What is chauvinism in the modern world and what types of it exist? What is chauvinism and who are chauvinists (briefly and clearly) Male chauvinist

Male chauvinism - what is it? And this is nothing more than:
1) A man is always right, a woman is never right, because, you see, her logic is built on feelings, not reason (then what to do with Tomiris, Joan of Arc, Elizabeth Taylor, Margaret Thatcher, Madeleine Albright). What they did and are doing is beyond the capabilities of many men.
2) What a man is entitled to, a woman is not entitled to (here I am not considering hygiene, clothing, etc.), here we are talking about statuses and powers, about opportunities (for example, politics is not a woman’s business)
3) What a man-the-law said to a woman, regardless of her feelings, thoughts, positions and worldview.
4) A woman should not object to a man in his thoughts and deeds (then what about objectivity, truth, the golden mean).
5) Male chauvinism found a clear expression in Islam, where women are not considered equal to men (not to be confused with modernized Islam), where women seem to have a place as an equal. Then what about the fact that the Koran contains all the truths that are unchanged, and suddenly modernized.
It’s amazing, the Koran enslaves the rights of women, mothers, wives, daughters, and women revere it, where is the logic, where is the reason? (here male chauvinism would have straightened its shoulders, but that was not the case, because the Koran is based on male logic, or would anyone dare to say that it was written by a woman or a female team). Men base their logic on the fact that God first created a man, and then, so that he would not be bored, created a woman for his amusement and comfort - this is where the prejudice dances that a woman should play the role of a universal toy, and not an equal by being. But the men refer to Allah that He decided so. To Allah, who writes the destinies of people on their foreheads. And then, when people kill someone (which means this is what Allah wants), Allah, after their death, asks them for their actions and punishes them terribly. And it turns out that Allah punishes for what he himself wrote on a person’s forehead. Where is the logic, where is the reason? And to this God we believe in the truth that a woman should please and console a man (yes, brothers and from Allah, this smacks of Male Chauvinism).
Our equality is obvious, there is no need to run away from the reality and essence of Being, and there is no need to use equality in dirty political and religious games.
After all, if you look at it, male chauvinism is not an element inherent in humanity, but rather developed by stupid people who call themselves “religious.” If you analyze the religious books, the Bible and the Koran, you can see which way the wind blows. The fact is that God first created man - this is the first sign; He created woman later not from an equal mixture and part of Adam - from a rib - the second sign. He created a woman so that Adam would not be bored, so that she would entertain him (which is what is observed today in relation to a woman, they are used as they please - prostitution, rape), because God could not make a mistake - this is the third sign. It was not Adam who committed the sin by plucking the fruit from the “tree of knowledge,” but the same poor woman—the fourth sign. Have you ever heard of a woman being a prophet? What do you!!! How can a dirty creature be allowed into a holy task? This is work only for men - the fifth sign. In churches there is the concept of “Father”, but where is “Mother”? - sixth sign. Here you can give and give examples, but what is the conclusion from all this? But the whole point is that as faith has become ingrained in our consciousness, male chauvinism has become ingrained with it. And until we give up blind faith in anyone, there will be a distorted understanding of the position and role of women in society. And in general, how can we believe in anyone if we don’t believe and don’t know ourselves.
So this is the whole paradox, as long as we believe in someone, we ourselves will remain in the background, we who call ourselves the smartest on Earth.
I have always been amazed by the fact that a man would do if a woman had not given birth to him, fed him, and raised him. Here it would be interesting to delve into the history of religion. Ancient people had female Goddesses. All life and fertility were associated with the feminine principle. And now all the Gods are men, how can they create without the feminine principle? And I wonder, if in human consciousness the masculine principle dominates, which is not in harmony with the feminine, then does such humanity evolve or degrade? In my opinion, the existence of male chauvinism is a complete regression, although with the possibility of a return if we reconsider religions and clean up the mentality.
Then a woman will think about her position in this life and loudly declare her capabilities, views, thoughts, positions (in sociology this clearly happens in the form of feminist theories), then the world will be kinder and brighter.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. This word is heard from the lips of public people; discussions on socio-political topics are rarely complete without it.

The meaning of the word "chauvinism" many understand vaguely, associating it with nationalist sentiments. Meanwhile, this is a fairly broad concept that relates to many areas of life and sometimes touches on the delicate aspects of human existence.

Therefore, it is important to understand what chauvinism is: this knowledge will protect you from getting into an unpleasant situation.

The term is borrowed from Hugo's language, "chauvinisme" translates as " ideology"(French). Here, based on the conviction of the superiority of some peoples over others and generating hostility towards “outsiders”.

To put it briefly and clearly, chauvinism is an ideology, based on the logical chain “not like that means alien; a stranger is a stranger; a stranger means an enemy.”

Speaking in drier language, it would be possible to give the following definition of this term:

The origin of the concept in question is associated with Nicolas Chauvin, a soldier in the army of Napoleon Bonaparte. He took part in the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars, survived wounds and poverty, but always remained a loyal supporter of Bonaparte's policies. This collective semi-mythical character became a symbol of boundless devotion to the homeland and the emperor.

Initially, the image of Chauvin carried attractive and somewhat comical features, demonstrating a fighting spirit and fanatical devotion. It was used as a basis for the plots of theatrical productions, as an instrument of state propaganda. Nicolas Chauvin became a kind of Vasily Terkin, only in the French manner.

After World War I, the patriotic hero lost its “strategic significance,” but the word “chauvinism” stuck in a modified sense.

In the “native” French interpretation, it is perceived as, taken to the point of absurdity, devotion to the homeland and people, which, due to excessive ardor breeds aggression and intolerance.

In the Russian interpretation, the designation “leavened patriotism” was coined for this phenomenon, but chauvinism here is understood as something else.

According to Soviet-era dictionaries, chauvinism is aggressive, extreme.

Modern editions give a broader definition.

The legacy of Nicolas Chauvin is interpreted as extreme form of intolerance, active rejection, when one group of people, formed according to some principle, positions itself “better” than another (or everyone else).

Chauvinist - who is he?

Since the surname of the devoted French soldier became a household name, adherents of something, who at the same time are irreconcilable opponents of everything else, began to be called chauvinists.

In the modern sense a chauvinist is a person, supporting ideas of absolute superiority that can be projected into different areas of life.

Here typical features, helping to compose his portrait.

A chauvinist is a person who is different radical worldview and showing a heightened position in any area. He sharply contrasts the interests of his group with the interests of all other groups.

Types of chauvinism

The concept in question turned out to be so viable that it began to denote phenomena that have nothing to do with manifestations of nationalism.

National-state chauvinism

“Classics of the genre”, about the “chosenness of God” of one’s race, country, people, who are the best and the only full-fledged ones.

Close, in essence, is religious chauvinism, which preaches the superiority of one religion or another.

To denote the dominant attitude of the imperialist powers towards other peoples in history, the expression “ great power chauvinism" During the Soviet era, it turned into a negatively colored ideological cliché and was part of loud political slogans.

Gender chauvinism (usually male)

This worldview is based on natural differences between men and women, which give rise to inequality in the political, everyday, social, and economic spheres.

It is “fueled” by gender stereotypes. For example, even in early childhood, girls are instructed to play with dishes, and boys - with cars.

It is generally accepted that women are humanitarians, focused on “helping” professions (nurse, teacher), cleaning and laundry, while men are powerful “techies,” athletes, politicians, one of whose vocations is to command women.

  1. Machismo is based on the opinion of a woman as a being of a lower order, of her sinfulness and irrationality, and of the rightness of the stronger sex in any situation. A man's word is law, and what is permissible to him is not permissible to a woman.
  2. Female chauvinism- tendency to treat men with a sense of superiority. Everything feminine is assigned the meaning of the highest, chosen, and representatives of the opposite sex appear in the role of stupid subjects, capable of dying of hunger next to a crowded refrigerator and always losing their socks.

To understand the essence of the phenomenon called “gender chauvinism”, what it is and how it manifests itself, it is enough to recall a well-known joke:

"Nobody except us"

These words became the motto of the so-called airborne chauvinism - reverence for the Airborne Forces as an elite branch of the military. It is associated with the name of General Vasily Margelov, who believed that these servicemen should become the country's military elite.

The development of airborne chauvinism was facilitated by the relative small number and isolation of the Airborne Forces from other branches of the military, the special selection of contingents, the aura of romance, and elements of increased risk.

This phenomenon can manifest itself in a contemptuous attitude towards other branches of the military and be the reason for the hostility of other military personnel towards paratroopers. There are known episodes of conflicts involving the use of physical strength on this basis (for example, in the combat zone during the Afghan war).

Many veterans and active officers of the Airborne Forces are characterized by the so-called “healthy airborne chauvinism,” which implies the brotherhood of paratroopers, perseverance and readiness to carry out orders even at the cost of their own lives, while excluding any arrogance. It is an integral part of the psychological training of soldiers from the first days of service.

There is an opinion that it was airborne chauvinism that made it possible to maintain the combat effectiveness and integrity of the Airborne Forces in the “dashing” 90s.

Social and everyday chauvinism

Intellectual chauvinist classifies as “subhuman” all people without higher education, who do not speak a certain number of foreign languages, etc.

A similar thing occurs in professional sphere when someone considers his activity to be the most important, believing that if it did not exist, it would be complete. It is noteworthy that such a person can occupy any position, from professor to cleaner.

A special story is everyday chauvinism, the “carriers” of which do not consider full-fledged people who have not served in the army, have not been in prison, have not tried alcohol, drugs... the list is very extensive.

A little fantasy

All terrestrial life forms are carbon-based because they have this chemical element as their fundamental basis. Therefore, the opinion has spread that extraterrestrial life forms (if they exist, of course) will also be carbon-based.

This position, at the instigation of the American astrophysicist Carl Sagan, began to be called carbon chauvinism.

The assumption that alien life is necessarily similar to earthly life is being criticized today. There is an opinion that life can originate, for example, on a silicon basis.

Astrophysicist Stinger suggested that living beings do not necessarily have to consist of molecules; to think so is molecular chauvinism. A conditional list of creatures was invented that could theoretically exist in conditions far from earthly ones. It included plasmoids, thermophages, water sparrows, etc.

Anthropocentrism as a manifestation of chauvinism is common in films, books, and games where the plot involves people encountering aliens. Humanity appears as obviously best form life.

When aliens dissect people and use weapons against them, they are evil, and earthlings, committing similar acts, are fighting for survival or independence. This attitude extends to cyborgs and artificial intelligence.


Chauvinism, regardless of the sphere of manifestation, is based on the suppression of some by others, on the infringement of rights and interests.

It creates discord and enmity: between Russians and non-Russians, men and women, physicists and lyricists, earthlings and aliens. Such, but it is destructive for life.

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No matter how much we talk about equality, the statistics are inexorable. Women earn less than men, even if they do exactly the same work. The difference in men's and women's salaries in Russia is significant. On average it is about 30%. True, for the sake of fairness it should be said that ladies do not receive less everywhere. For example, in the education sector, salaries for men and women are almost the same.

This situation is typical not only for our country. Even in Europe, where equality is strictly enforced, women receive less. And although the difference is not as great as in our country, however, it is still very noticeable and amounts to almost 19%. At the same time, Western sociologists have calculated that women mostly work better than men Moreover, they are more educated.

Despite the fact that gender discrimination is prohibited by law, HR managers do not hide the fact that they offer women obviously lower salaries than men. In this way, they allegedly justify their risks - an employee can go on maternity leave or spend a long time on sick leave with a child. However, this does not mean that bosses do not like to hire women. It turns out that it is easier for ladies to find work. The unemployment rate among women is lower than among men. Why is this happening? Sociologists and psychologists offer several explanations. Women tend to rate themselves more modestly than men. Their salary expectations are lower, so they accept salaries that men simply reject. In addition, often representatives of the fair sex simply cannot afford to remain unemployed for a long time, because single women bear the responsibility of caring for children and elderly relatives. Therefore, ladies do not have the opportunity to spend a long time looking through vacancies in search of their dream job and agree to work where there is space.

Who's at the helm?

Leadership positions have traditionally been considered a male domain. However, gradually the ladies began to crowd out the gentlemen in positions of authority. Moreover, in some countries special quotas are allocated for women. For example, in Finland, Norway, Denmark, Estonia, Greece and Sweden, managers of enterprises (both public and private) are legally required to hire a certain number of women. Their share in the company's staff must be at least 40%.

However, even though quotas exist, there are still fewer women managers than men. The most striking example is politics. Only in the Scandinavian countries about half of the parliament members are women - 41.6%. In the rest of Europe and the USA - only 19%. In Russia it is even less – 14%.

At the same time, psychologists and HR managers unanimously insist that the fair half of humanity copes with leadership work no worse than the stronger half. It's just that women's management style is different from men's.

According to research, women are more democratic leaders than men; they are better at establishing good relationships in teams. Business women are more likely to praise and financially reward their subordinates, while men are more prone to criticism. In addition, despite their emotionality, women are better able to withstand long-term stress and are not inclined to “treat their nerves” with alcohol. According to psychologists, women make good mentors and are able to interest their subordinates in their studies. And only where an authoritarian management style is necessary do men cope better. So ladies should not be afraid of bosses at all.

If you are being harassed

As a rule, discrimination against women based on gender is common only in teams where mostly men work. After all, if the number of employees of both sexes is approximately the same, the chauvinist simply cannot survive. But if you find yourself alone among men, this does not mean that you can forget about good relationships at work. It is quite possible to make friends with colleagues if you behave correctly.

  • Eliminate even the slightest hint of flirting from your behavior. You may be able to win the favor of your male colleagues through coquetry, but you will have to forget about respect on their part.
  • Try not to shirk your work and make fewer mistakes. Professionals are respected regardless of their gender.
  • Dress in business casual. By the way, men consider a woman more decisive, ambitious and businesslike if her wardrobe has at least one masculine item - a tie, shirt or watch, stylized as men's.
  • Sit with your back straight. Slouching and drooping shoulders are subconsciously perceived by people as weakness.
  • Don't be afraid of men. If you show your fear or embarrassment, you increase the risk of attacks.
  • Don't show emotion. Even if you were offended, try to hold back your tears or scream.

Personal opinion

Yulia Shilova:

— I believe that we have discrimination, and whether it is male or female depends on the place where the person works. I quite often see this picture on airplanes: young people, flight attendants, walk around with trays, hand out drinks, and passengers grumble: “It’s a shame, healthy foreheads, men walk around with a tray!” And our women are oppressed in places where there are many men. Leaders are especially oppressed - men do not like being bossed around by a woman.

Our contemporaries often use “chauvinism” as a synonym for the words “nationalism” and “patriotism”. Are they wrong? We will answer this question by telling where this term comes from and what it means.

Chauvinism: definition and concept

Chauvinism is a worldview based on the identification of an exclusive, that is, the main, nation, whose interests are placed above other ethnic groups. Chauvinism underlies the idea of ​​colonization, when the dominant nation enslaved and exploited other peoples, opposing itself to them and putting its interests above others.

Let us recall the colonial policy of England, as a result of which the largest state in the entire history of mankind was formed - the British Empire, which had colonies on all continents. The subjugation of peoples whom the British considered to be at a lower stage of development - Hindus, Algerians, Indians, etc. - is a manifestation of chauvinism. Moreover, in this case, there was great-power chauvinism, as a result of which one nation deprived other peoples of the right to state sovereignty.

At the end of the 19th century, the ambitions of the British to dominate the continent caused a resurgence of chauvinistic sentiments. Extreme English chauvinism, present since then in British politics and society, was called jingoism, from the word “jingo” - this is the nickname people gave to ardent champions of the idea of ​​​​the superiority of the British nation.

History of the term

The concept of chauvinism came to us from the French language. Researching the origins of the word, scientists came to the conclusion that the term was based on the surname of the 19th century vaudeville hero, Bonaparte army soldier Nicolas Chauvin. Historians cannot find documentary evidence of the existence of this person; he is known only from literary works. Writers of that time claimed that their character was based on a real person who was devoted to Napoleon to the point of fanaticism and zealously supported the idea of ​​imperial nationalism.

Being a volunteer and joining the French army at the age of 18, Chauvin received seventeen wounds and only a 200-franc pension, which, however, did not shake the soldier’s devotion to his emperor. Chauvin's blind admiration for Napoleon began to be called chauvinism. Later, the semantics of the term underwent changes, acquiring a modern meaning: today this is the name for national swagger and superiority.

Nationalism and chauvinism: what is the difference?

Chauvinism is an example of extreme nationalism. Let's look at the differences between these concepts in practice. Residents of Scotland, part of the United Kingdom, have been fighting for sovereignty for centuries, defending their nation's right to self-determination. Here is an example of the manifestation of nationalism. But the actions of the British, who considered themselves the dominant nation and asserted themselves through discrimination against the rights of the peoples of Scotland and Ireland, can be regarded as chauvinism.

In other words, nationalism presupposes the desire of a nation to protect its sovereignty, cultural and spiritual heritage. Chauvinism is aggressive national dominance achieved by infringing on the rights and freedoms of other peoples.

Great Russian chauvinism

Great Russian chauvinism, also called great-power chauvinism, existed in Russian Empire, and in the Soviet Union, its manifestations remained in Russian Federation. During the monarchical rule in Russia, the leading role was played by the Russian nation: the main financial flows flowed into Central Russia; the countries that were part of the empire were, in fact, its appendages that did not have the right to vote.

In the Soviet Union, Russian chauvinism was opposed to internationalism. However, only in words. In fact, the ideologists of socialism elevated the Russian people to the rank of “big brother,” thereby assigning them a leading role in the life of the state and leaving other nationalities to stand a step lower.

Russian chauvinism still exists today. Nowadays, this ideology has been adopted by many public organizations and political parties. Among them are skinheads, the Order of Great Russia, the Russian National Patriotic Movement, the National Socialist Initiative, the Russian National Unity, and the People's National Party.

Gender chauvinism

Gender chauvinism, also called sexism, is a worldview built on the principle of discrimination based on gender. This type of chauvinism has nothing to do with politics, but is no less relevant than national chauvinism.


A chauvinist man emphasizes his superiority over a woman through his actions and behavior.

  1. A woman is assigned the role of a housewife, whose responsibilities include serving her husband and raising children. The rule applies: “A woman’s word is not given.”
  2. Adultery is the norm for a man, but having lovers for a woman is condemned.
  3. A man must dominate in everything: occupy leadership positions, determine the fate of the state, have the final say in the family. A woman is content with the role of a subordinate, she is paid less, even if she occupies a position equivalent to a man, and in government bodies there are only a few representatives of the weak half of humanity.

In contrast to male chauvinism, feminism arose - a movement for equal rights for women and men. However, besides it, there is another phenomenon of sexism - female chauvinism.

Female chauvinism

Men claim that their rights are also infringed, and women in some cases are in a more advantageous position compared to the stronger sex. The descendants of Adam see discrimination of their rights in:

  • different retirement ages. Women have the right to retire earlier, and men want the same;
  • the need to serve in the conscript army. Why should the defense of the Motherland be only our responsibility, the great-great-great-grandchildren of Russian heroes ask;
  • the right of women to individually decide whether to have an abortion or not;
  • established lower standards of physical activity for women, especially pregnant women. Why to the expectant mother not working on equal terms with a male colleague? Or maybe men with beer bellies weighing 15 kg should be switched to shorter working hours?
  • the need to remove hats when women remain in scarves and hats. For example, in church, theater, during the performance of the anthem.

Chauvinism, regardless of the sphere of manifestation, is a negative phenomenon, generated by the eternal desire of man to suppress and rule, but this way one can come to third world war. Therefore, you need to be wiser, not following your desires and ambitions, but making decisions that your descendants will not have to pay for.

Does Russian chauvinism exist today? Watch the Russian President’s opinion in the video:

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