Antoine de Saint Exupery is a very short biography. Antoine de Saint-Exupery - biography, information, personal life. “You only have to grow up, and the merciful god leaves you to your fate”

Antoine Marie Jean-Baptiste Roger de Saint-Exupery is a famous French writer, poet and professional pilot, essayist. Read the biography of Antoine Exupery below.

Writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery was born in the city of Lyon, France, in a noble family (count). He lost his father very early - at the age of four. That is why all the upbringing fell on the shoulders of the mother. In Le Mans, Exupery graduated from the Jesuit school, and then continued his studies at a Catholic boarding school in Switzerland. In 1917, Antoine entered the School of Fine Arts, in Paris, at the Faculty of Architecture.

In 1921, he was drafted into the army, and he was sent to pilot courses - this year was a turning point in the biography of Antoine Exupery. Literally a year later, Exupery received a pilot's license and decided to go to live in Paris - where he began to create. But, unfortunately, at first Antoine did not achieve serious success in writing, and he had to earn his living in a different way - he sold cars, traded in a bookstore. And only in 1925, the Aeropostal company offered Exupery to become a full-time pilot to deliver mail packages to Africa. In 1927, two years later, he received the appointment of the head of Cap Juby airport on the very edge of the Sahara, and it was at that moment that Antoine finally felt and experienced what was later reflected in literary biography Antoine Exupery.

In 1929, Exupery became head of the airline branch where he worked in Buenos Aires, and in 1931 returned to Europe, where he again flew on postal lines, was also a test pilot, and from the mid-1930s. acted as a journalist, in particular, in 1935 he visited Moscow as a correspondent and described this visit in five interesting essays. He also went to war in Spain as a correspondent. At the beginning of World War II, Saint-Exupery made several sorties and was presented with the Military Cross (Fr. Croix de Guerre) award. In June 1941, he moved to his sister in a zone not occupied by the Nazis, and later moved to the USA. He lived in New York, where, among other things, he wrote his most famous book, The Little Prince (1942, published 1943). In 1943 he returned to the French Air Force and took part in the campaign in North Africa.

On July 31, 1944, he left the Borgo airfield on the island of Corsica on a reconnaissance flight - and did not return. For a long time in the biography of Antoine Exupery, nothing was known about his death. And only in 1998, in the sea near Marseille, one fisherman discovered a bracelet. It had several inscriptions: "Antoine", "Consuelo" (that was the name of the pilot's wife) and "c/o Reynal & Hitchcock, 386, 4th Ave. NYC USA. This was the address of the publishing house where Saint-Exupery's books were published. In May 2000, diver Luc Vanrel testified that at a depth of 70 meters he found the wreckage of an aircraft, possibly belonging to Saint-Exupery. The remains of the aircraft were scattered over a strip a kilometer long and 400 meters wide. Almost immediately, the French government banned any searches in the area. Permission was received only in the fall of 2003. Specialists raised fragments of the aircraft. One of them turned out to be part of the cockpit, the serial number of the aircraft was preserved: 2734-L. According to the American military archives, scientists compared all the numbers of aircraft that disappeared during this period. So, it turned out that the tail serial number 2734-L corresponds to the aircraft, which was listed in the US Air Force under the number 42-68223, that is, the Lockheed P-38 Lightning aircraft, a modification of the F-4 (long-range photographic reconnaissance aircraft), which was flown by Exupery.

In the journals of the German Air Force, there are no records of any aircraft shot down in that area on July 31, 1944, and there are no obvious traces of shelling directly on the wreckage of the aircraft. This caused a lot of conjectures and hypotheses about the crash of Exupery's plane, including the version of technical problems and even the pilot's suicide. In 2008, the press wrote that a German Luftwaffe veteran, 88-year-old Horst Rippert, said that it was he who shot down Antoine Saint-Exupery's plane. According to him, Horst did not know who exactly was at the controls of the enemy aircraft: "I did not see the pilot, only later I found out that it was Saint-Exupery." These data were received on the same days from the radio interception of the conversations of French airfields, which were carried out by German troops.

If you have already read Antoine Exupery's biography, you can rate the writer at the top of the page. In addition, you can get acquainted with apt quotes from the book "The Little Prince".

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Childhood, adolescence, youth

Antoine de Saint-Exupery was born in the French city of Lyon, descended from an old provincial noble family, and was the third of five children of Viscount Jean de Saint-Exupery and his wife Marie de Foncolombe. At the age of four, he lost his father. The upbringing of little Antoine was carried out by his mother.

Here he writes his first work - "Southern Postal".

Soon, Saint-Exupery becomes the owner of his own aircraft C.630 "Simun" and on December 29, 1935, he makes an attempt to set a record for the flight Paris - Saigon, but crashes in the Libyan desert, again narrowly avoiding death. On the first of January, he and the mechanic Prevost, who were dying of thirst, were rescued by the Bedouins.

Saint-Exupery made several sorties on the Block-174 aircraft, performing aerial reconnaissance missions, and was presented with the Military Cross award (fr. Croix de Guerre) . In June 1941, after the defeat of France, he moved to his sister in the unoccupied part of the country, and later left for the United States. He lived in New York, where, among other things, he wrote his most famous book, The Little Prince (1942, publ. 1943). In 1943, he joined the Fighting France Air Force and with great difficulty achieved his enrollment in a combat unit. He had to master the piloting of the new high-speed Lightning R-38 aircraft.

Saint-Exupéry in the cockpit of the Lightning

“I have a funny craft for my age. The next person behind me is six years younger than me. But, of course, my current life - breakfast at six in the morning, a dining room, a tent or a whitewashed room, flying at an altitude of ten thousand meters in a world forbidden to humans - I prefer unbearable Algerian idleness ... ... I chose work for maximum wear and tear and, since it is necessary always squeeze yourself to the end, no longer back down. I only wish this vile war would be over before I melt like a candle in a stream of oxygen. I have something to do after it"(from a letter to Jean Pélissier 9-10 July 1944).

According to press publications from March 2008, the German Luftwaffe veteran, 88-year-old Horst Rippert, pilot of the Jagdgruppe 200 squadron, stated that it was he who shot down Antoine de Saint-Exupery's plane on his Messerschmitt Me-109 fighter. According to his statements, he did not know who was at the controls of the enemy aircraft:

The fact that Saint-Exupéry was the pilot of the downed plane became known to the Germans on the same days from the radio interception of the conversations of French airfields, which were carried out by German troops. The absence of relevant entries in the Luftwaffe logs is due to the fact that, apart from Horst Rippert, there were no other witnesses to the air battle, and this aircraft was not officially counted as shot down to him.


Major works

  • Courrier Sud. Editions Gallimard, 1929. English: Southern Mail. Southern postal. (Option: "Mail - to the South"). Novel. Translations into Russian: Baranovich M. (1960), Isaeva T. (1963), Kuzmin D. (2000)
  • Vol de nuit. Roman. Gallimard, 1931. Préface d'André Gide. English: Night flight. Night flight. Novel. Awards: December 1931, Femina Prize. Translations into Russian: Waxmacher M. (1962)
  • Terre des hommes. Roman. Editions Gallimard, Paris, 1938. English: Wind, Sand, and Stars. Planet of people. (Option: Land of people.) Novel. Awards: 1939 Grand Prize of the French Academy (05/25/1939). 1940 Nation Book award USA. Translations into Russian: Velle G. "Land of people" (1957), Nora Gal "Planet of people" (1963)
  • Pilot de guerre. Recit. Editions Gallimard, 1942. English: Flight to Arras. Reynal & Hitchcock, New York, 1942. Military pilot. Tale. Translations into Russian: Teterevnikova A. (1963)
  • Letter a un otage. Essay. Editions Gallimard, 1943. English: Letter to a Hostage. Hostage letter. Essay. Translations into Russian: Baranovich M. (1960), Grachev R. (1963), Nora Gal (1972)
  • The Little Prince (fr. Le petite prince, English The little prince) (1943). Translated by Nora Gal (1958)
  • Citadelle. Editions Gallimard, 1948. English: The Wisdom of the Sands. Citadel. Translations into Russian: Kozhevnikova M. (1996)

Post-war editions

  • Letters de jeunesse. Editions Gallimard, 1953. Préface de Renée de Saussine. Youth letters.
  • carnets. Editions Gallimard, 1953. Notebooks.
  • Letters a sa mere. Editions Gallimard, 1954. Prologue de Madame de Saint-Exupery. Letters to mother.
  • Un sens à la vie. Editions 1956. Textes inédits recueillis et presentés par Claude Reynal. Give meaning to life. Unpublished texts collected by Claude Reynal.
  • Ecrits de guerre. Preface de Raymond Aron. Editions Gallimard, 1982. Military notes. 1939-1944
  • Memories of some books. Essay. Translations into Russian: Baevskaya E.V.

small works

  • Who are you, soldier? Translations into Russian: Yu. A. Ginzburg
  • Pilot (first story, published April 1, 1926 in the Silver Ship magazine).
  • The moral of necessity. Translations into Russian: Tsyvyan L. M.
  • It is necessary to give meaning to human life. Translations into Russian: Yu. A. Ginzburg
  • Appeal to the Americans. Translations into Russian: Tsyvyan L. M.
  • Pan-Germanism and its propaganda. Translations into Russian: Tsyvyan L. M.
  • Pilot and the elements. Translations into Russian: Grachev R.
  • Message to an American. Translations into Russian: Tsyvyan L. M.
  • A message to young Americans. Translations into Russian: Baevskaya E.V.
  • Foreword to Ann Morrow-Lindberg's The Wind Rises. Translations into Russian: Yu. A. Ginzburg
  • Preface to the issue of the magazine "Document", dedicated to test pilots. Translations into Russian: Yu. A. Ginzburg
  • Crime and Punishment. Article. Translations into Russian: Kuzmin D.
  • In the middle of the night, the voices of enemies echo from the trenches. Translations into Russian: Yu. A. Ginzburg
  • Citadel Themes. Translations into Russian: Baevskaya E.V.
  • France first. Translations into Russian: Baevskaya E.V.
  • The Tale of Tsar Saltan.

Editions in Russian

  • Saint Exupery Antoine de. Southern postal. Night flight. Planet of people. Military pilot. Hostage letter. A little prince. Pilot and the Elements / Entry. Art. M. Gallaya. Artistic G. Klodt. - M.: Artist. lit., 1983. - 447 p. Circulation 300,000 copies.

Literary awards

  • - Femin Prize - for the novel "Night Flight";
  • - Grand Prix du Roman of the French Academy - "Planet of people";
  • 1939 - US National Book Award - "Wind, Sand and Stars" ("Planet of People").

Military awards

In 1939 he was awarded the Military Cross of the French Republic.

Names in honor

  • Lefty.
  • During his entire career as a pilot, Saint-Exupery suffered 15 accidents.
  • During a business trip to the USSR, he flew aboard the ANT-20 Maxim Gorky aircraft.
  • Saint-Exupery mastered the art of card trick.
  • He became the author of several inventions in the field of aviation, for which he received patents.
  • In the dilogy Sky Seekers by Sergei Lukyanenko, the character Antoine Lyonsky appears, combining the profession of a pilot with literary experiments.
  • In Vladislav Krapivin's story "Pilot for Special Assignments" the connection of this work with the fairy tale-parable "The Little Prince" and its author slips.
  • Crashed on an airplane Codron С.630 Simon (registration number 7042, onboard - F-ANRY) during the flight

Antoine de Saint-Exupery is an outstanding French writer of the first half of the 20th century. Coming from an aristocratic family, he managed to break with the bohemian lifestyle of the rich, became a professional pilot and always followed his philosophical convictions.

Saint-Ex said: "A person must come true ... Action saves from death ... fear, from all weaknesses and diseases." And he came true. He came true as a pilot - a professional in his field, as a writer who gave the world immortal works of art, as a person - a bearer of high moral qualities.

During his life, Exupery flew around half the world: he carries mail to Port-Etienne, Dakar, Algeria, works in branches of French airlines in South America and the exotic Sahara, visits Spain and the USSR as a political correspondent. Hour-long flights are conducive to reflection. Everything contrived and experienced Saint-Ex puts on paper. This is how his subtle philosophical prose was created - the novels "Southern Postal", "Night Flight", "Planet of People", "Citadel", the stories "Pilot" and "Military Pilot", numerous essays, articles, reasoning and, of course, not -childishly deep and sad tale "The Little Prince".

Childhood (1900–1917)

“I’m not so sure I lived after my childhood passed”

Antoine De Saint-Exupéry was born on June 22, 1900 in Lyon into an aristocratic family. His mother, Maria de Foncolombe, was a representative of an old Provencal family, and his father, Count Jean de Saint-Exupery, was from an even more ancient Limousin family, whose members were knights of the Holy Grail.

Antoine did not know his father's affection - his parent died when the young Exupery was only four years old. A mother with five young children (Marie Madeleine, Simone, Antoine, François and Gabrielle) is left with a sonorous name, but no means of subsistence. The family is immediately taken under their patronage by wealthy grandmothers, owners of the castles of La Mole and Saint-Maurice de Remance. In the picturesque surroundings of the second, Tonio (Antoine's home nickname) spent a happy childhood.

He fondly recalls the fabulous "upper room" where the children lived. Everyone there had his own corner, furnished in accordance with the tastes of the little owner. From a very young age, Tonio has two passions - invention and writing. So, in college, Antoine shows good results in French literature (still preserved his school essay about the life of the Cylinder and poems).

Young Exupery was prone to reflection, he could think, looking at the sky for a long time. For this feature, he was given the comic nickname "Lunatic", but they called him so behind his back - Tonio was not a timid boy and could stand up for himself with his fists. This explains that in behavior, Exupery always had the lowest score.

At the age of 12, Antoine makes his first flight. At the helm is the famous pilot - Gabriel Wrablewski. Young Exupery in the cockpit. This event is mistakenly considered decisive in choosing a future career, allegedly from the first flight Antoine "fell ill with the sky." In fact, at the age of 12, young Exupery's ideas about the future were more than vague. He was indifferent to the flight - he wrote a poem and safely forgot it.

When Tonio turns 17, his younger brother Francois dies, with whom they were inseparable. The tragic event was a severe shock for the teenager. For the first time, he encounters the harshness of life, from which he has been carefully protected all these years. Thus ends a happy childhood. Tonio turns into Antoine.

Career choice. First steps in literature (1919–1929)

“You only have to grow up, and the merciful god leaves you to your fate”

After graduating from college, Antoine Exupery is faced with his first major choice. He struggles to chart his path in life. Enters the Naval Academy, but fails the exams. Attends the Academy of Arts (architectural department), but having become fed up with the aimless bohemian life, he quits his studies. Finally, in 1921, Antoine enrolled in the Strasbourg Aviation Regiment. He again acts at random, not suspecting that this adventure will become his favorite business of life.

1927 Behind 27-year-old Antoine Saint-Exupery successfully passed exams, the title of civil pilot, dozens of flights, a serious crash, acquaintance with exotic Casablanca and Dakar.

Exupery always felt literary inclinations in himself, but did not take up the pen due to lack of experience. “Before you write,” Saint-Ex said, “one must live.” Seven years of flying experience gives him the moral right to present to the world his first literary work - the novel "Southern Postal", or "Post-South".

In 1929, the independent publishing house of Gaston Gallimard ("Gallimard") publishes the Southern Postal. To the surprise of the author himself, critics greeted his work very warmly, noting a new range of problems raised by the novice writer, a dynamic style, narrative capacity, and the musical rhythm of the author's style.

Having received the position of technical director, a certified pilot Exupery goes overseas to South America.

Consuelo. Other publications. Exupery Correspondent (1930–1939)

“To love is not to look at each other. To love is to look in the same direction.”

The result of the American period in the life of Exupery was the novel "Night Flight" and acquaintance with the future wife of Consuelo Sunsin Sandoval. The expressive Argentinian subsequently became the prototype of Rose from The Little Prince. Life with her was very difficult, sometimes unbearable, but even without Consuelo Exupery could not imagine his existence. "I've never seen," Saint-Ex ironically, "such a small creature make so much noise."

Returning to France, Exupery submits "Night Flight" to print. This time, Antoine is pleased with the work done. The second novel is not a test of the pen of an aspiring immature writer, but a carefully thought-out piece of art. Now they started talking about the writer Exupery. Fame came to him.

Award and film adaptation of the book

For the novel "Night Flight" Exupery was awarded the prestigious literary prize "Femina". In 1933, the United States released the film adaptation of the book of the same name. The project was directed by Clarence Brown.

Saint-Ex continues to fly: it delivers mail from Marseille to Algeria, operates private domestic flights, earns money on its first Simun plane and almost crashes on it, having crashed in the Libyan desert.

All this time, Exupery did not stop writing, showing himself as a talented publicist. In 1935, on the instructions of the Paris-Soir newspaper, a French correspondent visits the USSR. The result of the trip was a series of curious articles about the mysterious power that was behind the Iron Curtain. Europe has traditionally written about the Land of the Soviets in a negative way, but Exupery diligently avoids such categoricalness and tries to figure out how this unusual world lives. Next year, the writer will again try himself in the field of a political correspondent, going to the seized civil war Spain.

In 1938-39, Saint-Ex flew to America, where he worked on his third novel, Planet of the People, which became one of the writer's most biographical works. All the heroes of the novel are real persons, and the central character is Exupery himself.

"The Little Prince" (1940–1943)

“Only the heart is vigilant. You can’t see the most important thing with your eyes”

The world is engulfed in war. The Nazis occupy Paris, more and more countries are drawn into a bloody war. At this time, on the ruins of humanity, a kind, painfully poignant allegory story "The Little Prince" is being created. It was published in 1943 in the USA, so at first the main characters of the work turned to readers in English and only then in the original language (French). Classical Russian translation by Nora Gal. The Soviet reader met The Little Prince in 1959 on the pages of the Moscow magazine.

Today it is one of the most widely read works in the world (the book has been translated into 180 languages), and interest in it continues unabated. Many quotes from the story became aphorisms, and the visual image of the Prince, created by the author himself, became mythologized and became the most recognizable character in world culture.

Last Year (1944)

“And when you are consoled, you will be glad that you once knew me…”

Friends and acquaintances strongly dissuaded Exupery from participating in the war. At this point, his literary talent is no longer in doubt. Everyone is sure that Saint-Ex will bring much more benefit to the country, remaining in the rear. It is likely that the writer-Exupery would have taken such a position, but the pilot-Exupery, the citizen-Exupery, the man-Exupery cannot sit idly by. With great difficulty, he knocks out a place for himself in the French Air Force. On an exceptional basis, Exupery is allowed to fly five times. But by hook or by crook he begs for new tasks.

On July 31, the ninth flight of the military intelligence officer Antoine Exupery took place. Having taken off early in the morning from the Borgo airfield in Corsican, the pilot never returned. He was declared missing.

There are many versions about the death of Saint-Ex: engine failure, shelling by enemy aircraft, even suicide, classic for writers. To date, none of the versions has been definitively substantiated. Half a century later, on the Marseille coast, local fisherman Jean-Claude Bianco found a bracelet. It was engraved with the names of Saint-Exupery and his Rose - Consuelo Sunsin.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery is a writer whose name is known to everyone who is familiar with the book "The Little Prince". The biography of the author of an unforgettable work is full of incredible events and coincidences, because his main activity was related to aviation.

Childhood and youth

The full name of the writer is Antoine Marie Jean-Baptiste Roger de Saint-Exupery. As a child, the boy's name was Tony. He was born on June 29, 1900 in Lyon, in a noble family, and was the 3rd child of 5 children. The head of the family died when little Tony was 4 years old. The family was left without funds and moved to the aunt, who lived in Bellecour Square. Money was sorely lacking, but this was compensated by the friendship between brothers and sisters. Antoine was especially close to his brother Francois.

The mother instilled in the child a love of books and literature, talking about the value of art. Her tender friendship with her son is reminiscent of published letters. Interested in the lessons of his mother, the boy was also fond of technology and chose what he wanted to devote himself to.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery studied at a Christian school in Lyon, and then at a Jesuit school in Montreux. At the age of 14, through the efforts of his mother, he was sent to a Swiss Catholic boarding school. In 1917, Antoine entered the Faculty of Architecture at the Paris School of Fine Arts. A bachelor with a diploma in his hands was preparing to enter the Naval Lyceum, but failed in the competitive selection. A heavy loss for Antoine was the death of his brother from articular rheumatism. He experienced the loss of a loved one, withdrawing into himself.


Antoine dreamed of the sky since childhood. For the first time, he was in flight at the age of 12 thanks to the famous pilot Gabriel Wroblewski, who took him away for fun to the airfield in Amberye. The impressions received by the young man were enough to understand what would become the goal of his whole life.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

1921 changed a lot in Antoine's life. After being drafted into the army, he completed aerobatics courses and became a member of an aviation regiment in Strasbourg. At first, the young man was a non-flying soldier of the workshop at the airfield, but soon became the owner of a civil pilot's certificate. Later, Exupery upgraded his skills to a military pilot.

After completing his officer courses, Antoine flew with the rank of second lieutenant and served in the 34th regiment. After an unsuccessful flight in 1923, Exupery, having received a head injury, left aviation. The pilot settled in Paris and decided to try himself in the literary field. Success did not come. To earn a living, Exupery was forced to sell cars, work in a tile factory, and even sell books.

It soon became clear that Antoine was no longer capable of leading such a lifestyle. He was rescued by a chance acquaintance. In 1926, the young pilot received a position as a mechanic in the Aeroposhtal airline, and later became a pilot of an aircraft delivering mail. During this period of time, "Southern Postal" was written. Following the new increase, another transfer followed. Having become the head of the airport in Cap Juby, located in the Sahara, Antoine took up creativity.

In 1929, a talented specialist was transferred to the position of director of the Aeropostal branch, and Exupery moved to Buenos Aires to lead the entrusted department. It operated regular flights over Casablanca. The company, for the benefit of which the writer worked, soon went bankrupt, so from 1931 Antoine worked again in Europe.

At first he worked on postal airlines, and then began to combine his main job with a parallel direction, becoming a test pilot. On one of the tests, the plane crashed. Exupery survived thanks to the operational work of divers.

The life of the writer was connected with extreme sports, and he was not afraid to take risks. Participating in the development of a high-speed flight project, Antoine acquired an aircraft for operation on the Paris-Saigon line. The ship had an accident in the desert. Exupery survived by chance. He and the mechanic, who were on their last legs from thirst, were saved by the Bedouins.

The worst accident that the writer was in was a plane crash during a flight from New York to the territory of Tierra del Fuego. After him, the pilot was in a coma for several days, having received a head and shoulder injury.

In the 1930s, Antoine became interested in journalism and became a correspondent for the newspaper Paris Soir. In the status of a representative of the Entransition newspaper, Exupery was at war in Spain. He also fought against the Nazis in World War II.


Exupery wrote his first work in college in 1914. They became the fairy tale "Odyssey of the cylinder." The author's talent was appreciated, having awarded 1st place in a literary competition. In 1925, at his cousin's house, Antoine met popular authors and publishers of the time. They were delighted with the talent of the young man and offered cooperation. Already next year, the story "Pilot" was published on the pages of the Silver Ship magazine.

Exupery's works are associated with the sky and aviation. The writer had two vocations, and he shared with the public the perception of the world through the eyes of a pilot. The author talked about his philosophy, which allowed the reader to take a different look at life. That is why Exupery's statements on the pages of his works are now used as quotations.

Being a pilot of the Aeropostal, the pilot did not think of stopping his literary activity. Returning to his native France, he signed a contract with the publishing house of Gaston Gallimard to create and publish 7 novels. Exupery the writer existed in close collaboration with Exupery the pilot.

In 1931, the author received the Femina Prize for Night Flight, and in 1932 a film was made based on the work. The accident in the Libyan desert and the adventures that the pilot experienced while wandering through it, he described in the novel "Land of people" ("Planet of people"). The work was also based on emotions from acquaintance with the Stalinist regime in the Soviet Union.

The novel "Military Pilot" became an autobiographical work. The author was influenced by experiences associated with participation in the Second World War. Banned in France, the book was an incredible success in the United States. Representatives of an American publishing house ordered a fairy tale from Exupery. So the world saw the "Little Prince", accompanied by the author's illustrations. He brought the writer world fame.

Personal life

At the age of 18, Antoine fell in love with Louise Vilmorne. The daughter of wealthy parents did not pay attention to the courtship of an ardent young man. After the plane crash, the girl deleted him from her life. The pilot took the romantic failure as a real tragedy. Unrequited love tormented him. Even fame and success did not change the attitude of Louise, who remained impartial.

Exupery enjoyed the attention of ladies, charming with an attractive appearance and charm, but was in no hurry to build a personal life. The approach to the man was found by Consuelo Sunsin. According to one version, Consuelo and Antoine met in Buenos Aires through a mutual friend. The woman's ex-husband, writer Gomez Carillo, has died. She found solace in an affair with a pilot.

A magnificent wedding took place in 1931. The marriage was not easy. Consuelo constantly rolled scandals. She had a bad character, but the intelligence and education of her wife pleased Antoine. The writer, adoring his wife, endured what was happening.


The death of Antoine de Saint-Exupery was shrouded in a veil of secrecy. During the Second World War, he considered it his duty to uphold the honor of the country. For health reasons, the pilot was assigned to the ground regiment, but Antoine connected the communications and ended up in the flight reconnaissance squad.

On July 31, 1944, he did not return from the flight and was listed as missing. In 1988, near Marseille, they found a writer's bracelet engraved with the name of his wife, and in 2000, parts of the plane he flew. In 2008, it became known that the cause of the writer's death was an attack by a German pilot. The pilot of an enemy aircraft, years later, publicly admitted this. 60 years after the crash, photos from the crash site were published.

The writer's bibliography is small, but it contains a description of a bright and adventurous life. The brave pilot and kind writer of the 20th century lived and died with dignity. Lyon Airport was named in his memory.


  • 1929 - "Southern Postal"
  • 1931 - "Post - to the south"
  • 1938 - "Night Flight"
  • 1938 - Planet of the People
  • 1942 - "Military pilot"
  • 1943 - "Letter to a hostage"
  • 1943 - "The Little Prince"
  • 1948 - "Citadel"

“Too early death is tantamount to robbery: in order to fulfill your life calling, you must live long,” wrote (1900 - 1944) in one of his later articles. The author of The Little Prince and The Citadel seemed to have a premonition of his imminent death.

On July 31, 1944, he went on another combat mission and did not return. For a long time, Exupery was listed as missing. Only half a century after the disappearance, fragments of his plane and personal belongings were found. How much more he could have given to humanity if he had not died on that ill-fated July day...

We have selected 20 great quotes from his books:

Working only for the sake of material goods, we are building a prison for ourselves. And we lock ourselves in loneliness, and all our wealth is dust and ashes, they are powerless to deliver to us what is worth living for. "Planet of Humans"

There are too many people in the world who have not been helped to wake up. "Planet of Humans"

I recognize friendship by the absence of disappointments, true love by the impossibility of being offended. "Citadel"

Words only make it difficult to understand each other. "A little prince"

In man, I love light. I don't care about the thickness of the candle. The flame will tell me if the candle is good. "Citadel"

Freedom exists only for someone who aspires somewhere. "Military pilot"

Demagogy arises when, in the absence of a common measure, the principle of equality degenerates into the principle of identity. "Military pilot"

Order for the sake of order is a mutilation of life. "Citadel"

Vain people are deaf to everything but praise. "A little prince"

It is much harder to judge oneself than others. "A little prince"

Truth is not something that can be proven; it's what makes the world easier. "Meaning of life"

Free a person, and he will want to create. "Citadel"

Salvation lies in taking the first step. "Planet of Humans"

It is impossible to love a woman herself, one can love thanks to her, love with her help. To love thanks to the poems, but not the poems themselves. To love thanks to the landscape opened from the top of the mountain. "Citadel"

You are forever responsible for everyone you have tamed. "A little prince"

You can't make old friends overnight. There is no treasure more precious than so many common memories, so many hard hours experienced together, so many quarrels, reconciliations, emotional outbursts. Such friendship is the fruit of many years. When planting an oak, it is ridiculous to dream that you will soon find shelter in its shade. That's how life works. "Planet of Humans"

You live in your actions, not in your body. You are your actions and there is no other you. "A little prince"

The earth itself knows what kind of grain it needs... "Planet of people"

What is the use of political teachings that promise the flowering of man, if we do not know in advance what kind of person they will raise? Whom will their triumph give birth to? After all, we are not cattle to be fed, and when one poor Pascal appears, this is incomparably more important than the birth of a dozen prosperous nonentities. "Planet of Humans"

When you try to find yourself, you are bound to find emptiness. "Citadel"