,5
Pumpkin seeds 4,7-4,8
Peanut 7,6-7,7
Walnut 7,0-7,1
Hazelnuts 7,0-7,1

Table of prohibited diet foods (the amount of carbohydrates in 100 g of product is over 8.0 g)

Name Amount of net carbohydrates per 100 g of product, g
Crab sticks 9,9
Sea kale 9,9
Green peas 9,5
Potato 14,1
Tomato paste 14,9
Beans 45,2
Garlic 29,1
Apricot 9,3
A pineapple 11,8
Orange 9,5
Banana 20,3
Grape 16,3
Cherry 13,9
Pomegranate 14,9
Grapefruit 8,1
Kiwi 11,8
Pomelo 8,4
Sweetie 11,7
Plum 10,1
Black currant 12,7
Dates 68,1
Persimmon 26,3
Blueberry 12,2
Apple 11,3
Buckwheat 70,6
Corn 67,1
Cereals 57,1
Wheat groats 62,7
Rice 78,9
Wheat bread 45,1
Rye bread 42,6
Adjika spicy 16,1
Mustard 11,5
Extra light mayonnaise 8% 10,3
Balsamic vinegar 29,1
Pepsi 11,1
Fanta 11,8
Fruit juices 10,3
Semi-sweet champagne, dessert wines and liqueurs 8,1
Ginger 15,8
Potato starch 90,1
Bee honey 82,1
Sugar 99,9
Chocolate 44,6
Cashew 27,0
Almond 10,5
Sunflower seeds 11,5
Pistachios 17,3

Dish recipes

A wide list of permitted products allows you to prepare many interesting and tasty dishes. Below are popular recipes for those following the Atkins eating program.

Vegetable salad with egg

To prepare, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • boiled eggs – 1 pc.;
  • tomato – 1 pc.;
  • medium-sized fresh cucumbers – 2 pcs.;
  • bell pepper – 0.5 pcs.;
  • lettuce leaves – 4 pcs.;
  • olive oil – 2 tsp;
  • lemon – 1 pc.;
  • walnuts – 5 pcs.

Cut the vegetables into cubes, tear the lettuce leaves with your hands, chop the nuts with a knife. Cut the egg into 4 parts. Combine everything together in a deep bowl, pour in olive oil, sprinkle with lemon juice. Mix.

Seafood salad

You will need the following components:

  • squid – 100 g;
  • hard-boiled egg - 1 pc.;
  • corn – 100 g;
  • shrimp – 100 g;
  • olive oil – 2 tsp;
  • lemon – 1 pc.

Boil all the ingredients separately - squid, corn and shrimp (peel after cooling). Mix all ingredients, add an egg, cut into 4 parts. Season with olive oil, lemon juice and stir.

Meat rolls with cheese

The following components need to be prepared:

  • any type of meat – 800 g;
  • onions – 1 pc.;
  • hard cheese – 200 g;
  • spices, salt - to taste.

Cut the meat into large pieces approximately 1 cm thick, beat with a hammer, add spices and salt. Place onion sliced ​​into rings and grated cheese on top. Form into rolls, secure with wooden toothpicks, place on a baking sheet greased with sunflower oil. If desired, you can sprinkle with grated cheese and cook in the oven for half an hour at a temperature of 180-200 degrees.

Mushroom julienne with beef tongue

List of ingredients:

  • boiled beef tongue – 350 g;
  • medium-sized onion – 1 pc.;
  • butter – 20 g;
  • fresh champignons – 200 g;
  • sour cream 20% - 100 g;
  • hard cheese – 100 g;
  • greenery;
  • salt;
  • pepper.

Cut the ingredients: tongue into strips, mushrooms into 4 parts, onions into half rings. In butter and low heat, simmer the onion a little in a frying pan, then add the champignons there and cook for some more time. Add tongue, chopped herbs, sour cream, salt, spices. Stir, fill the pots (cocotte makers) with the resulting mixture. Grate the hard cheese and sprinkle it on top of the julienne. Bring until cooked in a hot oven for 25 minutes at 180 degrees.

If you need to lose weight, consulting a doctor is strongly recommended. Expert advice will help you avoid possible health hazards. It is also necessary to undergo a medical examination at the clinic and do the following studies:

  • Ultrasound of internal organs;
  • take basic blood, urine and stool tests;
  • do a cardiogram;
  • measure blood pressure.

After 4-6 weeks of following the diet, you must retake the main tests. If the results are positive, further progress in the weight loss program is allowed. Compliance with this style of eating behavior must be accompanied by careful monitoring of general well-being. If any deviations from the norm are detected, you must immediately stop following the diet and consult a specialist.

Particular attention should be paid to a blood test for cholesterol. Protein foods containing saturated fats negatively affect the condition of blood vessels.

Additional intake of multivitamin complexes and dietary supplements will help the body function smoothly and maintain health.

The right way out of the diet

Almost every non-carbohydrate body shaping program provokes weight gain after the end of such a diet. To minimize this risk, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of the Atkins system and limit the menu even after losing weight. You should categorically avoid confectionery, sweets, and sugary carbonated drinks, which contain “empty” calories.

As such, there is no classical (direct) way out of the diet; the author of the method recommends taking a low-carbohydrate diet as a basis for life.


  • pregnancy;
  • the period of breastfeeding in women - lactation;
  • cardiovascular diseases – the risk of blood clots is quite high;
  • people with liver dysfunction;
  • problems with the kidneys and urinary system;
  • elderly and children;
  • gout;
  • disorders of the digestive system;
  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • colitis;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • vegetarianism;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • professional sports.

Atkins or Dukan diet - which is better?

Both systems belong to non-carbohydrate weight loss programs, therefore they have both similar and distinctive characteristics.

A comparative analysis of the main criteria of the 2 methods is given in the table below.

Characteristic name Atkins Dukan
1 Structure (weight loss phases) 1. induction, 2. active weight loss, 3. consolidation of the results obtained, 4. support and maintenance of stable weight. 1. attack, 2. cruise, 3. consolidation of the result, 4. stabilization.
2 Product Set A varied menu according to the list of permitted products. Extensive list of products (100 items).
3 Strict ban At the first stage, the following are completely excluded: 1. sugar and products containing it, 2. baked goods and food containing flour, 3. pasta, 4. cereals, 5. starch and vegetables containing it (carrots, beets, potatoes), 6. sweeteners and drinks with them, 7. fruits and juices made from them, 8. seeds, nuts, 9. margarine, cooking fats, 10. alcohol, 11. drinks that contain caffeine. At the second stage, some names are entered according to the doctor’s tables. At the initial stage, it is necessary to limit: 1. sugar, 2. products containing white flour, 3. starch. It is allowed to drink Diet Coca-Cola with sweetener. The “Cruise” stage implies some expansion of permitted products.
4 Alcohol The initial stage prohibits the consumption of any type of alcohol. In the second phase, the consumption of certain types is allowed with the obligatory calculation of carbohydrates (semi-dry and dry wine, dark and light beer, semi-dry champagne). At stages No. 2, No. 3 and No. 4, the use of 3 tbsp is allowed. spoons of red and white wine. Strong drinks are allowed at stage No. 4.
5 Meat All types of meat are allowed, including fatty types. Meat is always present on the menu, but in some phases it is excluded.
6 Vitamin content Continuous intake of multivitamin complexes throughout the entire weight loss program in order to prevent vitamin deficiency. It is recommended to take vitamins and microelements at all stages of the method to avoid vitamin deficiency.
7 Portion volume There are no volume restrictions; the diet consists of permitted foods and dishes made from them. Overeating is not allowed. Eating small meals frequently. The volume is not limited.
8 Meal times Food is consumed when a feeling of hunger occurs. It is forbidden to overeat at night. Feeling hungry - eating. The last meal should be no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime.
9 Quality and naturalness of products It is necessary to consume only natural products without any chemical additives, dyes, etc. The diet should consist of high-quality foods without preservatives and emulsifiers.
10 Condiments, spices Allowed: vinegar, dried herbs, pepper. Prohibited: adjika, ginger, mustard, balsamic vinegar. Allowed: adjika, ginger, mustard, vinegar, dried herbs, hot pepper.
11 Pasta, products containing flour Any kind is prohibited. Only Shirataki noodles are allowed.
12 Mushrooms Allowed in any form at every stage. At the first stage they are excluded, at the next 3 phases they are allowed.
13 Seeds, nuts The first stage completely eliminates their use. In the second phase and further, it is allowed to consume the following types of nuts and seeds: 1. peanuts, 2. walnuts, 3. tree nuts, 4. pumpkin seeds. Prohibited in the first 3 periods of the program: 1. sunflower seeds, 2. peanuts, 3. cashews, 4. pistachios, 5. almonds.
14 Diet effectiveness Suitable for people who are significantly overweight (over 10 kilograms). More weight means faster weight loss. It is also recommended if you are significantly overweight.
15 Weight loss Strict compliance with the requirements ensures weight loss from the first days of the program. Quick results of body correction with mandatory compliance with the rules of the system.
16 Simplicity and ease of completing the techniques A varied menu and hearty dishes from the approved list of products make the program accessible to completion. Nutritious meals and frequent meals eliminate the feeling of hunger.
17 Carbohydrates Strict calculation of the amount of carbohydrates consumed. At the first stage, the maximum daily intake is 20 g, at the second stage there is an increase by 5 g per week, at the third - by 10 g in 7 days. The amount of carbohydrates is not calculated. It is allowed to consume products from the permitted list in any quantity.
18 Drinking balance You need to drink about 2 liters of still water. Fruit juice and sugar-sweetened drinks are prohibited. Drinking regimen – 1.5 liters of clean water per day.
19 Fats The consumption of oils, fatty meats and fat-containing foods is not prohibited. It is recommended to limit the consumption of fat and vegetable oil. Some stages prohibit the consumption of meat.
20 Contraindications The weight loss system is prohibited in the following cases: lactation, pregnancy, old age and childhood, disorders of the digestive system, cardiovascular diseases, liver disorders, problems with the kidneys and urinary system, gout, chronic pancreatitis, colitis, dysbacteriosis, vegetarianism, irritable bowel syndrome , professional sports. The method cannot be used: pregnancy, gout, liver and kidney failure, disruptions in the reproductive system, hypertension - high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, urolithiasis, children and older people.
21 Possible risks of developing diseases with a rich protein menu An excess of protein in the diet and a lack of calcium can lead to the following complications: ketoacidosis, kidney stones, high blood cholesterol, constipation, osteoporosis, and dental problems. A significant excess of protein in the menu can provoke: ketoacidosis, kidney stones, increased blood cholesterol, constipation.
22 Advantages Advantages of the program: gradual weight loss to the desired value by burning fat deposits, an accessible and simple method, improved well-being, combating food addiction, stimulation of metabolism, preservation of existing muscle mass through a protein diet, no feeling of hunger, no need to limit calories, regulation of insulin levels in the blood, normalization of blood sugar levels. Advantages of the system: rapid weight loss - strengthening the motivation to lose weight, a clear and simple weight loss scheme, healthy and safe nutrition with healthy food, the diet is easy to follow at home, on a trip and at work, there are no restrictions on daily caloric intake and portion sizes, hearty meals ensure a feeling of fullness for a long time , the diet does not require strict calculation of nutrients (in particular carbohydrates).
23 Flaws Disadvantages: the possibility of dehydration of the body due to a sharp and strict restriction of carbohydrates, a lack of glucose can provoke a deterioration in brain activity and concentration, vitamin deficiency, load on the kidneys, cravings for sweets that cannot be controlled, the duration of the method, unbalanced diet, many contraindications, necessity constant carbohydrate counting. Cons: excess protein in the diet and, as a result, increased load on internal organs and blood vessels, increased amount of cholesterol in the blood, lack of fiber.

Of all the methods that fall under the category of low-carbohydrate diets, the Atkins diet is considered the most discussed. People losing weight, doctors and nutritionists argue about it. Particularly heated debate arises regarding the daily carbohydrate limit of 20 grams. Nutritionists believe that this nutrient value is critically low for the smooth functioning of the body, and such a diet is unbalanced. Also, a significant abundance of animal fats and proteins significantly increases the load on vital internal organs, especially the liver and kidneys. Blood vessels also suffer, and there is a possible risk of blood clots.

Some people who want to lose weight find it difficult to constantly monitor their carbohydrate intake; this cannot always be done on their own. Failures often occur due to the lack of carbohydrate-containing foods, such as fruits, in the menu.

The Dukan program also contains plenty of protein foods, which load the kidneys and liver. However, alternating protein and vegetable dishes at certain stages of the method, as well as limiting fats, in principle, make Dr. Pierre Dukan’s system more gentle and gentle for the human body. The absence of a requirement for strict carbohydrate counting provides the opportunity for effective weight loss without giving up fresh fruits and some foods containing starch and carbohydrates.

It is worth remembering that only a visit to a specialist will help determine the optimal weight loss regimen and develop the right strategy. When choosing between two methods, important criteria are taken into account, such as:

  • patient's health status;
  • individual characteristics of the body;
  • presence of contraindications;
  • Lifestyle;
  • physical activity;
  • taste preferences;
  • the presence of prohibitions and restrictions;
  • other.

Developed back in 1966, the Dr. Atkins diet has become widespread throughout the world due to its effectiveness in the fight against excess weight. Created on the basis of long-term research in the field of metabolism, the nutritional system is not aimed at limiting carbohydrate intake. The main function of the new revolutionary Atkins diet is to create conditions for the body under which it will use its own reserves of fat cells as the main source of energy.

Video: Robert Atkins Diet

Low-carbon Atkins diet and its features

This leads to the transformation of consumed food into fat. The Robert Atkins diet aims to remove these insulin-producing carbon-containing foods from the diet so that the body begins to consume reserves from its own fat deposits for energy consumption.

One of the principles of getting rid of excess fat, which is the basis of this diet, is ketosis - bringing the body to its natural state. This process is characterized by the fact that as a result of the production and accumulation of organic substances ketones, the process of fat burning is accelerated.

At the same time, a person does not experience a feeling of hunger, which is not so rare when switching to more gentle diets.

This is due to the fact that carbon-containing foods directly affect blood sugar levels, which under their influence can “jump” throughout the day with incredible force. Thanks to the restriction of carbohydrates, which in turn is one of the principles of the new revolutionary diet of Dr. Atkins, sugar levels remain stable throughout the day, as a result: a person does not experience bouts of hunger and associated headaches and aggressiveness.

In addition, it is in fat cells that toxic substances that enter the human body are stored. By getting rid of fat reserves, we stabilize blood sugar levels and cleanse the body. And on top of that, we get rid of many unpleasant things such as depression, muscle and joint pain, irritability and fatigue.

The Atkins diet, by stimulating metabolism, provokes the production of adrenaline and growth hormone in the body, which help to endure the period of abstinence, since they are natural antidepressants.

Obsession with food, when you are still thinking about what to eat for lunch in the morning at breakfast, often occurs when switching to low-calorie diets

Basic diet regimens

If we look at the Atkins diet in detail, we can distinguish four main phases. The first phase lasts 14 days and is called induction. Its main function is to rebuild biochemistry (metabolism).

Five rules of the first phase:

  1. Fractional nutrition, in which the daily diet should be divided into 5 meals. The intervals between meals should be at least 2 hours, but no more than 6 hours.
  2. The following are completely excluded from the diet: “starchy” vegetables, bread and flour products, as well as seeds and nuts.
  3. Protein consumption should not exceed 20 grams per day, and the ratio of fats and carbohydrates should be optimal.
  4. During the day, you need to drink at least 8 glasses of water, completely eliminating the consumption of drinks that contain aspartame and caffeine.
  5. It is advisable to diversify your diet with fiber-containing plant foods.

During this period, the body “learns” to use its own fat reserves as an energy source, rather than carbohydrates consumed from food

Acceptable foods and recipes for the first phase of the Atkins diet

During the induction phase, the diet, with the exception of the five rules given, is not significantly limited. According to the Atkins diet chart, in the first two weeks you are allowed to consume any fish, poultry, meat and shellfish. You don’t have to limit yourself in consuming cheeses and eggs in any form. Chicory and celery, varieties of greens, mushrooms, bell peppers and radishes are perfect ingredients for salads.

This group of vegetables includes green legumes, eggplants, tomatoes, pumpkins, turnips, carrots, varieties of cabbage, onions and leeks. Among the seasonings you should use with caution: thyme and rosemary, dill and basil, ginger, garlic, red capsicum and black pepper. For cooking, it is permissible to use sunflower, soybean, sesame and grape oils in limited quantities.

Broths, juices, herbal teas and reduced-caffeine drinks are excellent liquid foods and drinks.

You can create an optimal diet for yourself according to the Atkins diet using the carbohydrate table

Sample Atkins diet menu for the first stimulating phase

When you wake up in the morning, the first thing you do is drink 1 glass of water at room temperature. It is advisable to drink water at least 10 minutes before breakfast. As a drink, you can indulge in a cup of coffee or tea, sweetening it with fructose instead of sugar. Among fermented milk products, you can opt for a 100-gram pack of low-fat cottage cheese or a glass of low-fat yogurt.

As a second breakfast, you can treat yourself to any fruit: orange, apple or pear. When choosing small berries, such as plums, you can eat up to 5 pieces at one time.

Closer to lunch, you should also drink a glass of water.

For lunch, you can prepare yourself a salad of fresh vegetables and herbs, dressed with lemon-olive sauce

A 100-gram portion of oven-baked veal can complement your main meal. As a side dish, you can eat boiled rice seasoned with soy sauce.

For dinner, baked fish or chicken is perfect, accompanied by a salad of fresh peppers, cucumbers and tomatoes with herbs, sprinkled with pine nuts. Instead of salad, you can eat one grapefruit.

Atkins diet menu during the second and third phases

The subsequent second and third phases are aimed at continuing weight loss and maintaining it at a stable level. During this period, the menu for the month of the Atkins diet is adjusted according to taste preferences. The duration of these stages depends on achieving the effect of stable weight.

Five rules of the second and third phases:

  1. Control your appetite by focusing on your carbohydrate intake.
  2. Diversify your diet by choosing foods that contain the most nutrients.
  3. Slow down weight loss by increasing physical activity.
  4. Gradually increase the level of carbohydrates in the first week by 5 g, and the next by 10 g, which are necessary for increased energy expenditure with increased physical activity.
  5. Take mineral and vitamin supplements.

When compiling a diet, it is advisable to use not only the full Atkins table, but a summary table of the minerals necessary for the body

At the second stage of the Atkins diet, the menu for the week is calculated according to the principle of increasing carbohydrate intake to 5 grams until the weight is completely stabilized.

During this period, sunflower seeds, almonds and walnuts can be introduced into the diet. Among berries, preference is given to raspberries and blueberries, among juices – tomato and lemon.

At the moment when the weight stabilizes, the third stage begins, which is aimed at achieving optimal weight. During this period, your weekly carbohydrate intake increases to 10 grams.

At the third stage, you can supplement the diet with starchy vegetables (peas, potatoes, carrots) and cereals (oats, rice).

Features of the diet of the final fourth stage

At the final stage, called maintaining a constant weight, the results of the Atkins diet are already visible, and as numerous reviews show, there are huge positive changes in both appearance and health.

Three rules of the fourth phase of the diet:

  1. Exercise regularly and maintain your carbohydrate intake.
  2. Continue to fight addictions.
  3. Having determined your ideal weight, do not allow it to increase by more than 3 kg.

Consumption of carbon-containing foods such as cereals, flour and pasta stimulates the production of insulin in the human body

The universal diet is aimed at transitioning to proper nutrition. As reviews of the Atkins diet show, thanks to proper nutrition, many people, along with getting rid of extra pounds, were able to restore their metabolism and prevent the further development of many diseases.

The first two-week phase of the Atkins diet is also called the induction phase. During this period, the body gets used to the new diet and switches to lipolysis (using fats rather than carbohydrates as an energy source).

During the first phase of the Atkins diet, carbohydrates are reduced to 20 grams per day. To do this, exclude all foods containing carbohydrates from the diet, with the exception of non-starchy vegetables. Alcohol and caffeine, which stimulate appetite and prevent weight loss, should also be excluded. Prohibited foods should not be consumed even in small quantities, since just 1 teaspoon of sugar, for example, contains about 5 g of carbohydrates, which is 25% of the daily value in the first stage of the Atkins diet.

All proteins and fats, as well as their combinations, are allowed. When consuming ready-made or semi-finished products, be sure to read the ingredients listed on the packaging. Many foods contain carbohydrates in fairly large quantities. Thus, ready-made sauces may contain sugar and starch, a carbohydrate component is almost always added to semi-finished meat products, and low-fat versions of products may contain an increased amount of carbohydrates compared to their “regular” counterparts. Try to give preference to natural products, whenever possible, cook yourself.

The diet during the first stage of the Atkins diet remains familiar. You can eat three times a day, or have snacks in between meals. You can eat at any time. Portions should be normal, you should eat until you feel full, but do not overeat and under no circumstances overeat.

During the first stage of the Atkins diet, you need to pay attention to sufficient water intake. This is very important when following low-carb diets. Drink at least 2-3 liters of plain water per day. Since a radical change in dietary style is a strong stress for the body, it is necessary to start taking a multivitamin complex. For constipation, you should increase the consumption of plant foods rich in fiber (lettuce, flax seed, cabbage), and, if necessary, purchase appropriate supplements.

Try to diversify your diet, use your imagination, look for new recipes. Buy new types of meat and fish, a lot of different vegetables (after finding out the amount of carbohydrates in them). Prepare vegetable soups and “hearty” salads, vegetable purees and green salads, stews and vegetable side dishes... During each meal, eat high-quality protein; you can snack on cheese or cucumber. In the restaurant you can choose any meat dish (without flour gravy or breading), an appetizer of fish, seafood, sausages, as well as green vegetable salad, black olives. The more varied your menu is, the easier it will be for you to endure the Atkins diet, especially at the first, most difficult stage.

Foods that can be consumed during the first stage of the Atkins diet without restrictions:

  • Meat(beef, pork, veal, venison, lamb, etc.) and meat products. When purchasing meat products (convenience products, sausages, bacon, ham, etc.), study the composition indicated on the package. Sometimes these foods contain carbohydrates, which must be taken into account when calculating your daily carbohydrate intake.
  • Fish: herring, salmon, flounder, sardines, trout, tuna, any other without breading.
  • Poultry: chicken, turkey, goose, duck, quail, any other without breading and flour sauces.
  • Cheeses(up to 150 g per day). Although many cheeses have low carbohydrate content, there are occasionally cheeses that are high in carbohydrates (particularly some processed cheeses). Therefore, when purchasing cheeses, you need to read the information about the composition of the product on the packaging. Avoid low-fat diet cheeses.
  • Seafood: oysters, clams, crabs, shrimp, lobsters, and all other types of fresh or canned crustaceans and shellfish. Check the carbohydrate content on the package.
  • Eggs boiled, fried, as part of low-carb dishes.
  • Fats: soybean, sunflower, grape, sesame, coconut and other vegetable oils, butter, fish oil. It is allowed to consume mayonnaise and sour cream in small quantities with carbohydrate calculations.
  • Seasonings: pepper, various spices; dried herbs, garlic, ginger and others without added sugar. For dressings you can use lemon juice and vinegar.
  • Beverages: plain and mineral water, broths, sugar-free tea (preferably caffeine-free), drinks with sugar substitutes without carbohydrates, herbal infusions, lemon juice, decaffeinated coffee.
  • Sugar substitutes: saccharin, cyclamate, etc. (except aspartame).
  • Green salad vegetables(no more than 3 glasses per day): chicory, head lettuce and any other leaf lettuce, alfalfa shoots, cucumbers, sorrel, radishes, radishes, peppers, olives, ginger, fennel, garlic, herbs (parsley, dill, celery, rosemary, basil, thyme, etc.), mushrooms;
  • Other vegetables(replace 1 cup of green vegetables with 2/3 cup of the following vegetables): asparagus, artichokes, daikon, avocado, bamboo shoots, rhubarb, beet greens, celery root, chard, dandelion greens, eggplant, green onions, mustard greens, okra , pumpkin, squash, zucchini, zucchini, shallots, spinach, green peas and beans, turnips, tomatoes and all types of cabbage (cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi, sauerkraut, etc.)

At the first stage of the Atkins diet, the following foods are prohibited:

  • Sugar, sweets, as well as all sweeteners ending in –ose: fructose, maltose, etc. It is also not recommended to consume aspartame.
  • Bread, pasta, flour products and all products where flour is added.
  • Starchy vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, beets.
  • Any fruits and fruit juices.
  • Nuts and seeds.
  • Margarines and cooking fats.
  • Alcohol (in the following stages, moderate consumption is possible, taking into account the carbohydrate content).
  • Drinks containing caffeine.
Details Healthy eating Diets

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The Atkins diet is especially popular in the West, one of the fastest-acting and most effective diets.

The main principle is to limit carbohydrate intake.

Carbohydrates, along with proteins and fats, are one of three classes of nutrients from which the human body draws energy to maintain its vital functions. There are simple (so-called monosaccharides) and complex carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates can be broken down into simple ones in the presence of water - this process is called hydrolysis.

Carbohydrates include all sugars, starch (complex carbohydrate - polysaccharide), fiber.

The “Kremlin” diet, known in Russia, is nothing more than a simplified version of the Atkins diet.

The first ideas about the role of carbohydrates in weight gain and limiting their consumption for the purpose of losing weight were expressed long before Robert Atkins.

The low-carbohydrate diet that will be discussed was invented in 1963 by a young cardiologist Robert Atkins (USA). Convinced of the effectiveness of the proposed nutritional system, Dr. Atkins published a book in the early 1970s, which was a bestseller in America in the 1980s and 1990s. The Atkins diet came to Russia in the new millennium.

The Atkins nutrition system places the human body in extreme operating conditions, in which glucocentric energy exchange is replaced by adipocentric one. And this happens due to a critical deficiency of carbohydrates in the diet. A deep, multi-day lack of glucose affects the functioning of the brain; the body receives a kind of alarm signal and uses a reserve mechanism for using fats to produce the carbohydrates the body needs.

Dr. Atkins formalized his research in the form of a diet; in his opinion, the “root of evil” lies not in meat and animal fats, but in sweets, flour and cereal products, starch-rich vegetables, and, oddly enough, fruits - sources of fructose and glucose. All these foods contain large amounts of carbohydrates and sugar, and therefore energy, and the body stores excess fat “in reserve.”

The main advantage of the Atkins diet is that, while providing effective weight loss, the diet does not limit the consumption of many foods prohibited in classic low-fat and low-calorie diets, such as meat (including fatty meat), cheese and other dairy products, fats (vegetable oils, mayonnaise ). Thanks to this, following this diet, you do not experience a constant feeling of hunger, which is so difficult to tolerate on other diets. The Atkins diet is comfortable and highly effective.

Before turning to the Atkins diet, you need to undergo a thorough medical examination, which will tell you whether your body is suitable for such a serious shock.

Since this is a very strict diet, it puts a lot of stress on the body. Each person is an individual organism; for some, this nutritional system will benefit, but for others it may harm.

It is important to carefully consider your motivation for losing weight. Come up with a reward that you can give yourself at the end of the diet, keep a diary of your achievements. Psychologists say that such little tricks help to deceive “hunger” and significantly reduce dependence on junk food. You can live a wonderful life by following the principles of a healthy diet.

Among the strict contraindications to following the diet: atherosclerosis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pregnancy, lactation, people with impaired renal function and high levels of creatinine in the blood. People with diabetes need to be especially careful with this diet. When moving to the second level, you need to introduce carbohydrates in small portions. It is important to have portable scales on hand and track your weight dynamics in order to settle on the individual norm at which the body will maintain a normal balance.

If you are going to adhere to this diet, then you need to:

  • undergo a full examination (this is necessary to assess the positive outlook expected after completing the Atkins program);
  • take measurements of the chest, waist, hips, arms and legs;
  • measure blood pressure;
  • take blood tests: basal blood glucose, glycemic profile, cholesterol and blood lipid levels, liver and kidney function indicators.

The Atkins diet consists of 4 main stages

  1. Induction phase - reconfiguration of metabolism, initiation of ketosis - the process of fat burning;
  2. Continued weight loss phase. Finding a personal limit for the daily intake of carbohydrates that ensures long-term weight loss;
  3. The phase preceding the maintenance of constant weight. Transitional from active weight loss to weight maintenance. Determination of the daily carbohydrate intake to maintain constant weight, preparation for the transition to the maintenance regime;
  4. The phase of maintaining and maintaining constant weight.

Ketosis, the fat-burning process initiated by the body when there is a carbohydrate deficiency, is a key physiological process at the heart of the Atkins diet.

It is worth considering that if ketosis persists in the body for a long time, for example, several months, then problems may begin - the level of urea in the blood will increase and, as a result, urolithiasis will occur. When ketones reach a certain level in the body, the body begins to get rid of them, and at the same time potassium and sodium are excreted, the loss of which can lead to cardiac arrhythmia or dehydration. In order to avoid this problem, you need to strictly follow the diet instructions and take additional vitamins and minerals.

Important diet rules:

  • Drink as much water as possible. Water is an essential component of all biochemical reactions in the body. With a lack of fluid, metabolic processes - including fat burning - slow down. In addition, water is necessary to effectively remove excess ketones from the Atkins diet from the body. It is recommended to drink about 2 liters per day. Please remember that drinks containing sugar are strictly prohibited. Sometimes, especially when we are not losing weight as quickly as we would like, we limit our fluid intake so that when we weigh ourselves, the scale will show a more desirable figure - never do this: you should not deceive yourself and harm your weight loss. Our goal is to lose weight by burning fat, not water.
  • It's better to have several small meals instead of one big one. This advice is especially important for foods with carbohydrates - your daily carbohydrate intake should be divided into as many meals as possible. After consuming a large amount of carbohydrates at once (even within the daily norm), blood glucose levels can rise noticeably, stopping the process of ketosis. During long breaks between meals, the body slows down its metabolism to save energy; even a small snack can stimulate the processes. Don't ignore breakfast - eat at least a minimal amount of food in the morning to "start" your metabolism, which slows down during sleep.
  • When eating carbohydrates (especially in the later phases of the diet, when noticeable amounts of carbohydrates are included in the menu), try to eat enough fat and protein at this meal in order to slow down the absorption of carbohydrates. Never eat foods rich in carbohydrates separately - “undiluted” carbohydrates are absorbed very quickly, raising the concentration of sugar in the blood. Eat vegetables in the form of a salad, dressed with butter, sour cream or mayonnaise, and combine them with meat or fish dishes.
  • During the Atkins diet, especially the induction phase, it is useful to consume vitamins and minerals, in particular, vitamin complexes and dietary supplements containing vitamin B5, chromium, selenium, and vanadium are recommended. These elements affect glucose metabolism, increasing the effectiveness of your weight loss.
  • The Atkins Diet is very strict about the carbohydrate content of food, so even a few grams of foods rich in sugars or starches can be harmful to the diet. Hidden carbohydrates can show up in unexpected places.
  • Remember to avoid overeating as much as possible. Eat in moderation, slowly, until you feel full, and do not overeat.
  • If you are not sure whether a product belongs to the prohibited or permitted list, look at the carbohydrate content on the packaging or in the tables. Remember that the classification applies to products in their pure form, for example, fish is allowed, but not fish stewed with carrots in tomato.

Indicator strips

One of the means of monitoring the progress of the diet is indicator strips, which allow you to determine whether the body is in a state of ketosis.

Indicator strips for the presence of ketone bodies in urine are sold in pharmacies everywhere under various brands. There are also combined indicators of the presence of ketones and glucose in the urine; For the Atkins diet, a glucose test is not useful (there should be no glucose in the urine), but these strips can also be used

When using strips, it is important to remember the main rule: the degree of redness of the strip is not an indicator of the intensity of fat burning. A darker line (more ketones) does not mean faster weight loss, but more often means that you are not drinking enough fluids. High concentrations of ketones can be observed after exercise, which means that metabolism is activated - in this case, this is a positive signal. But remember that too high a concentration of ketones leads to some change in blood pH (since one of the ketone bodies - acetoacetic acid - has an acidic reaction), which is undesirable. To avoid this, always drink as much fluid as possible and be careful not to reduce your carbohydrate limit below the recommended values.

A short-term absence of redness of the strip can be observed after eating a meal containing carbohydrates, even within the recommended limits. It is normal for the test to show ketones again after an hour or so. And the absence of a change in the color of the indicator for several days indicates that there is no ketosis - probably there is an excess of carbohydrates in the food.

There is no need to use strips, since in most cases it is enough to monitor the scale readings. But for complete control or, for example, in case of slowing down weight loss, they can be useful.

Permitted and prohibited products

A detailed list of foods allowed on the Atkins diet, prohibited for consumption and allowed in strictly limited quantities.

Authorized products:

  • Meat: all types of meat - pork, beef, rabbit, poultry.
  • Fish: all types of marine and freshwater fish.
  • Natural seafood: shrimp, mussels (crab sticks not included).
  • Vegetable fats, all oils: olive, sunflower, corn, etc.; mayonnaise (check the packaging).
  • Vegetables for salads: lettuce, radish, chicory, Chinese cabbage, parsley, cucumber, fennel, paprika, celery.

Products allowed with restrictions:

  • Unsweetened fermented milk products: cottage cheese, cheese, butter, sour cream
  • Legumes: peas, beans, beans
  • Some vegetables: green salads, cucumbers, tomatoes, all types of cabbage, eggplants, zucchini.
  • Olives (preferably green)
  • Nuts and seeds.

Prohibited products:

  • Sweets: all foods containing sugar. Bakery products: all types of bread, cookies, muffins, pizza
  • Flour products: pasta, dumplings, dumplings, cakes, dishes breaded with flour or breadcrumbs
  • Cereals, cereals, cereals: porridge (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, pearl barley, etc.), muesli, corn, flakes.
  • Tomato paste, soy sauce, ketchups, sweet sauces, sauces based on flour or starch.
  • Vegetables rich in starch or sugar: potatoes, carrots, beets
  • Fruits and berries - most fruits and berries are prohibited: grapes, bananas, pineapples, oranges, strawberries.
  • Kefir. Popular in many diets (and usually not very popular with those losing weight), kefir is a product that is very poorly suited to the Atkins diet. Kefir contains about 4 g. lactose (milk sugar) per 100 g, so 2 cups of kefir, 250 g each. per day will completely exhaust your norm of 20 grams. carbohydrates on induction - that is, you will not be able to eat a salad even on this day without exceeding the limit.

Induction phase:

The main phase of the Atkins diet is 14 days, during which dietary restrictions must be strictly followed. Daily carbohydrate intake should not exceed 20 grams. in a day. You don't have to follow any restrictions on calories or the amount of food you eat, but you should only eat when you're hungry and stop eating when you're full, rather than eating until your stomach hurts.

First phase rules:

  • eating 3 times a day or 4-5 times in smaller portions, the time interval between meals is no more than 6 hours;
  • liberal combination of proteins and fats;
  • taking no more than 20 g of carbohydrates per day;
  • exclude bread, flour products, vegetables rich in starch, as well as nuts and seeds from the diet - during the first 2 weeks of the program;
  • reduce the amount of food you eat until you feel satisfied rather than full;
  • Avoid eating foods and drinks containing aspartame and caffeine, which can lower blood glucose levels;
  • take at least 8 glasses of water per day. for constipation, take more plant foods and dietary supplements containing fiber.

Acceptable food during the induction phase:

  • Fish: salmon, herring, sardine, trout, flounder.
  • Poultry: chicken, turkey, duck, goose, pheasant, quail.
  • Shellfish: oysters, shells, crabs, shrimp, lobsters.
  • Meat: beef, pork, veal, venison, lamb.
  • Eggs: hard-boiled, soft-boiled, scrambled eggs, fried eggs.
  • Cheeses: cheddar; goat, lamb or beef cheese; processed cheeses; gouda; Swiss cheese; Roquefort and other blue cheeses containing mold; fibrous cheeses.
  • Vegetables for salad: no more than 2-3 cups per day - alfalfa, celery, chicory, cucumbers, escarole lettuce, endive lettuce, watercress, dill, parsley, radish, sorrel, bell pepper, mushrooms.
  • It is also acceptable to consume other vegetables containing slightly higher amounts of carbohydrates: artichokes, asparagus, green legumes, beet greens, spinach, celery, dandelion, leeks, onions, pumpkin, okra, eggplant, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, curly cabbage, kohlrabi cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, turnips.
  • Seasonings: basil, red capsicum, dill, garlic, black pepper, ginger, rosemary, thyme. Adding sugar is not allowed. Salads can be dressed with vegetable oil, vinegar, lemon juice, herbs and spices, but without adding sugar; no more than two items, one tablespoon each.
  • Fats and oils: soybean oil, grape oil, sesame oil and sunflower oil.
  • Liquid foods: broths, soda, coffee and tea - with reduced caffeine content; herbal tea, lemon juice, plain and spring water.

The second phase of Dr. Atkins' program is the continued weight loss phase.

The phase that makes the Atkins program so desirable and unique for everyone.

Second phase rules:

  • continue to burn your own fats, continue to lose weight;
  • continue to control your appetite, especially cravings;
  • continue to monitor your carbohydrate intake;
  • allow yourself more variety in food;
  • continue to consume those carbohydrates that contain the most nutrients;
  • slow down weight loss based on increased physical activity (slightly increase the level of carbohydrate consumption, taking into account the increased energy expenditure with an increase in the volume of physical activity).

By following phase two of the Atkins diet, you increase your carbohydrate intake by 5 grams each week while your weight continues to decrease. Once, at a certain level of carbohydrate intake, your weight stops falling. The amount of carbohydrates consumed exceeding this value leads either to weight stabilization or to its increase. This is the critical level of carbohydrate consumption for weight loss.

This level of carbohydrate intake also reflects the level of metabolic resistance during the continued weight loss phase, which depends on age, heredity, level of physical activity, hormonal status, nature of medications consumed and other factors.

The higher the resistance and the lower the volume of physical activity, the lower it is. A significant reduction in the critical level of carbohydrate consumption in the second phase of the program - the phase of continued weight loss - creates obstacles to further adherence to the program and contributes to unsatisfactory results.

Products that should be added to the second phase:

  • Vegetables: three-quarters cup of boiled spinach; half a cup of red sweet paprika; one medium tomato; two-thirds cup of boiled broccoli; 8 medium asparagus; one cup of cauliflower; half a cup of chopped onions; half an avocado.
  • Daily Ingredients: 5 ounces homemade fresh cheese; 5 ounces string cheese; half a cup of farm cheese (Fetaki); two-thirds cup of processed cheese; half a cup of heavy cream.
  • Nuts and seeds: walnuts - 14 halves; almonds - 24 pcs.; caria pecan nuts - 31 pcs.; unpeeled sunflower seeds - 3 tablespoons; peeled roasted peanuts - 26 pcs.; 1 ounce cashews - 9 pcs.
  • Fruit: half a cup of blueberries; a quarter cup of raspberries; half a cup of strawberries; three quarters of a cup of melon.
  • Juices: a quarter cup of fresh lemon juice; a quarter cup of lemon juice; half a cup of tomato juice.

After 6 weeks of following the Atkins program, blood tests should be repeated, especially a glucose tolerance test. Those subjective feelings of improved well-being will be reflected in the improvement of all blood parameters. If your weight loss is slow, then increasing your carbohydrate intake should be done more slowly than once a week, about once every 3-4 weeks.

The second phase lasts until you are 5-10 pounds away from your ideal weight. It should last so slowly that the weight loss is almost unnoticeable. Your goal is to slowly increase your carbohydrate intake until your weight loss is less than 1 pound per week.

The third phase of Dr. Atkins' program

In the third phase, your daily carbohydrate intake continually increases by 10g per week. The slower you add new foods and the higher the amount of carbohydrates you consume, the higher your critical carbohydrate intake level will be to maintain a constant weight.

Third phase rules:

  • increase your daily carbohydrate intake by no more than 10 g per week;
  • supplement your diet with other carbohydrates, no more than one per meal;
  • exclude from the diet those new foods that contribute to weight gain; return of physical symptoms lost during the induction phase; increased appetite; lead to addictions; fluid retention in the body;
  • if you have gained weight, return to your previous level of carbohydrate intake;
  • prefer proteins and fats in your diet;
  • Take vitamin and mineral supplements regularly.

Products that should be added to the third phase:

  • Nuts: half a cup of almonds; a quarter cup of cashews; 2 ounces roasted and shelled peanuts; three-quarters cup brown pecans; half a cup of cedar; a quarter cup of pistachios; three quarters of a cup of walnuts; one-third cup of pumpkin seeds; a third of a cup of sesame seeds; 2 ounces sunflower seeds.
  • Vegetables rich in starch: half a cup of carrots; a quarter cup of sweet potatoes; half a cup of split peas; half a cup of plantain; three-quarters cup of beets; a third of a cup of parsnips; half a cup of white potatoes.
  • Legumes: a quarter cup of lentils; a quarter cup of different types of beans.
  • Fruit: half an apple; 12 cherries; 1 peach; 12 grapes; one cup of strawberries; half a grapefruit; three quarters of a cup of melon; 1 kiwi; one cup of watermelon; half a cup of fruit cocktail diluted with water; one plum; a third of a banana; third mango.
  • Cereals: a quarter cup of rice; a quarter cup of oats; a quarter cup of sesame seeds; one piece of white bread; a quarter cup of barley; a quarter cup of spinach.

Remember, anything that increases your appetite reflects destabilization of your blood glucose levels.

Once you reach your goal weight, you will eventually enter the fourth phase of Dr. Atkins' program - the weight maintenance phase.

The fourth phase of the program - maintaining a constant weight

As you approach this phase, maintaining your diet should not be difficult for you. Once they reach this phase of the program, Dr. Atkins' patients report tremendous positive changes in every aspect of their lives. This is not to say that your lifelong way of eating does not require a certain will on your part, you must make sure again and again that only your personal responsibility guarantees your success and good health for many years to come.

It is important that the decisions you make when moving from one phase to another are truly your conscious choice.

Commitment to following the phase of maintaining a constant weight will allow you to:

  1. provide yourself with a proper diet that will keep you slim for life;
  2. Maximize your intake of healthy, nutrient-dense carbohydrates while allowing your weight to fluctuate within 3-5 pounds of your goal weight.
  3. prevent consumption of foods that adversely affect your health;
  4. learn to control weight, returning to previous phases of the program if necessary;
  5. learn to control biochemical parameters of blood, blood pressure, taking the necessary dietary supplements;
  6. reduce risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and other metabolic diseases;
  7. feel energetic and healthy throughout your life.

Rules for the fourth phase:

  • strictly adhere to your critical level of carbohydrate intake to maintain a constant weight;
  • exercise regularly;
  • take dietary supplements, vitamins, minerals necessary in each modified lifestyle;
  • strengthen anti-addiction strategies;
  • Do not allow yourself to gain more than 5 pounds from your ideal weight.

Dr. Atkins' diet is universal for both adults and overweight children; by teaching them to eat properly, you prevent the risk of hypertension, diabetes, disorders of sexual development and other metabolic disorders. It should also be noted that with age, the rate of metabolic processes in the body decreases, which makes it difficult to remain slim and graceful in adulthood and old age, as in young years.

It has been observed that weight gain in healthy people occurs every five years of life. By following the rules of the Atkins diet, changing not only the quantity, but also the quality of food consumed, you will be protected from many negative phenomena that accumulate in the body with age.

  • In 2003, a sensation was published in the American media: it turns out that Robert Atkins, who died at the age of 72 due to the consequences of a head injury received in a fall on the threshold of his office in New York, suffered from severe obesity and had very unhealthy coronary heart disease. vessels. Although for 36 years of his life, Atkins strictly adhered to the diet he invented.